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Everything posted by Talon

  1. From the very beginning, I have kept all 3 of my parrot cages in the same room. Their instinct is to be in a flock, and they seem to be comforted by being together. If I put only 2 in their cages, the other one seems lonely. Keeping them in different parts of the house, you will hear them call for the others and trying to figure out who and what is in the house they can't see or get to. To me, that seems very frustrating. I also feel that the sooner they meet each other, if only from their cages, the better they will be about getting along, after all, they have had some time to safely get acquainted on safe terms. Just my opinion. You will gets lots of them here. .
  2. In MA a cag is $1200-1800. My cag was a rescue from someone who thought she was too noisy after owning her for 5 weeks, after buying her from her previous owner, I paid $650 for her and her cage, toys an accessories.
  3. Hi Inky, I have both a tag and a cag. They are2 months apart, and their differences are pretty text book. My tag is not a phobic as my cag is. There are many differences which I have posted numerous times here. I wil say that these 2 birds are my only experience with a tag and cag.
  4. Oh please, don't worry about what your pics look like. We love all pictures! We don't judge others, we're usually jealous!! I have 5 birds and also work, so I am not able to keep my birds cages spotless every day. Just join. In the fun here and don't be afraid to post pictures.
  5. OMG! I can't wait.....I have the best picture ever!!!! Woo hoo! Got to go find it........
  6. Oh how beautiful! What kind of wire did you use? I have an unfinished room on my deckmi want to make into an aviary.
  7. Talon

    Sick again

    That's greyt news!! I pray it continues.
  8. She sure can be.....but then she is loving and sweet.......I am sure this will pass. Actually, I watched her, she isn't really biting the cat, she is trying to preen her!!!!!!!!!!! The cat doesn't mind at all.........but I SURE DO!!!
  9. There is nothing like owning an Amazon. It's something you will never experience in any other relationship, be it, pets, humans, other birds, etc. It is a life changing appreciation for their species that is very hard to explain to others who own different types of parrots. But if you own an Amazon, well, we all understand exactly what you mean when you are lucky enough to bring one into your home and bond with them. They can give your love back two-fold every day. They show it to you, not in cuddles only, it's the kind look they give you, and the gift they send thru your soul when they look into your eyes on those special moments they give you. There gift of communicating to your inner being without words is indescribable...
  10. Never had that happen!! Actually, they are very good about not going during dinner, they prefer to wait, or fly to the back of an unused chair so it falls on the floor for me to clean up! How thoughtful of them.... I LOVE to have them at the table enjoying dinner with us. They get Breakfast every morning with me, and dinner most times, sometimes they are in their cage tho.
  11. I will make it clear, that my Greys would NEVER stoop so low as to get there little feet dirty by walking on our plate.........but if you own an amazon, you will know, that FOOD is what they live for, and they don't care whose, what, why or how come...it's THEIRS to consume! Standing on your plate or not! I DO keep her off, she is learning and has only done it twice in the last month, so she is getting the idea....slowly.....it used to be all the time!
  12. Talon


    It won't hurt them. I wouldn't worry about it. Don't go overboard on worrying about it, they aren't being fed lots of it on a regular basis.
  13. I have 3 birds that eat dinner with us. I always fix a plate a few minutes ahead of time for my birds. Then when we sit down to eat, I can "offer" them a plate of cooled food. They still head for mine, but they have all been taught what HOT means. I continually tell them, "it's hot!". They my try a small bite, then quickly realize i wasn't lying, and then go off to their own plate. My amazon will think nothing of walking across may plate, standing in my spaghetti, or gravy......it doesn't bother me, but I do make her get off. I'm trying to teach her NOT to stand on our food!
  14. Yup! Sounds like my Nilah for sure! There is nothing she won't devour!!
  15. Sometimes the silliest looking toys are then best! Our birds don't seem to care how they look. Let us know!
  16. So sad, such a difficult post to read, but I thank you for sharing with your family. We love each and every bird like it is our own. You are not alone in your pain. Each and every one of us are feeling it as we read what you went thru. I can hardly type, the tears are following so fast a......... Bless you, you did the right thing and the fact that you ran immediately tom the clinic to be there for Grey speaks volumes about the kind of loving parents you were to Grey. May you one day soon find it in your heart to give that love to another lucky bird.
  17. I am so sorry...there are know words to express my heartfelt sorrow for this news.
  18. I definitely think the H isn't the problem here, she is just turning 2. But she is acting like misbehaved 2 year old, biting anything she can get her little beak on. Getting into every known "NO" items. Biting the dog, attacking the cat, chasing the other birds around and pushing them off their perches!! Ugh!
  19. I don't have ant experiencewiththis, buthashebeen tested for aspergosis?
  20. Never apologize for trying to help another bird owner. The more we get the word out in the bird world, the better chance any bird has of finding their home. Please feel free to help others in this room.
  21. We seem to be experiencing the terrible twos with Nilah, my yellow crowned amazon. I have been thru it with my greys, but it was nothing compared to Nilah! She is into everything, stubborn when the mood strikes her....I have to watch her just like she's a toddler. When it gets quiet, I have to go looking for her because that means she's somewhere she shouldn't be and getting into mischief! Any amazon owners out there going thru the same thing? Nilah will be 2 in less than 2 weeks, but she's been acting like 2 for a little while now.
  22. Yes, this breeder has some explaining to do and perhaps some monetary retribution, however, The bottom line Is, the bird is the one to pay the price and suffer the consequences......
  23. That bird is by no means 8 weeks old. I received my bird at 8 1/2 weeks old. She was fully feathered, weaned, perching, stepping up, etc. Do you have experience with a bird this young? If not, take that bird back to the breeder immediately, before it is too late. We just had another member here who had the same situation as you and the bird starved to death very quickly.
  24. How could you not fall in love with any bird in your home...male or female? Just my opinion.
  25. Well, I have started adding perches to the outside of the cages. The cover does work still, only it sticks out in some places I added some more ceiling boings also. So far, my Amazon is the most excited to show off how she can climb to the top, down again and onto everyones cages! It continues to be a work in progress...
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