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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I read and hear so much about how amazons have a period of the day when they screech or scream. I have had Nilah since she was a baby and I have never found her to do this. Yes, sheis way louder in her talking, but I never hear bird sounds such as screaming g or anything resembling that. I do play music when I am working on my lessons for the day ( I teach dance & and she yells her little heart out by singing along with the songs,but that is the extent of it. Ideally enjoy that time with her, she sits on my shoulder as I dance and sings the various songs,the louder I put the music on, the louder she sings. When I stop the music, She stops When I tell her it's time for Zumba, she listens for the music and when she hears it, I ask her, "what's that?" 100% of the time, she yells, "ZUMBA!" My kids laugh each and every time they hear it. :cool:
  2. Talon loves hanging out in bags and boxes.
  3. Talon


    This is adorable!
  4. Talon

    Don't Touch Me!

    Thought this was cute and wanted to share!
  5. That's soo funny! Love ROM! My amazon Nilah, calls me "bird!" whenever I get home from work or from doing errands and walk in the door, she says, "hi bird!" or if she isn't sure the noise she hears is me, she calls, "bird?" then when I say, yes, or hi Nilah, she says in a relaxed voice, " hi bird" Love it!
  6. There is a 'thanks' button and a reputation button if you like something
  7. I Use a variety of sizes and types. It's good for their feet. 1/2 is a bit small, but it is good practice for balance!
  8. That is very cute! Guess my 3 should be getting one next year.....they kind of get left out since I am a single mother of 4 kids to buy for... But if I start now, they have a chance!
  9. Welcome to Our Rescue Bird Room! If you have ever Rescued or Adopted any type of Bird, then you know they come with a variety of issues. Many of these issues can be frustrating for you, not knowing the history of what your newest addition has experienced in their past. It requires lots of unlimited patience & understanding on your part. Small baby steps in progress can take weeks if not longer in helping them to understand they have finally found their forever home. Please post any stories, advice, topics, or questions you may have. We have many members here that have personal experience in these matters. Although some of us may not have not been down this road of Rescue or Adoption of a bird coming from a neglected environment. There is much to be learned from the experiences shared here in this room. CHATS/HELP/TIPS/CLUES.....please share!
  10. Just noticed your avatar. What is it exactly, looks like someone was having some fun! :cool:

  11. That was Wonderful! Thank you Dan, (Talon thinks she famous now!) what a greyt Xmas gift that was to all of us at Greyforums! Happy holidays to you, Kim, your kids and grandkids, and especially your flock!! (oops, and your sweet 4 legged ones too!)
  12. Happy Holidays to all! May next year bring peace and happiness for all! Dave,thank you,best wishes to you, your flock, and your family!
  13. Talon


    He's adorable! I would love for you to start a new thread for him, and I an't wait to follow his progress. We have so many stories about other types of birds,but having a budgie story to follow would be very fun! I think us large parrot owners tend to forget the joy and intelligence of these marvelous little ones. I have 2 at home, but they haven't had much hand interaction with us. They very much enjoy watching the big birdies at meal time, (their cage is next to the kitchen table) they run to that side of the cage and appear to get excited in the mornings when I get my parrots up. I do try to give them some of the toast mine get for breakfast, they will pick at it..... They also (believe it or not) like it when my amazon crawls all over their cage....I do have to watch carefully, cause my blue budgie will try to play thru the bars and of course they are no match for her! One time, Talon bit the nail off on him! It was horrible, I was so upset, I called the vet, and they said to just watch it and it should heal up fine, which it did. Can't wait to hear more from your new one!
  14. I don't have any experience with this, but i am so very happy you have this love and will do all that is necessary for a clean bill of health. I am sure all will be fine, but it may be a long road with a step at a time, so be patient. The best thing you have done is rescue this sweetie and are on a mission to do all theright things. All will be well, just take your time, calm down even tho you have a right to be angry, and relax so that your new sweet bird will relax as well. Please keep us posted.
  15. Very cute! I taught Talon to say "merry christmas ho ho ho!" but we didnt practice over this past year, so I has to start again...
  16. Talon

    Paint ?

    What are you going to use it for? If on a shirt or soething like that, it should be fine especially if you do it in another room.
  17. A little more history would be helpful. Is this a new behavior? Has something changed in your household, new toys? cage moved? Lots of things it could be, but we can't give advice without knowing mre...
  18. Dont understand what you mean by "foundation salty foods" .. Salt will accumulate in a birds system and become toxic and could very easily kill them.
  19. Sorry, I thought I typed the name...Bird Of Paradise! And I WILL meet you there Janet!!
  20. They have the most unique and beautiful cages, lots of inventory! You can rest assured there will be NO window shopping for toys, and their prices are very reasonable! I usually spend hundreds of $$ as this is the only time i buy lots and stock up for my birds. There really is no place near me and if there is the prices are way too high!
  21. They are in Burlington, NJ It really is worth the trip!
  22. I have finally decided to take a 4 hour one way trip to my favorite Bird Store! Some of you may remember it is where i bought Nilah, a tree stand and lots of toys 2 years ago. Last time i went, i went the night before and my kids and I stayed overnight in a hotel so we could spend the whole day in this store. It was my kids who talked me into getting Nilah, and I am happy they did. But this time, I want to go ALONE so idont come home with another bird. I am almost at my limit, and I am holding a place for a special bird that will live with me one day soon, but more on that later. There is over 40000 toys in that store! Rooms and rooms of toys, the place goes on forever! Not to mention the rooms of birds! I have next week off ( first time ever ) and was planning on getting up early and making it a day trip, but I desperately need new brakes in my car before I can go...........Merry Christmas to me.... Can't really complain, my car has 95000 miles on it and never had the brakes done, so i'm due I guess. BUT I CAN't WAIT!!!!!!! I want to stock upon bird toys for my 3 parrots, they are in dire need of new things. We don't really have any petstores here, so they don't get them too often unless i order online which mostly i do, but to hold and see them is WAY better! Will let you know when I go and what i buy!
  23. Happy Birthday Cricket! Don't know whose the luckiest in that house, but you are all blessed!
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