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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Oh goody! Can't wait to follow this thread! My YCA is almost 3 and the hormones seem to have started a bit early, I think.
  2. Boy, she is testing you, your limits, your dogs, and especially your reactions. She wants to see how this new life will be, so she is trying everything she can think of to figure it out. The best thing to do is to talk softly and calmly to her when she is in er cage. When she is out and getting into trouble, have her step up, and praise her lots when she does. If she bites you, tell her sternly, no, no bites and don't give in to her attempts to get you to go away. If se won't step up onto your had, try a perch or stick and still praise her, or entice her up with a treat that you make a yummy big deal about. Keep us posted, but for sure, discourage any interactions with the dogs, one day, they may retaliate .
  3. How wonderful! I love following this story, it is so heartwarming to follow. You have opened this birds entire world up. He will be forever grateful to you and will be a sweetheart, I can feel it
  4. Nope, your not nuts! Just a crazy amazon owner like us. Go get her! Can't wait to see her and what all the tlc you give her!
  5. Yes, you should have some toys in the cage. Make sure they are small since your bird will be small. Save the big ones for later. I have a 6 yr old tag, and she only likes small toys still. She won't touch a big toy, sometimes I buy her parakeet toys and she loves them! Cheaper too!
  6. Talon

    Frozen fruits!!!

    Thanks for the advice, but they dont like to eat cold things even if I spoon feed them. I have tried, yogurt, applesauce, etc They just like their food room temperature....spoiled things!!
  7. Talon

    Frozen fruits!!!

    I do use frozen fruits and veggies, but have always defrosted and or heated the veggies up. Never tried frozen, but my birds don't like anything except ice cream cold.
  8. I use the same detergent, but skip the fabric softener as it can be quite potent to breath. Birds have a highly sensitive respitory system and should be kept away from chemical fragrances and scents. I would put soft bedding like you suggest in the bottom of your baby's cage. I have a 7 year old grey that occasionally has night terrors and falls out of her bed, so I keep a towel folded in the bottom of her cage, but do t use the dryer sheet on it. Stat away from the fragrant detergents etx. And you should be fine as long as there is ventilation around the cage.
  9. Hi and welcome! I see we are almost neighbors! I am from MA. Look forward to hearing more!

  10. Nilah is soon to be 3 years old. She is a female yellow crowned amazon. I am thankful she isn't a male, she can be quite testy at times. My daughters boyfriend has been with my daughter for over 2 years, he hasnt paid any attention to Nilah nor has she paid any attention to him in all that time. In fact, he was afraid of her so he they both ignored each other. Lately tho, she has fallen in love with him. He can barely set foot in the house and she is on him. She attacks my daughter and will bite her if she even tries to sit on the same couch with him. She has tail fanned, eyes pinning, and she struts her stuff back and forth on his shoulder letting the rest of us know, he is hers and stay away!!!! It is the only time she could care less when I get home from work, where the others are flying to me to give me kisses. Needless to say, I think her hormones have started early, and she becomes quite difficult to handle when he is here, she WILL bite anyone who tries to get near her, even if she does get off him, and even then she has to be within 2 feet of him. I personally think its his beard that he now has, but I'm not sure, and he's not willing to shave to find out. I can tell you, my daughter does not love our amazon at this moment in time.
  11. Talon

    He spoke

    That's a funny story! Thanks for the smile tonight.
  12. Beautiful pictures of Chili Pepper! He's gorgeous with all that yellow!
  13. I leave my grates in, although my birds never go on the bottom. I like that it catches the foot toys most of the time and I don't have to slide the rays out to go digging around the poop or leftover food to get them.
  14. Yes, of course there is little information supplied in the original posting, thus leaving us all to assume and make guesses, but with warnings. I stand by what I said, having a grey with missing toes requires SOME considerations as far as the perches and climbing structures that a grey with ALL their toes wouldn't have to think twice about. I assumed my reply would be taken in that context. I don't have a grey with missing toes as you, but if I did, I would think differently about some of the climbing structures i have around my house. After all, i wouldnt want to make anything too difficult orrisk my baby falling due to the lack of toes. That is all I meant by my post...
  15. I am curious, what types of flooring do you have in your bird rooms? My birds share a room sor tof with my kids tv and video consoles they don't use much. Mostly my birds want to be with me. But my bird room (den) has a hard wood floor. I have plastic officE mats under my cages, but hard wood elsewhere.
  16. AmyJ,welcome to our family! Kudos to you for doing such extensive research and for putting such thought into this lifetime decision. Many don't... and their bird suffers the consequences of that. Although I have 4 kids, all teens, I didn't get our parrots until about 7 years ago. I can not offer any advice about having a parrot and a baby. I only know that for me, and my lifestyle at that time, ( husband worked ALL the time and I was left to raise my kids alone) I would not have been able to be a good parront to my birds or my kids. But as the others said, it canbe done and done in a healthy way IF you are committed to a lifetime of being a grey owner, no matter what. Can't wait to hear more from you, and PLEASE never be afraid to ask any questions. We are very helpful, respectful and kind members, and love to build our family. There is no question that is too silly!
  17. This grey needs a loving caring home with special considerations made for it. My biggest concern is why is a 10 week old grey listed on Craig's list.......this bird most likely is not weaned, and not knowing how to care for a baby is dangerous to is life. Scary that that bays owner doesn't care enough about it to make sure it goes to an experienced home. Not saying you are not, I don't know but it's others I'm concerned about.
  18. I wanted to show a video of the ladder I built this weekend for my parrots. Of course it was difficult to get it hung as Nilah couldn't wait to get on it! THANK YOU to fidsandfrats for the instructions! Sorry about the poor camera quality..it was a quickie..
  19. Good Idea, I will have to try that tonight!!
  20. Thanks Janet, I am not creative, nor do I have the patience for such things. This was quite easy & fun to do! You definitely should give it a try, your birds will love you for it!!!
  21. Talon


    My amazon will give you a big chomp if you invade HER home, or stick your fingers in her cage even to offer a treat. My greys dont mind my hand in their cages, but when I open any old my cages up to ask them to step up, it is always with a kind greeting first, then moving my hand slowly as I kindly ask them to step up. It is always their choice as to whether they want to come out with me or not. I never force it.
  22. That great news! If it weren't for you and your tlc, I doubt he would be where he is today!
  23. Here's one more! Thank you so much for sharing! IT was actually quite fun & easy to do!!
  24. Okay, I finished my ladder. I made it quite long...it has 18 rungs, 4" apart (for Talon). OFf course, Nilah hasn't wasted anytime running across it! Talon was on it 1 time for a quick few seconds...Rikki may never go on it if I know her..
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