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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Very exciting! Can't wait to hear how your visit goes.
  2. Your welcome, sorry if I came across a bit harsh, my patience are short, just had paper and lower mouth surgery that day... I am sure you will be a wonderful,parent, and their will be things that your bird loves about you, and then he may have times when he will cuddle with someone else it's early and things will settle down, but it can take many months. Our favorite person for my 2 greys to cuddle at night goes between me and my daughter depending on whose home and who is working at night.
  3. This ending makes me so happy! A true story of the love of a true bird lover. I think most of us feel as you do, there is no amount of $$ that would stop us fom doing everything we can to save our loved ones feathered or not. Bless your wife, I loved her response, you are one very lucky man.
  4. Behaviour Modification is all fine & good. I believe most of us grey owners are able to, as you would say "train" them using it. But my amazonn has a stubborn streak in her, a very good memory, and not one to get distracted when she sets her mind to it! I know that her biting IS just a stage, she knows NOT to bite, she KNOWS what the word NO or Stop Biting means. I know this because all other times, she will stop her biting if told to do so, or not bite when we tell her No bites. It is bedtime where she tests me, she is young and prefers to let you know that she is still trying her boundaries, this too shall pass.
  5. I always wonder why new bird owners get a bird, then expect it to become attached to them over everyone else in their family. Birds dont have the sense of gratefulness & devotion like a cat or dog does just because YOU are the caregiver. When you bring a parrot into your family, your family becomes it's flock. THEY decide who is their favorite, has nothing to do with WHO gives the care or not. As you will find out, over time, the bird will have different favorite people at different times in its life. THEY decide, you cant force or unforce it. ALL you can do is love him/her unconditionally, dont show your disappointment, and your bird will love you just as he will everyone in your family as long as they all interact with it.
  6. You can look in the Homemade toys and Playstand Room for lots of Ida's and advice and pictures!
  7. They are soooo adorable!! Makes me want them both!! Cant wait to follow your journey.
  8. Great advice Luvparrots! My zon, Nilah is a biter at times as well. Mostly at nite or when I want her to step up at times she doesn't want to. I DO NOT pull away, I stand their and take it and tell her sternly NO! I DO know she is testing me...I wont let her win this ongoing battle, I know the day will come when she finally realizes her bites will not make me go away. When that day comes my fingers will be SOOOO happy!!
  9. Yippee! What a beauty! Glad you are home safe and sound and she loves her mama!
  10. Oh what an interesting question. My daughter and I were just saying today, "we have 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 parakeets, 2 greys, and one amazon......but then again, Nilah is like having TWO!" NO for me!
  11. WOW! How interesting. Judy, I laughed at your reply Maybe my birds are more dusty seeing as they HATE baths, they take very few in a months time...But they do sneeze occasionally, mostly after preening.
  12. Hi all you amazon owners, have you ever noticed how different an amazon's sneezes aRe compared to a grey? Rikki and Talin sneeze and it's no big deal. When Nilah sneezes, I get wet! She sprays everywhere....it just so happens, she is usually perched on my knee when it happens and I feel the shower all over my face. Very strange feeling!
  13. Welcome and congrats on being so loving and taking these rescues in. I look forward to following your stories!
  14. Thanks for the update. Can't wait, it will be soon!
  15. Talon


    Talon has a sleep cage upstairs, so she can't make it downstairs in the mornings without an explosion along the way..., so I have a potty basket that I put her on after I take her out of her cage and I have a cut puppy pad in the bottom of it and she goes poop in the basket so there is no mess to clean up!
  16. OMG!! I am so excited for you! You made the right choice. You will never know love like an amazons, cant be compared to anything! Cant wait to follow Scarlet in our amazon room. I LOVE her name btw.
  17. Welcome Jake to our family. What an adorable picture! I am glad to hear you are waiting until your baby is weaned. Please keep us updated and look forward to hearing more. Don't be a stranger while you are waiting for,your baby to come home!
  18. Just wanted to update this thread. It has been one week, and Nilah continues to fly onto the ladder and play on it. She really seems to enjoy the long walk from one end to the other and back again. My greys don't even pay attention to it.....
  19. My birds are just lie yours Judy, they go nuts when they see cheese, and always manage to sneak some.
  20. That was great! He sings so clearly. More! More!
  21. If this is new, it could just be from something she ate that she never tried before. I have had this happen to my 3 parrots on occasion and it usually is fine within a day. It always stemmed from something they ate that I wasn't aware of. If it continues for a couple of days and she seems to not be herself or her appetite is down, you should see a vet. Wait until you give her too much watermelon...my amazon pooped what looked like blood for a day and I was so freaked out! My greys poop yellow when they snuck too much cheese...
  22. Yay! Can't wait to hear how it goes! My thoughts for a safe trip are with you. And I get car sick going to the corner if I'm not driving, I hope you can take some non drowsey Dramamine or something.
  23. Janet, that is a wonderful idea! How about adding some shredded paper to that empty poop bowl? Can't wait to follow this and see what solution you come up with that works!
  24. Thanks Ray, that is great information. I feel like Nilah's hormones have kicked in, but since she isn't quite 3 yet, I guessits just a stage...or perhaps a preview? I hope it's not as bad as I've read... but whatever it will be, she is here to stay.
  25. oooh!! Shes beautiful!!!!
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