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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Very nice! Great family pics!
  2. Love it! My birds have an orbit hanging between my skylights over my kitchen table. They love it! I hang all kinds of thing from it!
  3. Luvparrots is very correct! Encouraging interaction usually ends up with someone getting a serious bite, from a parrot that never bites.
  4. What Dave posted happened to me as well. My grey will be more apt to bite me if I asm not careful. They become on edge when an outsider comes over, and the least unexpected effort by me to pet or comfort is sometimes perceived as a threat. there guard is up and they dont want you interfering with that..... You want an entertaining show off....get an amazon! Mine becomes so obnoxious and will NEVER leave our visitors shoulders, I have to cage her before anyone comes over. If she is out, she will bite me everytime I tell her to step up off of their shoulder, or will fly off when she realizes I am taking her AWAY from HER new friend!
  5. I agree totally! It will be fun to follow 2 tags!!
  6. He is a grey, and very few like to be in social situations when family or visitors arrive. My greys will come on my shoulder for security, but will be very quiet, not want cuddles and sometimes no food. Greys can be very protectives of their flock members (you) and usually are not welcoming of other family members or visitors unless they live in the house as part of the flock.
  7. She's beautiful! Love the blue around the eyes. My amazon will also eat anything! My greys are too picky when it comes to food.
  8. Welcome, I look forward to hearing more and seeing pics!
  9. Thank you Dave, I agree with you. aloe juice and water, oatmeal is sticky and when it hardens may cause the bird to pluck at themselves trying to get the sticky off.
  10. Hmmm.....this gives me some thoughts on starting a room for issues regarding birds that have been rehomed and we are trying to rehabilitate into our homes........name ideas, or thoughts on this?
  11. Hi Spooky, Alexis is beautiful, and she has a unique eye. Very pretty. 2 birds can feel overwhelming and exhausting in the beginning, you may wonder occasionally....'what have I done?'. But as time moves on, you will adjust and it will be your new normal. Hang in there, once they settle in,they will adapt to knowing who gets special time with you and they will patiently wait for you. Keep coming with the updates, I love it. Any updated pics of Nikko?
  12. Hi Stevie, Sounds to me like she is molting. If you don't see her plucking, I wouldn't worry much about it. If she likes baths, you could most her in aloe juice and water, but I wouldn't if she is like my birds and hates it. You should see things settle down soon, if not, then a vet visit would be good.
  13. That's wonderful! 2 weeks isnt very long to build a bond of trust, but what a wonderful sign of acceptance!
  14. I have the highest respect for you. The way your house has hanging things all over it like I do. And I feel just like you regarding the importance of free flighted birds indoors. The way you use understanding, patience and empathy for your birds and their ways. It is so nice to know, I am not alone in how I chose to live, as others are so critical of. Don't you feel like you live in a giant bird cage instead of a house?? LOL!
  15. Sounds like a zon to me! At night when Nilah Chomps down on me, I always tell her sternly, "NO BITES! or DON"T BITE ME!" She DOES understand and lets up on my finger or hand when she does that. I'm hoping one day, I will get the jump on her every night and remind her nOT to bite me..sometimes I beat her to the punch and it will work... LOVE sharing in zon stories with you!!
  16. Janet, I have had Nilah since she was a baby. When anyone tells her to step up, she will appear to bite your finger, and most people yell, "shes trying to bite me", but in actuality, she is checking to see if your hand is stable enough for her to step on. She only does this sometimes to me, it's rare when she does. However, she will occasionally just out of the blue, she will give me a somewhat light bite just for no apparent reason, I think she's just reminding me that she can, if she wanted to.... Bit at nighttime, when she wants to go to bed, SHE insists on the same ritual......she quietly says, " do you want to go to bed." over and over, and she has a spot she goes to in the same room as her cage, (it's the top of the curtain rod) and she waits patiently. When I get up to go get her to put her in her came for bed, she I sits on head rubs and scratches,while she whines in a quiet voice, for what seems like forever.....I have to stand on the top of the love seat or table to do this. As my arm gets tired, I tell her time for bed and to step up, she fights me on stepping up, sometimes sternly letting me know by biting me hard, but not too hard, and when I finally get her to step up, as I'm climbing down, she always has to get in one HURTFUL bite, then she happily goes into her cage and says "nigh nites"! But I know what you mean, it's almost like they have an urge to bite down on you, but they don't do it hard.....they just have to get it out! There are times during the day, that might happen. My hands feel like hamburger some nights, no bleeding, but a strong bite none the less....
  17. Gosh, I really don't know....if it were my bird, I would take it to a vet to answer those questions AND to make sure there is no infection and that have it checked. Better safe than sorry. You wouldn't want an infectionto set in and as birds hide their illness until its almost too late, that would be terrible....
  18. Oh..poor thing. That will be quite painful for a long time. Sounds like you did a good job taking care of it. I would keep an eye on it for infection. It depends how far down the talon broke as to whether or ot it will grow back. It will feel hot for a day or so, but if it continues and anything looks wrong, you should visit the vet. I would not put anything else on it, she will only clean it off by ingesting it. Please keep us posted......hope all goes well amd heals quickly
  19. SPOOKY!!!!! . I am soooo very happy to hear from you again! I think of you often and wonder how you and Nikko are. I have 2 greys and an amazon. Congrats on your new addition! I would just continue as you are doing with your new one. It will take time for Nikko to adjust after being an only child for 10 years, but she will learn to accept her new sibling. I always made certain that Talon, my first continues to get everything first as she is used to. She is the first to get out of her cage always, and the Ast to go to bed. I offer her treats and food first and continue to offer her cuddles and special moments. She is not friends with my 2nd grey, but she is a cag and Talon is a tag. I think this makes a difference. I wish they would preen and play, but they have. Learned to exist and tolerate each other after the initial period of adjustment and deciding who was boss. Just keep reassuring Nikko that she is the "special" one as always, and she will most likely love her new sibling over time. Please keep us posted and can't wait for pics of them both!
  20. There is a special paint, but I don't know what it is. Most members here say it is very difficult to get all he rust off, and paint it properly. Hopefully Dave007 will pop in soon, he knows best...
  21. What a beautiful heart warming memory. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORKY! You are one lucky bird!!
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