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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Greys ARE afraid of most new things. You have to remember, that 2 months is not enough time for him to feel comfortable and trusting to you, your home, etc. Adding too many new things to that probably is a bit too much for him yet. I would lay off exposing him to new things until he has had time to get more adjusted to his new home. It can take months before he is totally comfortable....my cag took a long time. Keep things simple and calm for him, it will help him adjust.
  2. Happy Hatchday! Hope you were showered with lots of fun things!!
  3. Yay! I'm glad you guys have resurrected this thread. Sounds like your on your way to a healthier lifestyle.
  4. I don't want to praise the business practices of JWR. However, I bought 5 of their air cleaners to put in various rooms of my house. about 5 years ago...I absolutely LOVE them. Upkeep is easy, and they work better than any other air cleaners I have purchased. Over the years, I have purchased many others.
  5. I bought my at Home Depot. I have them all over my house strung tightly for walkways and perches...Cheap too! You can also hang small toys from them to make it more exciting.
  6. I have the exact cage from the same place, only it is sandstone. I am very happy with it. I too, took the divider out. As Judy states, be sure to disinfect it with vinegar and water...do NOT use Bleach or Ammonia.
  7. I am by no means an expert, but when I bought my amazon, she was 6 months old, and the breeder said she was just recently weaned. Amazons take longer than greys to wean. Your bird is much too young, and needs expert care asap....please get him back to the breeder to hand feed, or the vet as an emergency visit.
  8. Congrats! I'm so happy for your new addition...sorry I missed this thread earlier...
  9. complainers who can't stop...
  10. Welcome to our family! Yes, the shoulder is the preferred place for my 3 parrots. They like the closeness and I feel they are comforted and secure when there. It makes them feel special. I teach my parrots to " step down" when they are on my shoulder. I save "step up" when I want them to come to me. Give lots of praise andexcitement in your voice when they do what you want, it will reinforce it much quicker.
  11. I have 3 flighted birds.....tried to get them to do the same.....they WANT to come, but can't seem to realize they can fly to me...they want me to reach over and get them...LAZY BIRDS! But when I tell them to come on, we're going upstairs to take a shower, they will all fly to the top of the stairs and perch on the railing waiting for me to pick them up. You should see me walking down the hall with all 3 birds on me...I am a HUMAN BIRD PERCH!!!! LOL
  12. I have the same cargo net. I cut it in half cause it was so big and heavy. Only my amazon will go on it, the others are afraid of it after 2 years of looking at it....
  13. Doesn't matter if you hide in the bathroom or not...they will just follow you, hang on the door, chew it, or go on the floor, and chew the bottom of it!!! There's no escaping, I know, mine follow me everywhere also.......
  14. THANK YOU MADMANDY! You said it exactly right, we are on the same page and want the same things.
  15. Has the vet said what that bubble that inflates/deflates is? I've never seen anything like that before.
  16. Hi Heather, I never even noticed it was missing.....sorry, I don't go to the home page too often. The owners just recently did a photo change among some other things as Judy has stated. I guess they thought it was featured there long enough since the contest was well over 3 years ago. I am sorry........ they do have some exciting news coming, they are getting their own grey, and I am sure they will be posting a photo there.
  17. Yes, they are my words, based on what you have written, it appears you don't like the goings on here, thus my comment, you can leave if you aren't happy here. Enough of this. BACK ON TOPIC PLEASE: What irks me in the most is when people talk on a bluetooth and you think they are talking to you. A Quote from my daughter...
  18. WHY ARE YOU HERE..............? Seems to me if you don't like it, you could go elsewhere.......
  19. What irks me in the most is when people get off topic!! lol
  21. What irks me in the most is when people BRAG on Facebook! Or have to tell us EVERY LITTLE thing they are doing...weLl WHO CARES???? oh, btw,, did I tell you guys............hee hee hee
  22. What irks me in the most is when people REPEAT THEMSELVES, AND THEIR STORIES OVER AND OVER AGAIN, Even tho, you nicely say, "Yes, you already told me that already..." GRRRRRRR................
  23. Sounds good to me, I agree with all your methods of proving ownerhsip, I wouldn't want it any other way. HOWEVER........HOW DO WE GET IN CONTACT WITH YOU, if there is a potential owner? There lies the problem......no body has any contact info for you, and as you said, for whatever reason, you never received my emails.........
  24. I never meant to treat you like you were a bad person, I was upset that YES, you did fall of the face of the earth, as you were our only help regarding this bird because of the actions of the ACO. Please understand, that we as bird owners, LOVE every bird we hear about. We feel an attachment for that bird in helping it in any way we can. I KNOW you felt the same when you heard about this lost bird, if you didn't, you never would have posted this. We all want the same thing, FOR THIS BIRD TO GO HOME.........nothing more, nothing less. Please understand, that my my point of view, I spent so many hours of my day instead of working, trying to HELP. Thus when my calls and emails go unanswered, it is frustrating, upsetting, and that breeds frustrated anger. Let's HELP each other from here on out.
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