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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Well, I just learned after looking at the difference in coloring between NIlah and the video that Dave posted, that Nilah looks quite different. I now see that Yellow Crowned Amazons are not the same as Yellow Naped Amazons...I was told and some research says they are the same. But I just learned they are not! Any info anyone has on the difference would be greatly appreciated. I would love to learn the difference besides coloring. :rolleyes:
  2. Jooles...give it a day or so, it shows up in your profile in the back end. When I did this for Judy, it took a day or so to take effect....it should kick over here soon....
  3. Well everyone......please read my announcement concerning images and photo's, you will find the answer to your questions there...:0 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/announcement.php?f=24
  4. Yea, it does take the smaller dvd's . Thanks for your help!
  5. Okay....GRRRRRRR.............................thanks Dan, I'm just being lazy..........Thanks for the quick and concise instructions. I will set up the camera and try and get Nilah 0n video. One question, I have a dvd recorder, can't I just put the dvd in my dvd drive on my computer and do it that way? I have so many cables and plugs, finding the right one for my camera is an overwhelming task.
  6. Okay Okay Okay.........I got the USB cable part, but putting it in my computer so I can find it again..............well, that's overwhelming to me.....
  7. Awww. Sorry to hear of Kim's accident. Hope your being a good nurse and caretaker! Dan wrote: "It is believed by most, that our parrots are communicating a ton to us and we are missing it." This, I believe is the truest statement, and yet, one that makes me sad...that in our very busy lives. we tend to miss most of these signs.. I believe that our birds are very capable of talking to us and communicating to us via our language. Talon always says, "Thirsty Bird" when she wants a drink, and yes...she is very picky, she prefers juice over water and will say it continually until one of us gets her some juice. Nilah, still calls me, "Bird" and then says in a relieved tone, "Hi Bird..." when she sees me. Talon and Rikki always say "Bye Bye" when I leave.
  8. Dan, a wonderful friend. I admire how you devote yourself to your flock and give them the best possible life. I can always rely on you to give us the latest in research, offer advice or a hug when needed, and to join in the fun! I enjoy seeing Dayo in video, keep them coming! Thanks Dan for all you do to keep us informed and always thinking, "what can we do to better our birds life!" :)

  9. I always look forward to my mornings and seeing what fun Jill has brought to us while I sleep...:) A wonderful person full of life, fun, laughter and joy. Thanks for all you contribute Jill. You are a wonderful person, friend and devoted grey owner. I look forward to the many more posts you grace us with! :cool::cool:

  10. Talon always says, "Be back soon, okay?" When I tell her to step up in the morning after I have showered and am ready to leave for work. She also does it any time I get a "special" noodle treat out of the cupboard, as she knows she only gets this type of noodle when I put her in her play cage which means I am leaving. Rikki, Talon & NIlah (amazon) also say, "Time for nuh nites" and "Wanna go nuh nites" when it gets dark out before bed.
  11. Everyone has given you excellant advice and experienced opinions. There is not much more I can add that others haven't already said, except one thing: Greys can be VERY jealous creatures, especially once they have bonded with that special person in their home, which sounds to me like you would be the chosen one. I know that personally, I would never have been able to handle a grey when my children were that young. My youngest is now 11 and we have had our birds for 4 1/2 years. Best of luck, I am sure you will make the best decision for everyone.
  12. Please take advantage of our many Profile Settings and List your Birthday! It will show up on our Forum page when it is your Birthday, also I am working on setting it up on your posting page under your avatar. You DON"T have to put the year, only the month and day! :rolleyes:
  13. Hmmmm. Not much TV either, but favorites are....24, Prison Break, Lie to Me.....Dr. Phil sometimes..... Love Desperate Housewives!
  14. How exciting!! I remember that first word, it is a feeling that you will get every time your baby says a new word! Congratulations!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  15. Very good topic Jill, and very good advice! One thing missing....'DO YOU HAVE THE PATIENCE & WILL YOU HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR THE LIFETIME THAT YOUR BIRD LIVES?
  16. VERY NICELY PUT!!! Karma +1 for you!
  17. oooohh! Great thread! I can't wait to see all the favorites! I'll post mine later.
  18. Very nice stand!! Your quite clever!
  19. I am ashamed to say...that I just bought a new video camera ( a year ago) and haven't been able to take the time to figure out "How to" get my dvd's on my computer.... Yea, you guys know.................'IT'S ON MY TO-DO LIST.
  20. Ditto to Jayd & Judy. I too, have that mother's instinct, and sometimes feel they long for something unkown. The best that we can do is to LOVE them, CARE for them, Give them as much as a happy life by cherishing them and including them in our lives and family. They deserve no less, but feeling badly or guilty for something that is out of our immediate control regarding our babies does nothing to help the quality of their lives in captivity. Interesting thread, Thanks for starting it. Karma +1
  21. That's correct, the fumes are toxic for their respiratory system. I do use my fireplace, and I burn soy candles on occasion.
  22. I have one grey that had no band (i bought her when she was 8 1/2 weeks) I had one grey who had a band which I had removed due to the various stories I read about birds getting their band caught on something when their owners were at work and horrific injuries resulted. Nilah, my amazon still has her band on, she does chew on it. I will have it removed soon most likely, however, I do have concerns that one day, the government here will come into our homes looking to conviscate birds due to some bird flu or some other reason....they are trying to control every aspect of our living now....and this direction is escalating....thus, how do I prove my birds bands belong to them?
  23. There is no question that all the research and the intelligent scientific studies out there will tell you that African Greys are better talkers and of the highest intelligence. I agree. However, how much research has been done on Amazons? Now where near as much. Yes, As seen here, Dayo has an extensive vocabulary, as does Talon. She far out speaks Rikki. Nilah, my amazon can say even more than Talon, and she uses it in context as does Talon. Tonel quality, greys have that advantage, Nilah speaks in my voice and the various tones that I use, where as my greys will speak in the many tones of our family and mimic the bells, phone, dings, that they hear in their everyday life. As far as sheer volume, Amazons can far out speak many greys. Just search U-tube and you will see they can do more than simple phrases, they can sing entire songs. Nilah does not mimic the sounds of the house as the greys do, but she does speak the sounds of our pets and humans exactly as we hear. This is my opinion, not meant to start a debate, but I am sure that those that own both species will say, that Amazons can be incredible talkers. Just like African Greys, some are incredible talkers, some barely speak if at all. I am certain this is true for Amazons as well. I just want to vocie my opinion, that I feel Amazons can be better talkers than Greys as the case with my flock. This is based on MY experience of having BOTH species, Nilah,a Yellow Naped Amazon, 13 months old, I have had her since she was 6 months old. Talon, a Timneh African Grey, 4 years & 6 months old, I have had her since she was 8 1/2 weeks old. Rikki, a Congo African Grey, 4 years & 4 months, have had her for 3 years.
  24. Isaac is adorable!! What a priceless picture that is. I am happy you shared that with us.
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