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You have fun Dan, you really do deserve it. I'm sure Dayo is having a great time with his daddy home to play. We are having freezing temps here and I'm not enjoying it too terribly much. I've got all my presents ready and just a couple left to wrap but then I need to start baking and make some goodies for x-mas. I hope everyone is staying warm, not running too ragged, and enjoying themselves! Happy holidays to you all.

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Dan I bet you could bend yourself backward and Dayo would still love Kim better than you, face it man, Kim is the chosen one, you will just have to settle for second best for now, but I am sure he loves you just as much.:blink: :laugh:


Just trying to give you a hard time, am I succeeding:whistle: :woohoo: :blush:


My power came back on after 10 pm so I was icing cookies late last night but all done now. Josey did fine, she went to bed earlier than normal but when the house is dark there is not much else to do, I took a nap too.


It was 11 degrees F this morning and windy so the wind chill was below zero, brrrrrrrrrr.:S gonna be cold tonight too but warming up a little tomorrow.

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Im so excited, and I just cant hide it...........


I cant wait! The countdown is killing me! Always the same, I end up worse than the kids. Christmas eve is the worst I end up tossing and turning all night as I cant wait to see the kids faces on Christmas day morning! What a big softie!:laugh:


Well I did the big food shop, you would have thought there were rations going on and I went at 9am this morning! Its the first Christmas I havent worked in about 10 years so its all new to me being at home with the kids and the fids I am so looking forward to it.


I hope everyone else is nearly ready, we shall all have to have a glass of mulled wine together Christmas eve:P


Have a great day everyone:)

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judygram wrote:

face it man, Kim is the chosen one, you will just have to settle for second best for now, but I am sure he loves you just as much.:blink: :laugh:


Ah yes, Judy the realist. Always bringing me back to reality. Thanks.....I think. :dry: ;):P

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casper wrote:

Im so excited, and I just cant hide it...........

I hope everyone else is nearly ready, we shall all have to have a glass of mulled wine together Christmas eve:P:)


Mulled Hell, I'm drinking it!! :P


Now in all seriousness, it's great that you are experiencing the full joy of having this time off.


Fighting the crowds, pushing and getting pushed around. :angry:


Stressing over that item they were out of stock on.:pinch:


Then having to figure out how you are going to cook all that stuff, that will take 23 hours...if nothing goes wrong.:S


Then having all the family present and you have to look marvelous, well rested and have you happiest face of all season on.:ohmy:


Merry Christmas Caroline!! :-) Ho Ho Ho :side:

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A couple of the neighborhood kids came over to help me out today, Jordon, 16, to shovel my driveway and walkway; and Jessica, 14, to walk my Lily. I'm kind of everyone's "little old lady" in the neighborhood. They came in after doing these generous chores for me and played with Ana Grey. Jordan was amazing, he explained to Jessica how Ana would use her beak to climb on her arm and fixed Jessica's sleeve so Ana Grey could be on her arm without beaking her flesh. He explained how Ana's beak was like her hand and used it to help her balance herself. He told Jessica not to show any fear or Ana would feel it and would likewise react. I was very impressed with his knowledge and understanding of birds. He handled her like an experienced bird owner, and I know he has never been around birds. I was impressed and now I have a bird sitter if I ever need one. It was a wonderful afternoon.

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Hi all, had the day with two girlfriends having an early Christmas lunch:side:

I feel a bit depressed today as I took it upon myself to search the internet to see if anything came up in regards to my missing grey Charley. We lost him in the summer.

Although we have a new grey I still cant help wondering what happened, perhaps hoping he will be found and returned to us.

I got excited when I read that a grey had been "supposedly" found in Fakenham the nearest town to us

Turns out this was a link for a missing cat:( OH DEAR

So I was misty eyed for a bit and now I am trying to return to the positive side again.

Christmas is almost here, hope you are all taking it easy and not stressing too much?

Have just noticed that I have reached the level five in Karma so I am stupidly overjoyed..thanks muchly to who ever was kind enough to give that out

Happy Christmas all

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Pugwash, I did not know you lost a grey:( I am so sorry and can understand why you are sad about it. Lets just hope that someone atleast took him in and he is safe and sound this holiday season but would be really nice if he did find his way back to you.


And as for the karmas~you are a great person and a great part of the forum. I really enjoy reading your posts and am going to give you another karma for Christmas:) Happy Christmas to you and everyone else on the forum.

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I hope everyone is looking forward to tomorrow. I will be watching Polar express with the kids tomorrow, its one of my favourite christmas films whilst we stuff our faces with chocolates and popcorn!


Tomorrow night I will be cooking while singing along to some good music, drinking the odd glass of wine and of course will be catching up with you all on here.


Happy christmas eve eve lol!


Hayley, I hope you feel a bit better, keep the good memories of Charley, they will always stay with you:kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/12/23 23:07

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Im just trying to play catch-up

Having my parents here is very time consuming !

I am at work till 2-00pm tomorrow and its my daughters birthday (23) so I got her and partner and my grandsons over for special tea. I then got to take them all home with all there Xmas presents. Hope all has a really good Xmas Eve and hopefully will get on Xmas day to wish you all the same .

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Aww Baxters Mom ..thank you very much for your kindness:)

Caroline :) , thanks you are always at hand with advice and give time to all that ask of it

I feel more positive today and I think its Caroline having infected us all with the Christmas spirit, or is it just the spirits lol:P" hic up!"

Got work this afternoon then its back for a "cheese and crackers fest"

All this good karma has got me in a "Hayley bubble!":)

Enjoy your Christmas Eve wherever you are and whatever you are doing

Lots of love


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Getting ready to let my kids trash my kitchen going wild making xmas cookies. (a Christmas Eve/day tradition at my house). Then cleaning up the mess before xmas tomorrow!


As Talon and Rikki are saying...."MERRY CHRISCHRIS, CO CO CO!" :laugh: (ALL DAY LONG...:S

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Well, Ive cooked some meats this afternoon and done everything that can be done now! Time to sit back with a nice glass of wine and relax before the big day tomorrow!


I went to visit a grey today, he has been in my local pet store for the last 2 months. I felt so bad thinking he would be stuck in the store on his own over christmas so I went for my weekly visit with him and what did I get in return? The worst grey bite I have ever had lol. He bit straight through my skin and drew blood!


I had been considering homing this boy but I think I will have to give it some serious thought now. When I asked about his history they only new he was dna'd male, approx 5-6 years old and the owners got rid of him because of the biting. I feel so sorry for him and will spend my christmas thinking about him.


I seem to feel I have to help every older grey I can that I see stuck in a store! Is it just me or does anyone else feel this way?


Anyway, have a good christmas eve everyone and if I dont get time to post tomorrow, have a wonderful christmas!


Best wishes everyone and enjoy yourselves:)<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/12/24 19:53

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I am getting our Christmas dinner ready for this evening. I finished baking the sugar cookies and look forward to this evening. I know it's not Christmas Day but my mom came from Germany and brought her Christmas traditions with her and I have grown up opening gifts on Christmas Eve night:) So I will opening gifts later tonight. I am like a kid myself and can't wait to see what's inside all the pretty packages.:silly: :whistle:


This will be my first Christmas with all my flock. It should be fun. I plan on including them in on everything!!!! And taking videos.


And yes Caroline, I feel like I need to take in every older bird too and try and rationalize it every way I can to make it happen.:whistle: Luckily, I have a husband who keeps me grounded. If it weren't for him I'd probably have about 15 parrots:laugh:


I go visit my bird store regularly just see some of the older birds that need rehoming. They sell babies but do usually have some adults needing to find a home and my heart goes out to each and every one and I also want each and every one:blink: . There was one 10 year old male grey name Morgan where his mommy passed away:( . He looked so sad. I wanted him really bad but he disliked my husband terribly. After about 3 months he found a home:) Now they have a macaw named Tatoo. He picks a very few feathers around his neck but otherwise seems like such a doll. I'd LOVE to have him. I want them all. With 4 I feel I am at my limit but never know what the future brings. It's not the birds..I could handle more of them but it's the darn cage cleaning:angry: and constant picking up after them.


I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. You guys have become a big part of my life and appreciate you all. Happy Holidays!!!

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I know it's not Christmas Day but my mom came from Germany and brought her Christmas traditions with her and I have grown up opening gifts on Christmas Eve night:)


Same in our house...but POLAND! :D Our Christmas Eve is a way bigger deal than Christmas day. On Christmas Eve we have all the relatives over, have a huge dinner and party, then open up gifts, relax, and head to midnight mass.


On Christmas day we exchange gifts with our parents, relax, and eat left overs! lol

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I have had a busy but very enjoyable Christmas eve and Christmas day. I am stuffed full to bursting and am going this afternoon and this evening for yet another round of eating and drinking. I have not been drinking over the christmas as I have been the taxi service.ferrying everyone round. I will be having a few drinks later though.


Charlie is sitting with me on his new stand and I am about to get ready to and eat again.HELP PLEASE. I am sure I wont get into any of my clothes after this lot. I only need to smell food to put weight on. Oh well, heres to bigger clothes.

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I am relaxing today myself, I have my grandson as his parents had to work today and we will head out to go see a movie later.


We have a busy Christmas Eve at our house as that is when my family gets together for the big meal and then we open presents. I don't do much on Christmas Day, we did head over to my daughter's house to see what Santa brought my grandson and then home.


Today we eat leftovers and continue to munch on cookies as I relax and enjoy my time at home but Monday it is back to work, its over too soon.

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Took two grandkids to the movies, we saw Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler, it was pretty good and the kids enjoyed it along with the bucket of popcorn and drinks, now my wallet is empty, imagine the popcorn and drinks were more than the admission into the movie:pinch:


Tomorrow I am not doing anything, yippee:laugh: :) :lol:

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I am having a fantastic day, DOING NOTHING. I am just happy to sit in front of the tv with the heating on and relaxing.It has been a hectic few days.


I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and looking forward to the New year.


Judy We have no snow, infact Christmas day was quite mild. Today is cold but sunny.

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