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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. You forgot one thing for the OP Have a Plastic Surgeon on call------1 800 78628887(PUNCTURE)
  2. Use Photobucket. They can resize your uploads in 5 different sizes( you choose the size) although it's best to resize your original photos when you're putting them in your personal file. If you're using a camera phone, Photobucket is best and opening an account with them is free. Storage is also free. It will hold as many photos as you'vegot and you can upload videos there too.
  3. Bite him back. See how he likes it!!
  4. I don't believe in most things that bobbi Brinker says because she has a known habit of giving blanket answers to specific problems or situations. first off, a grey that's pooping to avoid predator birds is not true because in the wild, those greys most imporantly stay as a flock and poop when and where they want to all day long. They also stay together all day long. As far as predatory attack, certain birds take over as lookouts for danger just like most other wild animals, not holding their feces until the all clear signal is given. As far as pooping in or out of a cage that has to do with how long the bird holds it in. It could be sunrise or at the time of waking. Their largest poop occurs in the morning. Afterward, they poop and urinate every 60 to 80 minutes all day long no matter where they are. Some people instantly take their birds out of a cage in the morning and put the bird on a playstand. Other people don't and the bird goes in a cage. A bird can't hold in a morning poop until the person comes around to take the bird out of a cage. A bird produces a large amount of feces during the night when sleeping and needs to epel it quickly. The rest of the day is mostly urinating.
  5. cur·mudg·eon [ kur mújjən ] somebody who is irritable or stubborn: somebody considered to be bad-tempered, disagreeable, or stubborn Synonyms: bad-tempered, crabby, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, cranky, irritable, tetchy, testy, grumbly, irascible, peevish, moody Jeez Dan Is there anything else that you could have thought of as far as a description. People are gonna read this and might actually get the wrong opinion concerning my sweet, loving, caring, attractive, wonderful, consiterate, congenial personality. Heaven forbid.
  6. I have lots of shots of him flying. He was very predictable. He loves to fly to my wife or me. It was easy to prepare to take phtos of him.
  7. Yes it will. Only very young birds keep that shiny black beak. As the bird ages, so will the the scraping, cleaning, rubbing. Greys are very aware of what's on their beak and don't like the feel of stuff on the beak. Periodiclly put a tiny bit of olive oil on the bek. The beak will look black but it won't last long. Most of all, don't worry about it. It's just their way of doing cleaning. They will also scrape to hone done the pointiness of the beak. It's all part of being a grey owner.
  8. It's nothing uusual. Line appear left to right. Undeneath there seems to be a fresh new beak growing out. That area is shiny black, The top layer of the beak is dying and will eventually be scraped off by your bird. You won't see pieces of it falling off. This will happen periodically but any ew beak area growing out won't remain black for long. Because of scraping, rubbing, cleaning, the whole beak will eventully turn dark gray.
  9. One thing that hasn't been brouth up------Jealousy and Possessiveness----Picture may look funny but the bird on the left was dead serious that day.
  10. As far as the plucking, the only way to tell if the plucking started because of present conditions is something that the vet can explain. This id especially true because of the birds' ages. After getting an opinion from the vet, work can be done concerning the plucking. We can explain those things in the future. The birds /bird may be a chronic/acute plucker--2 different types. Poor diet, the wrong food, lack of a clean environment, boredom, lack of playing items, being locked up in a cage all the time, size of the cage--etc etc can cause various problems. The vet can check those problems. About the cigarettes--Extenal smoke can not only cause internal problems but also external problems. Cigarette smoke can cause the feathers to develop an oily base on the feathers which needs to be removed slowly. Feathers just can't be pulled out. In order for you to understand what I mean, a steady smoker will have discolored fingernails which develops from the surrounding smoke. It's hard to get rid of and people can't just pull out their bad looking fingernails. Don't be worried about going to the vet immediately. The visit won't bother the birds as far as panic goes. Many people take their older, newly gotten parrots to vets before permanently adopting them. Do it now. That's important. The mite protector won't help if the mites have worked their way to the skin. External feathers won't let that mite medication work. Hopefully, the birds weren't eating the feces. Best thing--make that vet appointment.
  11. I won't tell you to get it or not get it. I don't knw how you feel about getting disabled bird. More thn likely, the bird has a splayed leg/foot. It's not uncommon for that to happen and it usually happens at the place it was origally bred. Below is info who've never had a bird with a splayed legged bird. The leg/foot will remain that way especially if the bird is older thn 4 wks old right now. Not much can be done for splayed leg/foot after that age. It'll never get straight. You would need a modified cage. The bird may never have proper balance which it the reason for a modified cge,.Perches would need to be shaped differently. There's a chance that walking may be difficult or on the other hand walking may be the only way to get around out of the cage. It's hard to say how you'll deal with it. Some people will say that their bird has the same problem but there's different seriousness to different splayed legs. Some will say to get the bird and others will say not to get the bird. It's up tio you.
  12. When a grey is very young their beak is solid shiny black. As thet older, they constantly rub the upper and lower mandibles against rough, scratchy things to either clean the beak or file the beak down. The white lines you see are simply a load of scratch marks all over the beak which will stay that way for good.
  13. The worst catagory. Milk and white cheese shouldn't be given to parrots who are lactose intolerent. They can't absorb dairy products. Greys are definitely lactose intelerant and can die and or suffer serious digestive problems.
  14. Well, you're right about one thing--it is a weed that kills off other types of growth. That's the reason that it's constantly being destroyed. Mountain cedar is simply another name for junper. If you wanted to use it the branches must be totally dead. All branches need to be removed. The bark has to be totally removed. The wood that you use must be totally dry (inside and out). BUT, the most important thing you need to do first is find out if you or any other family or pets are allergic to the juniper which has heavy pollen growth on it. Texas is the wotrst state for cedar,junper. All of ths info cn be gotten by simply typing Mountain Cedar in your browzer.
  15. Welcome to our board. Your baby grey is adorable.
  16. I love it too. I switched a lot of it on to CD/DVD so I wouldn't lose it. My father, 2 uncles all were in WW2 and that was the music of the day. The female singers of that time were great. Got every Fred Astaire musical movie too. Now that was dancing. Wanna a treat? Check out Chicago
  17. Actually, the breeder who wants to leave the chicks with the parents for a month is giving those chicks a better chance at having a healthy beginning at life. The problem that many breeders have is taking the chicks away from the parents after they're with the parents after a long time so the chicks are taken away very early. Most breeder pairs become extremely aggressive with the breeder when that happens. Fortunately, there's people who are experienced enough to easily diminish that problem. If a breder tells you that selling a 9 wk old baby just to make a person happy is not thinking about the bird, just the money. Weaning should be done by the seller before releasing the baby bird. Hand feeding a bird that's been kept in a incubator without parents isn't as good as with the parents. ** I have read that this is bad...? ***. I don't know where you could have possibly read that. It's a subject that isn't brought up very often. More important here is your inexprience with baby greys. You would have a very hard time weaning a baby bird. It's a difficult chore. In the UK, selling unweaned birds is against the law. Unfortunately, that law doesn't yet apply here. I'm a breeder of greys and I always let the chicks stay with the parents for ata least 3 wks. My wife and I know how to handle that situation. I don't sell unweaned chicks even if a potential customer offers me double the price. You're not rich?? Stay with us and we'll guide you through the whole process including what kind of money you need. We'll defoinitely save you plenty.
  18. I know how you feel. I'm going through the same thing. My wife has Lupus which runs in the family. We've gone through the tests, chemotherapy infusions once a month, heavy duty medical subscriptions which made us use a medical prescription service. Even I have medical problems. I was on disability but I'm now offcially retired. Money wise, the disability covered much more. The medical bills until deductible is met has decided to move into my house on a permanent basis. * On and on, one thing after another* -that's also moved into my house. Right now, she's driving down to Scranton (40 miles ) to get her monthly infusion. The hospital wher we go for tests lredy know us by our first names. Makes one wonder if it's all worth it. There's a God? I don't think so. Let's just say that I lost my faith many many many years ago. Realism took over. So to get back to my birds, I'm lucky that I have a close friend who'll take all of them. He's also heavyily involved with parrots as I am. I've known him for about 25 yrs. He also breeds TAGs.
  19. SO, you make reference to parrot people. You're not sure about what you're getting ino. You're not sure about money SO this should fill you in about the exclusive PARROT PEOPLE. You may join the well known club of Parrot People ================================ , Let's face it, parrot people are weird. Now don't deny it or send me indignant notes about how normal you are - you're not fooling anyone. Think about it: When a normal person brings a pet such as a dog or a cat or a goldfish into their homes, they continue to lead normal lives. They socialize with other normal people, they continue to listen to the same types of music, read the same types of books, and eat the same types of foods as before. You, my parrot- afflicted friend, do not. So how odd are you? Let's make a list! • You are a scholar of psittacinism. You can spell psittacinism. You scour the Internet and bookstores for research material on parrots. You join discussion groups and share in agonizing detail each tiny movement of your parrot with other parrot owners, who then share a more-than-unusual interest in everyone else's parrot's poop. In fact, poop now occupies so much of your thought and free time that you have lost interest in politics, career, and IRA earnings. You have begun avoiding normal people, because your parrot seems to have taken a dislike to normal people. This includes your spouse. When he (or she) walks into the same room as you and your bird, there is obvious resentment at the intrusion. However, you are trying to stop reacting this way. You eat parrot food. That is, you have taken to eating the special healthy people food you fix for your parrot. It's so much easier than separately preparing the usual junk for yourself. This is, in general, a good thing. (Just remember to avoid the birdie bread you made with Harrison's.) You have rearranged your furniture to accommodate your bird and future birds. If you are severely afflicted, you have bought a new house especially designed for parrotly needs, including vaulted ceilings, screened-in porches and rooms with drains in the floor. You buy only healthy and interesting pet toys that cost the equivalent of two months' salary and can be destroyed by a beak in five minutes. You ask store clerks questions such as, "Is the dye on this wooden block human grade?" and "What types of chemicals were used to treat this suede strip?" and "Where can I find your organic, preservative-free unshelled imported almonds?" You make your own bird toys. Sometimes you do this even when you can find bird toys you like. "My toys are cheaper to make, or more interesting," you tell yourself. And then you set up an Internet store or auction site to sell your toys. You use your other talents For the Good of Parrots. You make quilted cage covers, human clothing protectors, jewelry designed to be worn by humans and chewed on by parrots, paintings of parrots, key chains engraved with the parrot's name. Parrots are the dominant species on earth and they are simply using us to perpetuate their race and eventually take over. If you doubt that, just remember that it's the dominant creature who gets other creatures to take care of it. Think about all you do for your bird, the hours spent cleaning his cage, cleaning the floor, cleaning the food and water dishes, cleaning the bird toys, cooking food, cleaning the walls of said food, bandaging your skin from the latest nip. Then think about how you sit down exhausted and feel grateful and honored to look upon his pampered plumage and big dark eyes. This is not normal. You'll never see a dog person made misty eyed by the beauty of their pet slowly lifting its leg. I say it's high time we parrot people reclaim our lives and save the human race from certain demise. Be strong - it won't be easy or done quickly, but by acting together we can thrive as a species again. I'll be right there with you, just as soon as I finish sewing this bird cosey and taking the pellet casserole out of the oven. Yours Truly Budda
  20. BS------bullshit LOL-----laughing out loud LMAO---laughing my ass off Something new to learn every day
  21. Well, thanks for this important explanation. Yes, I'm from an old, old, old generation--Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Fred Astaire----IN THE MOOD, TOP HAT etc etc
  22. Yes I am. Suns do need time out of a cage as most parrots do. If you've never had a parrot before, you may find that a little overwhelming. They also need one on one human contact. Another important thing about suns, they're extremely loud. I'll add one more to the list------cockatiels. AS LONG as you get a baby bird. They can be taught different things, aren't loud, can be trained to stay in one area ( small room or large cage.) They also need time out of the cage. No mtter what out of cage bird you may think about getting, just remember that they will need a smallish playstand next to the cage. There's cages that have their own playstand on top. When very young they don't bite and won't bite in the future if they're not provoked.They usually stay friendly. They're also family birds---will like the hubby. All babies shouldn't be around any type of parrot but I'm sure you know that already. Cockatiels come in many varied colors. Again, I would rethink carefully about conures.
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