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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    Dave, if they are anything like my birds...I have to make an extra one for them to share, and it MUST have cheese on it.
  2. My Amazon & 2 greys are allowed onto my shoulder. IF they do anything such as a nip, they are sternly told NO BITES or stop that. If they continue the unwanted behavior, they are sent off. They behave themselves 99% of the time. My amazon behaves 100% of the time... She is now 21/2 years old, had her for 2 years.
  3. Yes, they aren't good for birds, toxic and too large of an opening form the bird to escape and a predator to get thru and grab them, a cats paw is would make that an easy reach......
  4. Talon

    Apple seeds

    It is well known that apple seeds contain natural cyanide in them. Not recommended for a parrot to eat if we can help it. I cut up the apple and take out the seeds for my birds.
  5. I agree with Janet! My cag can be as loud as my zon when they are mimicking my scoldings! Lol. A happy bird doesn't have any reason to scream, always talk to my birds so they never find they have to scream to get my attention.
  6. Very nice photos. He's beautiful and seems to really be enjoying himself in the sunshine. I saw you had a chain with beads strung across the cage, please be careful with the chain, poor Talon got her claw stuck in one of those circle links and I had a terrible time rescuing her......I don't use them anymore.
  7. Welcome to our family. Congrats on your new baby coming home soon. There is a lot to read here, I hope you find the time to since you have never had a large parrot before. Greys are a lot like children and have important needs that must be met, as well as attention, ect. The thread you are looking for is a sticky in the Nursery Room, you should be able to find it. Best of luck and we look forward to hearing more and seeing some pics!
  8. Great to hear all went well! I had my vet do the DNA test. He clipped the nail a bit short so it bled a tiny bit....poor Talon had a sore foot for a few days tho.....thought she was a he for a year, then found out he was a she!
  9. Very nice photos! Love them all.
  10. Congrat on Louie's one year! He's beautiful, he trusts you and seems to want you around. He will come around one day, you can see it in his eyes. I wonder.....can you find out what 'step up' is in Hindu?
  11. Good advice here! Cement perches are irritating and can cause foot problems. A variety like greetings suggested is what I use. I use the ones Judy is talking about near their food bowl.
  12. My situation is like Luvparrots. I have 3 flighted birds who are out all day. They follow me from room to room usually, they just want to be with me. When I want them off, I do a spin on 1 foot and they fly off. I usually say, get off at then same time, they will fly to a perch, tree or boing and see what I am going to do next. It takes a while for them to get that idea, but they do. As far as expecting them to stay where you put them, that most likely will never happen, they are flock creatures, you ARE their flock and it is their instinct to be with you. My 3 like to have quiet time around 12pm or so, they will get very quiet and usually not follow me. Many days I put them I. Their cages in the afternoon so i can go to work or upstairs tom work. They are better behaved when they have that time to themselves. The days iallow them to be out all day, so etimes they get unruly....
  13. Yup, my greys don't like the feather duster, but my amazon loves it Nothing but the vacume scares her
  14. Hey there, my amazon sometimes makes a hissing/ choking type sound..it does sound like they are having trouble and choking, but it is something she does sometimes when she wants to be left alone. I have heard her do it while she was perched on my arm and the dog walks by. I am guessing your zon is doing the same as mine.
  15. I bought 2 macaw size dome top cages for a little less than that. By the time you put a variety of perches to mimic tree branches, toys, etc. The giant cages become quite small......
  16. Talon

    Tule threw up!!

    Dan is right, keep a very close eye on him and if he continues to throw up, take him to the vet ASAP. It could be something that disagreed with him and he will be fine. Just remember by the time they ACT sick, it is very late in the illness. I would watch him for the next day or so and see if it continues or not.
  17. Good grief! If your bird is scared of it, why are you trying to force him to like it? You wouldn't keep something in your child's room if they were scared of it would you? Commen sense should tell you that. My CAG is scared of anything I put next to her, so I don't, why make her live in a frightened environment. My tag HATES all large toys, so I buy her very small ones. I know this and reect her by not forcing others on her. Sorry, but my opinion.
  18. My advice is for the price you are paying, you could get a much bigger (22) isn't very big, yes 48 and 66 is, but its mostly height, and they will never use the bottom. Tall legs and width are better for a grey. My Experience with my 3 birds and 3 cages each later, they wont use the bottom half, they preferred the width and top. Just my opinion.
  19. You can not rename thread once you start it, you can continue it is the best way.......updating as you go. Only a moderator or admin can change a thread title.
  20. Although there is no official registry for bands, I have a friend who has connections, ( she is a 911 parrot alert staff member). There is a way to trace all bands. Most aren't aware of this fact, but her mission in life is to find the owners of found birds, she is also a rescuer of needy, handicapped birds.
  21. Great advice from the members. Too's demand quite a bit of one on one attention, that is hard with a grey.
  22. No you can't pass that onto your birds. That goes for colds and flu also.
  23. Hi and welcome to our family. I look forward to hearing more!
  24. My 3 birds are not clipped. They came to me clipped, I let their flight feathers grow out. They love flying and chasing each other throughout my house. I have ceiling fans in many rooms, but I don't allow them to,perch on them cause we use them. Glad you are not going to keep them clipped. As you may read in the many other threads regarding this issue here, I am strongly against it.
  25. Welcome to our family, nice to have you here. I look forward to hearing more from you,
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