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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Welcome! Yo have a beautiful bird!
  2. Dan, That is the best post you've ever written. SO TRUE!!!!! Thank you!
  3. Sorry for the situation. But believe you will find the bird that is meant to have its forever home with you. PLEASE STAY!! You do not have to be a bird owner to stay in this family. We have many members who haven't a bird, and we enjoy them!!
  4. Hmmm. Never heard it was unsafe.....Many members cover it with vet wrap. Safer maybe? Don't know.......hopefully others will chime in on this subject.
  5. I am so sorry for your terrible loss. Please know that you gave this precious bird the best life he could have. It was cut way too short, but he was a special bird that was needed in the great beyond over the rainbow bridge. Thank you for posting this. I know it is painful.
  6. Chili is adorable. I LOVE Amazon pics!! I have lots I take on my phone, just haven't gotten around to posting them here. I tend to send them to Facebook cause its so easy. How is Chili doing? Stories..........please.............................LUV Amazon stories!
  7. Glas to see you back Gus. We love to hear about others who have older birds...I am sure you have lots to tell and share your experience with us. I will anxiously await your update.
  8. Hi Hunter and welcome to our family. Poor bird missing his old family. He will eventually settle in, but he will mourn his family for a while until he realizes your his new family. Remember, he doesnt understand why he is with you and not what he knows as his home. He may or may not quiet down, my guess is he will, right now he's upset and calling loudly in hopes his old home will find him..
  9. i am so very sorry and heartbroken for you.
  10. Hi, I have never heard of sleep flying........I do have one grey who gets night frights frequently. She sleeps in my bedroom, so I am aware of them. She will start thrashing around, and then fall to the bottom of her cage. I have a soft touch whichni keep on the bottom of her cage, and a nite light rightnnext to her cage. It seems to lessen them quite a bit. I don't believe they can fly while sleeping, probably was awake, and startled .
  11. Hi Kim and welcome to our family. I adopted both my greys sight unseen. Never a first meeting. Trust me, you WILL be able to bond over time with any bird. Certainly going to visit would be great for him to get to know you and your presence. After seeing him from a safe distance for his sake, I would lovingly, quietly go up to him with a treat, a calming, soothing voice, and especially, don't be too forward ormpushy to touch him or pick him up. Let that be his choice, if he wants to step up on you, great, but do so cautiously and slowly so as not to startle him. Hope that helps. Can't wait to hear more. Keep us posted on your decision, but please make sure it will all work out with your hubby and chid. This bird needs his forever home, not too be passed on if it doesn't work for you.
  12. Golden words! This deserves to be a sticky. Thank you for this. It is very touching.
  13. I will say, that we all do it a bit differently. I adopted a 2 year old after having another grey for 2 years. Introducing them went quite quickly, but under strict supervision. I had my older kids to help. What is your situation?
  14. Do you have both birds right now? A little history would help with the advice.
  15. Welcome to our family! Love the pics! Cant wait to hear more! Please know that birds and snakes don't mix! I hope you keep your snake out of site from your bird.
  16. Hi and welcome! I would discourage flying to your head behavior. One of my greys was allowed to fly and land on your head also. Allowing that behavior will make them dominate you. You will have to teach the step up command. Try either using your hand or stick, putitat the stomach and apply light pressure while saying step up. Over time, your bird will get it, and lots of praise when they do get it right. My grey stopped the head flying pretty quickly. Now she never tries it. Patience and lots of praise!
  17. Welcome to our family. Wow. An amazon for 46 years! You must have lots of stories to share with us. I started an amazon room after purchasing my first amazon a year and a half ago. Please feel free to share with us.
  18. Welcome to our family! I look forward to seeing pics and hearing more!
  19. Sorry, don't know where you can get them. I buy them in bulk for my 3 birds. I can imagine they would be hard to cut.
  20. What adorable pictures you captured. Thanks for sharing them.
  21. Love it! Thanks for the directions, I think I may get ambitious and try one myself soon.
  22. Has anyone noticed how long our Pets are Top banners have been missing? The site seems to be down,and all our banners on Greyforums are missing.......hmmmm.......
  23. I stay logged in on my blackberry and iPad, but not my desk top.
  24. If you resized them when you uploaded them, perhaps the settings weren't quite right. Try resizing them to forum size pics, then they will show up as thumbnails, but will be able to enlarge.
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