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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, you must let this grey adapt at her own pace. NEVER push or hurry along when trying to start a relationship with any bird. This bird has no idea what has happened to it. Everything it knew is gone and it's been moved to a new place, new faces, new sounds, new surroundings, etc. It will take time, his own time to adjust. He may not come out for weeks after the frightening event with your boyfriend. Back off, talk sweetly to him. Offer him treats SLOWLY thru the bars of his cage. Spend quiet time reading or gently talking to him all while reassuring him that you are not a threat. He does not yet know if you are friend or foe, he will figure that out in his own time with your tlc. Please keep us updated, and be VERY patient, if you do remain patient, you will soon see that what you want from this bird, to love you,spend time with you and trust you as well as bond with you WIll happen if you don't push yourselves on him.
  2. That's exciting! Can't wait to hear how it goes!!
  3. Talon

    Loose skin?

    Hucker, one of my greys prefer to eat all the sunflower seeds out of her pellets. My birds always have food in their cages, but also have 4 other places around my house on their tree or play stands that have other types of food, mostly the natural mix I get at the Bird Paradise store. I let her eat the sunflowerseeds, but leave the rest for a few days also. She has plenty of other healthy the vs she eats when she is out of her cage which is mostly the entire day. My other grey a tag won't touch sunflower seeds, I buy the seed mix without the sunflower seeds in it for her.
  4. Talon


    After reading a thread here, I see some allow their birds to have garlic. I wanted to remind you that garlic is toxic to birds! We had a member here a few years ago who was told that garlic was the best thing to feed your bird....the bird died from garlic poisoning. PLEASE DON'T FEED GARLIC TO YOUR BIRDS!
  5. She is probably just expressing her displeasure in being returned to her cage. She would much rather be with you I'm assuming. I would sternly tell her no, and continue to put her in her cage. Certainly any reaction such as yelling ouch, or no, or pulling you hand back will excite her and only reinforce her behavior. It will take some time, but be consistent and hopefully she will learn her biting won't get her her own way. Also, I understand you just got her back from your ex, (congratulations btw) so in your absence, you don't know what her experience was and she may be trying on you the things that worked for you on your ex. She will most likely test you for a bit until she settles back into a relationship with you.
  6. Just wanted to throw this out there....if you have a ceramic stove top, the manufacturer recommends NOT using cast iron pans on the top.
  7. Beautiful cage! I bet she loves it.
  8. Great advice given already! I changed to all stainless steel, and amvery used to it. Of course non sticking is easierto clean,but I think of the toxic chemicals WE are feeding ourselves, and I don't miss it all. I have a tree stand, baskets with handles (that I use for potty baskets) on my counter away from the stove and various hanging items for them to stay on when I am cooking. I never take my eyes off the stove or them. They are all fully flighted. I prefer to allow them that special time to eat with me at the table, and they so look forward to it, I don't want to feed them I their cage. I have taught all my birds what HOT is, they do understand what it means as there have been times when dinner was a bit hotter than they like, so they understand as I use the word, HOT when they experienced that and now they wait for me to give it to them. I did however have a terrible accident one night cooking. Rikki my cag loves to perch on my shoulder as I cook and watch. I was making pasta and had a pot of water boiling on the back burner. I went to the cupboard to get a box of pasta, and forgetting that Rikki has a hatred of boxes with small noisy things inside, as I was pouring the pasta into the pan, she dive bombed the box to attack it! As she did, 1/2 her body hit the boiling water....I screamed, thru the pasta box, slid the pan off the burner to the sink to dumb the water out quickly, spilling it all over the front of my legs. Then off to find her. I was sooo upset and scared to see what she looked like. She was wet, and seemed okay, but I am sure she was hurting. I tried to comfort her, but she mostly wanted to preen. I watched her closely the rest of the Iget and she seemed ok. After that, I kept her in her cage when I cooked. Then after a few weeks, I softened, let her stay out and had my kids eyeing her all the time when I coked. Slowly, I allowed her back onto my shoulder, and she REALLY understands HOT! DANGER DANGER when I tell her. But when I am about to put anything in than, I put her down or turn away from the stove and do it sideways...
  9. Talon


    Yes Ray, do you remember the panic I was in when Nilah ate too much watermelon? There is a thread here on it and I was ready to rush her off to a far away vet as her poops looked all runny and bloody! Turned out it was from too much watermelon.
  10. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures!
  11. That's a great story! I would have loved to seen Sundance give the look...I wonder what body language he had that we as humans dont notice but it was clear to the conure. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Can't wait to hear about it. Maybe you will take some pics?
  13. There are many of us here that own a variety of birds. I am interested in knowing the pecking order and how it came to be. I think it would be interesting to see everyone's situation and how it is in their homes. I used to think it was 'size' based, as a friend told me, but I am seeing that isn't necessarily the case. In my home, I had Talon, a tag who came to me at 8 1/2 week first. She was our only bird for 3 years. Next came Rikki, a cag, who was 2 1/2 years old when she came to me and I was her 4th home. I had her for 2 years before Nilah my amazon came to us. Nilah was 6 months old and came from a bird store. They are all girls! As for size, Talon is 326 grams, Rikki 459, Nilah 409, although body size, Nilah looks the biggest. Nilah and Rikkirule the roost in my house, Talon most of the time gives in when they decide they want to be in that spot, or eat the food or whatever. They don't bully her, just after what it is they want and she willingly flies off. There have been times where she has chased them flying thru the house playing with them as they yell their heads off! Occasionally she will attempt to fight for her spot, but they are so much bigger and have stronger personalities, she eventually gives in. Due to Rikki and Nilah's way, I always try to make life more special for Talon, I always make sure she gets hand fed if she's not allowed to eat off my plate, I give her special one on one time when I can. In the afternoon when the others go in their cages so I can go upstairs and work, I allow Talon to stay out as she is so well behaved. She is always the first to get up in the morning and brought downstairs before the others get up. Things like that. As for personality, Talon is sweet and very passive. Rikki is moody, and more dominant. Nilah is more possessive of me, and as an amazon want what she wants when she wants it. They do all perch on me together at night when things are quieting down for the night and do just fine, and as I am going upstairs I the morning to shower, I carry them all together as a human tree perch and they do fine as long as I keep them apart and at the same level. I just thought it would be interesting to see how the pecking order works in others homes.
  14. Talon

    Waa Waa!

    That sure made me smile this morning! How adorable, and Nilah loved it too!
  15. Sorry Ray for my slip on words. Nilah really isn't a big bully, just when it comes to food, sometimes when Talon g ets brave enough to march on over to my plate to steal some, Nilah chases her away. She doesn't want Talon to steal any that her and Rikki might get.
  16. That is so interesting. Talon was here first as well. But when Rikki came, Rikkii wanted to be friends, but Talon was always afraid of her,but I believe it was because of her size being bigger and Talon feeling Intimidated by that. Rikki will try and be on equal terms with Nilah, but Nilah feels the need to stand her ground, almost like she wants to get her before Rikki can get her. When Rikki never tries to bully her.
  17. Wow Janet, I always thought it was because of size with Talon being the smallest and being lowest on the totempole. I wish she w more like Ana Grey.
  18. When it comes to mealtime at my house, i always feel bad for Talon. My other 2 birds dont let her forage off my plate or any other for that matter. Nilah, the big bully will chase her right off the table, so either i let her eat and make a mess on my shoulder, or she mostly perches on the back of the chair and i give her bites of food there. I always feel sorry for her......so today, my 12 year old son and I made her her very own ( we hope) special place to eat. I haven't tested it out yet, but will let you know how it goes......it may take a few days for Rikki and Talon to get used to it being near the table. The best part so far, we have fun making it together, AND it took less than an hour and Cost just under $10.00!
  19. Hello and Welcome to our family! I have a sleep cage in my bedroom for one of my greys. It does have some toys in it, and DEFINITELY some food and water. I do hear her nibbling at night and early in the am. I cover it with a dark sheet which drapes down about half way. (her cage is kind of big) (all my birds are covered at night) I know when I have the tv on in my bedroom too late, or she hears noise from me or my dogs, she gets mad and rings her bell to tell us to shut up! I would recommend a sleep cage, but WITH food and waterso he can eat if he wants. One more thing...FYI, my grey NEVER poops in her sleep cage ever....
  20. Nilah my amazon doesn't do any type of nod, but she sure can do the amazon strut that lets you know...leave me alone.....
  21. Thats not at all true. You can have a routine,and once in a while vary it, and they are pretty okay with it. I have never had a problem changing their routine......they may not like it, but they go along with it and don't really put up a fuss.
  22. I love it when you leave your house, and their is ALWAYS bird potty dried on your shoulder, down your back or on your pants somewhere... Also, don't forget the down feathers, or dander everywhere they preen, which is always when they are on you.
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