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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Not weird at all! My Grey, Rikki, (5 years old) LOVES to cuddle up with me at noght. She wedges her body in between the couch and me, and wants non-stop stroking as she dozes. My amazon, will hook her beek onto my finger and want cuddles also, (she is 2).
  2. My birds love their pinata's. I should buy stock in the company.....
  3. He's adorable! Hats off to you for giving home his forever home!!!
  4. That's greyt news! Glad to hear he is healthy,just a boo boo that will heal, and they do heal quickly.
  5. Nilah likes to use a spoon when she eats. My son put some macaroni & chesse in her spoon. She will hold it, and feed herself. She also has a small glass cup she uses. SHe will hold it and drink juice out of it. Talk about smart!!!!
  6. Glad to see you are having him checked by a vet. Please let us know what you find out.
  7. Do I understand that you don't yet have a grey, and would like one so that they can whistle your favorite songs?
  8. Awwww. How cute! I say stick with the femAles, their less bossy!!!!!
  9. Welcome to our family. I adopted a cag at 2 years of age also a few years ago. Just give her time, she ismmourning the loss of her family, her home, her routine. In time, when she realizes she is safe and you safe and to be trusted, she will s tart to come around. Just talk to her, let her take things her way in baby steps, and she will love and bond to you. I look forward to hearing more.
  10. Hi and welcome to our family. I don't do any training as such with my 3 parrots. Maybe others here can help you better. What kind of training are you looking to do?
  11. Sometimes my birds get something stuck under the top of their beaks, a sticky fruit, or too much peanut butter, or am piece of cotton from a toy. Just a thought, keep a close eye on his weight. It does sound like something may be stuck preventing him from wanting to eat as much. Could it be a nut piece wedged in there? Keep us posted.
  12. My amazon loves this toy,but my 2 greys won't touch it!
  13. Yes, Morana is right in my opinion. I adopted a cag when she was 2(not the same, I know). But she seems more grateful form finally having her forever home after 3 others. They do learn to love and trust. All have their own personalities, so getting a younger vs older bird isn't necessarily better
  14. Awww..... How adorable. He's precious.
  15. Woo Hoo! I am so excited for you. What wonderful news! Can't wait to see pics!
  16. I didn't have a choice when we got our Talon. She was shipped to us by a breeder 1200 miles away. I had seen pics of her, and she was the only one ready for Xmas, which was a gift for my son. My cag was an unseen, adoption. My amazon, was picked out by my kids at the Bird of Paradise store when we went shopping for bird supplies. All 3 are bonded to me. As the others have said, when you show them love, trust, respect, and care, they show you that and then some back!
  17. Hmmmmm. I will look at this again. The photo's work, but I will see about the video's when I get home later today.
  18. Hi Jeff and welcome to our family! I applaud you for doing your research and taking your time. You will be an awesome parront! I have a Romney, female, who prefers men, but she is bonded to my daughter and I. She has a much quieter voice than my cag, also a female, but loves prefers us girls! She is incredibly loud, both her voice and her whistles! My amazon.....well that's a whole other story.....she makes my cag seem quiet.....lol! I look forward to hearing more from you. I am sure you will have lots to share regarding your volunteering. Please join in any and all discussions, you don't need a parrot to contribute!
  19. I'm not sure, but I know my 3 parrots watch the tv and computer screen . They do have their favorite shows!
  20. Did you say RATS???? I hate them. If that's what's in the video, I aint watching!!!!!!
  21. I have tried the cheap washcloths as well, I find the micro fiber cloths will clean up lots more poop than the washcloths.....or I guess I have too many poops from too many birds...
  22. Great update! Sounds like he's fit in with the family.
  23. Love it Shanlung!!!! Talon loves any kind of juice, NIlah snuck a sip of coffee. And loved it, Rikki only likes water.
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