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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I would put him in his new cage asap. Let him watch you set it up, add toys, etc. Let him climb all around it while you do. I put all 3 of my birds in their new cages as soon as I set them up, and then made a huge big deal about it as they were in there. Lots of positive attention and fun. Never had a problem doing it like that. Make it a fun project they help with and watch, it will be comfortable for them. They also watched me climbing inside while I set them up, I think that helped also. I also bought the largest cages possible for them. Spoiled they are!
  2. One of my 3 birds has a sleep cage in my bedroom. The other 2 don't and they sleep downstairs. All my birds get covered at night. Their cages are big, so a black sheet only covers the top half. They can go down further in to peek out in the am while they wait for me to get them up. Bedtime is anywhere from 8-9pm depending on our household schedule.
  3. Yes, the more places you have for her to play on, the less likely she will want to be with your hubby. But someti es, they just want to hang out with their favorite person.
  4. Never smoked either. Starting up after 25 years is stupid!!!! Sorry Janet, but we love you and want you here healthy!
  5. I had 2 adult cats when I got my first African grey. Since then, I lost one to a coy dog, and moved leaving the other one with my ex. Since then, I have 3 parrots, and got a kitten. All is well, the cat knows, the birds will come over and try to nibble on his tail or ears, I never allow the birds to be unattended with my cat around. One bite or scratch and th birds would surely die from the poison bacteria that cats emit to their prey.
  6. I buy the packets of oatmeal that Judy talks about. I put a very small tsp.of sugar in the raw in it, cooked with 9.5 alkaline water in the microwave. And that is what I eat for breakfast, this I share with my 3 parrots. Nothing fancy"
  7. Yes, I agree with Acappella, it is too soon to allow him the privilege of your shoulder. He will have to earn that as you bond to him. 3 weeks is very little time to think your going to teach him anything. He is still adapting to his new home, sounds, people, etc. greys are slow in their evaluation process. They are incredibly smart, but cautios and careful. It will take much longer to expect him to lear the final behaviour you are expecting, but by being consistent, he is learning every time you are. As for the biting, he is testing you, and will continue to do so for some time. Wear long sleeves, put him down every time he bites you. But personally, he would only be allowed on my hand until he learns that you are not "his" perch to chew on and bite.
  8. Oh boy, this is always a tough behavior to break, but with patience and consistency, it can be done. I would refrain from the water pistol tho........ When you are about to leave the room, can you use distraction by giving a treat that requires some work, or a special off limit toy perhaps? Ignoring the behavior is the best and will over time work, but it will take a long time. Perhaps the tv for distraction? My birds get very quiet when. The house is quiet, but some birds don't like loud noises and will get quiet, perhaps the tv up loud might work also. When I leave one of my birds, I g et very excited about a distraction toy or treat as I go near them and try and keep it from them, they work to take it away from me and then feel like it's forbidden and concentrate on it as I walk away and tell them I'll be back soon, which they now repeat when I leave. Good luck and keep us posted on what works.
  9. You can buy freeze dried fruit and veggie mixes for her to put in snack bowls. No cooking or mess. Also, some uncoiled egg noodles are favorites of my birds. How about some treats wrapped up in cupcake papers? It will give your bird something to do to kill the time also.
  10. Welcome tom our family! What a heart warming story. I am so proud of you and taking in this lovely bird for it's forever home. I look forward to seeing and hearing more! Love the pics!!!
  11. For those of you who live in the US. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/nature/profile-irene-pepperberg.html Profile: Irene Pepperberg One woman's 30-year relationship with an African gray parrot transformed our understanding of bird intelligence. Airs February 9, 2011 on PBS
  12. Pics anyone? Would love to see some of these beautiful made toys and perches.
  13. Looks like such fun! Almost like giant trees. What lucky birds!!! Gives me some thoughts on expanding the giant cage I feel like I live in.
  14. Thanks for the ideas! My greys just frantically fly away when water is anywhere near them. I have to put them in their cage and mist them.
  15. That's too cute! Rikki has found the light switch in my bathroom, and insists on keeping the light on when I shower in the am. I turn it off, and she keeps turning it on. She won't ever turn it off, only on.....
  16. Hi Morana, I certainly didn't mean any harm and I was by no means implying anything in my post. I was just trying to let you and other members that haven't been here as long as many of us old-timers, that Shanlung has a history here that we deeply respect, and not some newcomer with 'crazy' ideas, and/or suggestions for others to follow. I apologize if it came across as anything other than that. He certainly has some interesting stories, and if others aren't aware of his experience, you may think otherwise....LOL!
  17. Morana, Shanglung is a highly respected owner, lover, researcher and in my opinion and many others, an expert when it comes to African Greys. He has a gift of understanding and ability to train & bond with these wonderful birds like no one else. He has numerous research articles, writings on his blog, and many other resources on the internet. He is a very busy man in his studies and we are always grateful that he occasionally takes the time to come here and grace us with his expertise and advice. His advice is not for all of us to follow, but to learn so we can further our understanding of our wonderful birds. As I understand it, Tink is living wild in Taiwan. Shanglung goes there and Tink will remember him and come to see him. More can be read on many of the links he has posted here.
  18. You need to let your bird know early on, with LOVE & CONSISTENCY, that YOU are the boss. I don't mean you are to bully him, just be strong, don't show any fear of getting bit. Be confident and not wishy washy, you can let him know with love and tlc that you expect him to do what is in his best interest, sleep is one of those things. All of us here on this forum have at times been bitten, some more than others. I have 2 greys and an amazon. Bites on our hands and fingers when they don't want to go to bed are common in my house, BUT......I never let their bite change the intention I have of putting them to bed. As Judy said, it can take 100 times and then some....I lost count after 39....
  19. Hi and welcome back to our family! I have both a cag and a tag. Both are females, and both are 5 years old. Although they both talk alot, my tag talks way more than my cag. She says phrases and sings songs. It very much depends on the personality.
  20. No, not a word........ I hope they know how much we are worried and are praying for them.
  21. Please join me in welcoming Luvparrots to our Amazon Room! She will be helping me in this room during Jayd's absence. I like to call her our Amazon Mommy, since she'll be watching us in this room! Us Amazon owners can be crazy amazon lovers! I can't wait to hear more of her stories and fun things she shares. WELCOME!!!!!!! :cool:
  22. Sticky it it! What a wonderful idea!
  23. LOL! If you run low on stock, just drop me a line...I can supply as we have over 3 feet, and snowbanks over 8!
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