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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes,, Mistyparrot is correct. They only speak in the tone they hear. When I first adopted Rikki, she spoke in a man's voice, (that was her favorite person from her 2nd home) but as there is no man at my house, she now speaks in my voice or my daughters. In fact, I hear her call me in my daughters voice, and I say...What Melissa? Cause it is identical to my daughters voice... All 3 of my birds speak in my voice, or my daughters.
  2. Thank you Birdhouse for the advice. I DO let them eat dinner with me, in fact they WAIT for it!! But putting Nilah in her cage earlier may be just the ticket, and giving her an added treat might work. I will try anything!! I didn't add to my story...but when I am not at home for bedtime and my daughter puts them to bed, she has NO problem with Nilah, She willingly steps up and goes in her cage, but if she knows I am home and my daughter tries it, she gets bitten too! BUT RIKKI on the other hand won't allow my daughter to put her to bed most times, she waits up for me..
  3. THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE READ ALL DAY!!! :) Rikki sends her love, and say, "Good Job Ana Grey!! Way to go!!"
  4. Yes, they should not have sugar........it is harmful to their health.
  5. Yrs, Rikki is good about not going near the broken pieces. When my kids start whining, "mom, we only have 2 bowls left.... I go to the Corelle website and reorder the ones that she broke so we have enough instead of buying new sets....
  6. Birdhouse, I have tried many times, walking away, then coming back later etc. she has her special time with me every night before this episode. I do tell her no bites, that hurts, but I don't make a huge deal out of it. She DEFINATELY understand, no and no biting, sometimes she won't bite after I tell her that, but she is smart and stubborn. I think tonight I will try and act like its NOT bedtime, leave the cage lights on and see how it goes. I will check in tonight with an update.
  7. Lovethatgrey, thanks for the video. I may try that, I especially like the hand protector near the handle. Did you buy that? I think it would work until Nilah figured it out, the she probably won't step up on it, but it's worth a try.
  8. I have tried turning every light off in my downstairs, she doesn't seem to care, she will still bite when I pick her up for bed. I do tell her sternly, No biting. If I get to upset or excited, she would love it.....
  9. Hi Ray, I agree with using treats as a reward, only because I have found that with Nilah, she prefers it if I make a big deal out of her 'good' behavior and will turn down a treat in place of my excitement and applause every time. So the treat at bedtime probably won't matter to her. She's very good about going in her cage any other time, just not at bedtime . I would love to hear more about the surprise treat! I bet it's fun to watch them run around looking former. How did you first get them to know there was a treat to search for, and that is was in a different spot each time?
  10. Thank you! That is excellent advice. She does get special attention other times, but you are right, showing her that good things happen when she is a good girl. I need to use that more often with all my birds and animals. I will try putting her in her cage without letting her know it's time for bed and offering her a treat as well tomorrow night. I'll let you know how I do......thanks.
  11. Hi all, those of you that know about amazons, know they can be testing you way more than a grey can. I know you have to keep the upper hand with them no matter how much they bite.... So begins why I need some advice. Deep inside, I dread bedtime, I have no problems with my greys, most nights, Nilah likes to sit on me preening and being quiet, sometimes dozing, but when hears me softly saying, "it's time for bed, time for nuh-nites", she looks towards her 2 favorite places that I can't reach her very well without a step stool, then she flies off! I put the others to bed, turn off the lights in the room she is in, or leave them on, it really doesn't matter. When I climb up to get her, she softly repeats my words back at me about going to bed. Then she puts her head down so that I can rub her for what seems like an eternity, which I indulge her as it doesn't matter if I do or don't, she still pulls the same routine. Then when my armies tired from holding it up and patting her, I tell her to step up and it's time for nuh nites. THEN IT HAPPENS!!!!!!! SHE BITES ONTO MY FINGER, HAND, WHATEVER IS OFFERED TO HER and in that amazon fashion, doesn't let go just like vice grips...... I NEVER say OW! Or take my hand away, I let her hang on until she gives up, so there is no reaction by me other than, I tell her no biting, and we do this over and over, I fight with her every night to get her to bed. I eventually get her and try and hurry to her cage while distracting her with my other hand. As soon as she is near the door of her c age, she willingly goes in and says, "nuh nites" over and over while I cover her cage. Then I go to the couch to nurse my hand which feels like hamburg! This happens 99% of time. I refuse to back down as I want to be able to handle her as she gets older and more hormonal. I try not to let her to get the upper hand with me, as she tries many times during her day, but this behavior is at night. My question is, do I continue this with her? Do you have any advice, and am I handling the situation correctly? I can't leave her alone, she will stay on the curtain rod all night to sleep and I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, and Nilah loves to get into trouble..... Sooo.....I need some advice! Sorry this is so long, but I wanted you to understand what is happening, and this has been going on for a very very long time.
  12. That is too cute! What a trusting soul.
  13. Very good advice, I always ask after I open the door, and then let them walk or climb out, only then do I offer my hand and say " do you want to step up?" always let it be their choice. After all, it's THEIR space, THEIR bedroom, they will respect and trust you more if you dont force it on them.
  14. Great ideas! Never thought to buy rawhide toys for them, are they safe?
  15. Great idea for a thread topic! I kind of think of Rikki as a rescue. I am her 4th home, although I have had her for 3 1/2 years. Her home prior to me was for 6 weeks only after those owners thought she was too noisy, and came here to ask for advice as to how to keep her quiet! I was so furious, that I said I would take her, (since they obviously didn't do their homework on a grey before getting her from her 2nd owner.........it turns out they said I could have her and they lived 2 1/2 hours from me, so they drove her to my house, and she finally landed in her forever home!
  16. Negative means he does not have any internal parasites. Seems like a good thing to me.
  17. Hi Ray, I am so very very sorry to hear about Smokey 17 yrs is a very long time, I would love to see a picture of Smokey. I am sure you and your family and flock miss him very much. I loved hearing about your day, and how your fids are there to comfort you as much as you comfort them. You painted a wonderful picture and I feel as tho I was there watching as a fly on the wall with a smile on my face from such a beautiful sight. RIP Smokey...
  18. Happy birthday Louie! Hope you have a great one! P. S. Rikki says she hopes you gets bowl as a birthday gift!
  19. You don't see too many videos as cute as this!
  20. Happy new year to Cricket: Love: Nilah
  21. I am feeling bad, Rikki's birthday was Dec. 13. She turned 6 years old. I had a running accident a few days earlier and I was very out of sorts.......I just wanted to acknowledge her Birthday even tho it is late. I know she doesnt care....but It has been bothering me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIKKI! Hope you enjoyed your bowl that you had fun breaking. :confused:
  22. I agree completely! I never use te earthquake method, but if the roll doesn't work, I use the drop the hand a bit as you do, and that works fine.
  23. You guys all made me laugh with you comments, suggestions and stories! Is comforting to know I'm not alone in the dish breaking olympic games! Rikki is the only one of my parrots that MUST do this, so I thought it was just her bizarre personality. It will give me more patience knowing when she breaks a plate or dish, somewhere here on our forum, someone else is going thru the same thing....hee hee!
  24. Beautiful pics! You must e etting so excited!
  25. Heather, I have one that Rikki came with. Her previous owners told me she loved it and always slept on it at night, so I put it in her cage, and she used it sometimes, but preferred the spiral rope I have hanging down from the top instead, so although I keep it in her cage, but unplugged and she only goes on it to get to her bucket of foraging toys. Maybe I will move it and try it again....
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