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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Wow! What a frightening experience. Hope this doesn't happen again.
  2. My birds will do the same, beaking etc. MY amazon can be a bully and thinks it's fun to chase the other birds off their spots! They all go in each others cages when they are open, but never when there is another bird in it. I agree with Ray, I always supervise...just in case...
  3. HA HA! You don't! I have 3 free flighted birds out most of the days.....I know the spots they go in, I will clean it up as I see it most of the time. At night, I go thru the house and clean up all the usual spots! I also keep 3 "potty baskets" in the kitchen on the counter where they like to perch and watch what is going on. I have 5 lb weights in them and a cut up a puppy pad on top of that, so when they perch on the basket, they will poop there. Works in the morning especially.
  4. Hi everyone......yup, this is one of the few days it hasn't been raining here like it's been for the past month and half! So...I am out trying to get the spring clean up done before SUMMER!!!!!!! Just stopped in to take a peek while I ate a quick lunch, back to work. Birds are in their cages and are actually content! Nilah isn't screaming, "BIRD!!!!" over & over. Better sneak back out. Have a great day everyone! Later!
  5. I love it! I do the same, but put them in small buckets in their cages. It keeps them busy for hours while I am out & about!
  6. I have the same ongoing problem with Talon...every once in a while, she decides she's NOT going in her cage by ME! She will let my daughter put her back in. Other times, I bribe her with a piece of a cookie. Other times, I constantly talk sweetly to her to distract her thoughts about where I am taking her...or when she's really stubborn, I block off the room...or when it's really bad.. I catch her with a towel.... I find it's usually a stage and passes within the week, then she is fine!
  7. Congrats! You deserve it Cricket!
  8. OH MY!! Never thought how dangerous bees can be to our birds...
  9. My amazon calls me: "BIRD!!" My greys call me "mom"
  10. Nilah here, Cricket has my vote! I wanted to enter, but my mom didn't make anything messy.... I love the picture of My friend Cricket!!!!! Does your dad wipe your beak off like my mom does? Or does he let you wipe it off on his shirt?????
  11. Perhaps some pics would help......we can only offer advice, take your bird to a vet ASAP to answer your concerns.
  12. Glad your keeping the cage. As you add more perches and toys to it, it will seem crowded, and your bird will love it!
  13. Very cute! Talon my grey goes crazy trying to get the cover off the butter container. She will succeed every time. We can't keep it out at all.
  14. Bless your heart!! It takes a special person to do what you did in rescuing that poor bird. Thank you for your kind heart. Keep us updated!
  15. Never heard of an AeroGarden. Do you have any pictures?
  16. Congrats! Bless your wonderful hearts!!
  17. You can et a smaller cage for sleeping. One of my greys has one she sleeps in, then a larger cage downstairs for other times.
  18. Check the ingredients to see if there is chemicals in it. I use 2.5 acidic water I make in my kitchen. IT disinfects, sterilizes, and has no toxic/chemicals/fragrance in it. Completely harmful!! I use the same to clean all my bathrooms!
  19. Yup, the window is my choice. I have one near the back libing room window, the kitchen window looking out back, plus each cage has one hanging in the middle. My grey sleeps at the top of hers.
  20. My 2 greys were clipped when I got them, as was my Amazon. When Talon learned to fly, she was exhausted, huffing and puffing like my others were also. But she learned on her own, quickly. Rikki my grey, took a very long time to get all her flight feathers, and struggled to learn to fly after that, She crashed alot, she was almost 3 at that time. She now flies very well. My amazon was taught to fly by my youngest son, when he was 11. He would hold her on his hand, lightly run with her, then say fly, fly, and lightly push her for take off with his arm movement towards the soft couch, the momentum helped her to fly a bit and land onto the couch. He did this with her several times a day, and it helped her to build up her muscles and her strength, as well as her confidence. She loved it! She is now a very good flier, just like a missile!! Watch out if she comes at you, you better duck, or you will have a head on collision with her, she has so much power behind her. Not like my greys, who are so fluent and light! It is an instinct, that they all have and will figure out, just be patient.....hard to watch sometimes, but just like out children, they will fall, get back up, and try again until they master it, and they will!!
  21. This is a great read! Thank you for letting us into your lives. You and Maggie are so lucky to have found yourselves a great family of fids ready to welcome you into THEIR lovely home!!!! Hee hee.
  22. Oops, almost forgot! I ordered ALL my cages online.
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