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About beccamann90

  • Birthday 01/18/1990

beccamann90's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am inexperienced and in the process of making arrangments to bring home my first Congo African Grey baby. Before reading this information i was set to take home a 9 week old baby in May. This will not happen now!! I will not accept a young AG unless fully weaned. You probably saved my baby's life!! Thanks for posting this information!!
  2. Thank you so much for your reply!! I'm glad that there are people out there who are willing to help the inexperienced!!
  3. Yall have been a lot of help. I am stuck between the two breeders still.. I wouldn't want to hand feed myself because i understand that i have no idea what i am doing. I will not risk losing that money or my baby that i have been waiting forever to have the chance to own!! I can be patient.. I am so glad that i have found this forum..! Just from these few comments i can tell that i have people that i can count on for just about anything!! I have an appointment to meet one breeder and his babies this weekend and then the other breeder next weekend. One is three hours away and the other is nearly four... but my baby will be worth it! The information that you have provided is awesome..! Thanks to everyone who contributed!
  4. Hello all. i have seen many of yalls picture and you have beautiful greys!! Here is my question.. I have been researching and trying to find information about Congos because my husband and I have finally decided now is the right time to accept the responsibility of a baby. I stay at home now so i would have lots of time for the new addition plus my son is starting school. The entire day almost would be devoted to the new baby. I have found several breeders, some of which are much more expensive (the money doesn't bother me) and others are cheaper. One breeder is nearly five hours away from me and i really want to travel down to meet the babies. She says they have three babies and it seems like as soon as i talked to her she sends me a email saying two more people have inquired about the babies.. im not sure if this is to rush me to give them a deposit to ensure a sell or if they really inquired.. (it was less than 10 minutes of talking on the phone with them).. Another breeder is three hours away.. he also has three babies. Im making the trip to visit the babies this coming sunday. One thing that i question about this breeder is that he leaves the babies with their mothers the first month of life. I have read that this is bad...? Is it? Many breeder that i have talked to take the eggs and incubate asap.. is it bad that the baby has been with his bird mother more than humans at this point or is that fine? Also, i have read that no "good" breeder would ever let a baby go without being fully weaned. This breeder told me that it was my money and he wanted to make me happy.. if i wanted to take the baby at 9 weeks i would or i could leave the baby there til the weaning is finished.. it was my choice.. should this we something to worry about and wonder if they are good breeders? I have heard some people say that they hand fed their baby and everything turned out fine.. i mean i guess it was everyone first time at one point.. you weren't born a bird expert.. This will be my first Grey. So i am very weary of making mistakes. Im not rich so this is defiantly a huge investment for us..! Any help would be greatly appreciated..!!! Rebecca:confused:
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