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Keep warm Jen, you really do have a busy night ahead of you!


We are bracing ourselves for heavy snow, they say it will be here about 5am so will cause havoc in the morning for everyone going to work and school.


Hope everyone has a good evening, take care and will catch everyone tomorrow.



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Im just getting ready of work.It was -3 when I went to bed last night,but sometime during the night it has started to rain and it is still raining, the roads are like rivers !It shows 5 degrees in the car but it still feels cold.Finish work at 2-00ish and got ironing and cage to clean when I arrive home.:)

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Morning everyone,


Just thought I would share a few pictures of what we woke up to this morning.


I took the kids to school, two seperate school runs and both schools were closed! It seems every time we have a bit of bad weather over here everthing comes to a standstill! So I have a house full of kids as I offered to help the other mothers who work and the kids are having a great time! They have been out making snowmen but it didnt last long when they got wet through!


Hope everyone has a great day!



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I love the photos Caroline. No snow hear just raining and cold. How do countries who have really bad weather manage to keep everything running as normal when this country seems to cave in at the thought of snow.I hope all the kids have a great day and dont drive you up the wall.

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I think the snow is so pretty, before it gets all tracked in and peed on- uugh, yellow snow! Those are good photos Caroline and they make me feel even colder. I'm sitting down to check the forum for a minute before I feed the littles and go to bed. I can't believe I get a minute to actually do want I want to. Lyric is in the other room supposedly sleeping, the boyfriend and one dog are in bed asleep and the puppy is watching me type but getting very sleepy eyes himself. Oh, now he's asleep too. I hear dreamland calling me too but obligations come first.

Sheila, sometimes things do get a little wacky when we have lots of snow or ice- ice is the worst. Usually around here a lot of schools end up closing for the day- they don't want to take a chance of wrecks and kids getting too cold standing out waiting for the school bus. Kids love it because they end up getting a day to stay home and play in the snow.

Well, I ended up making lasagna last night for dinner, so tonight was easy, leftovers. Sometimes I love leftovers. All my favorite tv shows were on tonight so I tried to watch them but kept getting distracted. All in all it was a nice evening- my best friend came over and she made a loaf of homemade french bread and a salad to go with my lasagna and we had a little feast. Great evening and now tomorrow is Friday so I'm happy about that too. Talk to you all later!

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well, I must be mad. I have said i will go into work tomorrow for half a day.why did I do it.Oh well the money will come in very handy.Charlie has found a new game of flying to the blinds and flying away so he can watch them move in the breeze from his wings, He is actually laughing as he does it, strange bird.It is not too cold hear today just raining and dull.

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How did work go Sheila? Hope the morning went really quickly for you! Just think of the extra money for christmas!


Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Still cold here but the snow has gone now and the ice wasnt too bad today.


Been christmas shopping again! Everytime I think I have finished something else springs to mind!


Enjoy the rest of your day everyone, have a wonderful weekend:)



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Hi everyone. Yes work went very fast,I will get the last of my pressies in when I get payed next week.I have had a busy weekend,trying to clean the house up for christmas.Just the cooker to do now, yuk.The weather has not been too bad at all hear so I got out and tidied the garden up. the washer and dryer have been going full out.I have wrote all my christmas cards out.Everyone in our close gives cards to each other which is really nice.I am very fortunate to have lovely neighbours.

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Wow Caroline, great pictures and such a good heart to help out the other mothers who had to work. No snow here in Washington State where I live just gray skies and lots of rain. Well we are called the Webfoot State for good reason. This Evergreen State is green and beautiful with the help of a lot of rain!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/12/10 20:04

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We had our christmas dinner in work today, it was really nice.Children from a local primary school came in to work and sung carols and songs from their school play, they were so cute.We made up a little party in a corner of the canteen for them and they all went back to school full of junk,jelly and ice cream,sweets, cake. I bet some mums are nursing sick tummies tonight.I feel very festive now. I havent really had the christmas spirit untill now.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/16 23:49

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Hi everyone,


Sounds like you had a good day Sheila.


I have my sons nativity play at school tomorrow, its a nativity but set in the 1940's so should be interesting!


The kids have a busy week so like usual, mum will be playing taxi driver free of charge! They have all their school discos and parties this week and my son Brads has his Karate grading at 9 o clock on Sunday morning!

I hope he passes and gets his belt!


Not been up to much. I have woke up full of cold today so not feeling to great! It seems a few of us on here are a bit under the weather.


Feeling a bit more festive now, roll on christmas:)


Hope everyone has had a good day.



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I think you all are passing these colds around- I hope I manage not to catch one... I hope all of you are feeling better in no time.

I'm having a busy day but it sure flew by fast. Tonight my brother has a documentary that he made for his college class being played at a theater along with 4 others from his class. So I'm going to see that. It should be really interesting and I'll be excited to see his creation on the big screen. Maybe one day he'll be a big time movie producer, who knows?:)

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Well I am all ready for a good night out with friends. We are going for a chinese and then a good sing song in a local pub.I am really looking forward to it.The full war paint is on, the works.Its raining hear,that usually happens on the rare occasions I go out but it wont dampen my spirits,an umbrella will sort that out.Charlie and Cracker are bedded down for the night, a bit early than usual but the extra sleep wont harm them. See you all tomorrow, if my hangover allows.

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I hope you have a great time!Make sure you have some resolve handy for the morning:P


I have to be up at 7 as my son has a Karate exam early in the morning, I do hope he passes.


Forecast snow again tomorrow, I hope its not as bad as the other week as we are out so early.


Have a great weekend everyone.:)

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I had a great night out last night,got in at 2.30 am.I did not have too bad a hangover,just tired.Mind you I have been eating like a pig all day.


Caroline I hope Brad passed his exam.


I am having an early night tonight,may watch sports personality of the year up stairs. I have had a busy day really , Posted all the neighbours christmas cards through the doors, took some shopping round to my mum, she is still not too good but has a hospital appointment on Wednesday,then I went to my sisters so I am just relaxing now. The birds are on top of the cages and Charlie is talking his head off and chewing up a cardboard box

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Glad you had a good night Sheila, did you sing your heart out on the karaoke?


Yes, my lovely Brads passed his grading:) He came home and told me he had failed then about an hour later took his new belt out of his bag! Always the joker is Brads!

It makes you feel so proud when they do well.


Well the countdown has started on the run up to christmas now, Ive got all the presents just a bit more wrapping to do and the big food shop next week;)


Hope everyone is starting to get excited now and you all dont have much left to do.


Happy Tuesday everyone.



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Caroline, me sing on a karaoki, I would empty the place out. Did sing along though. Glad Brads done well.


I am winding down in work for my 2 weeks holiday, I finish on Thursday.I cant wait. I have just got in from work and let Charlie out for a bit. He has not come out though.I am just about to have a cup of tea before bed.

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Caroline is about ready for Christmas but I am not, I haven't put my tree up yet or decorated the house, haven't shopped for the first present much less wrapped it, I have not done anything to get ready for Christmas, Bah Humbug.


We took our family vacation last week and went to Disney World and that was basically our Christmas but we will get some gifts for the grandkids but that is all, I just have to get off my duff and get busy.:blush:

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Bah Humbug!!!!!


I will be getting you organized later! You need to get that tree up and buy your pressies before the weekend!


This is what you get going away on holiday so close to christmas!:laugh:


I hope everyone is getting into the christmas spirit of things, my kids are counting down the sleeps now! I cant believe its only a week away!


Have a great day everyone:)

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I am just reading what everyone else is doing. I see we have some slackers present :-)


Tree was up day after Thankgiving, lights on house and presents being puchased since then. I love this time of year. I truly enjoy watching others peoples faces light up with a warm smile :-)


Ho Ho HO - Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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Phew I am just back home, this morning I had to take one of my little charges to a playgroup party..I am a childminder amongst other things.

Then it was two hours with the lady I look after who has Dementia, what a day !

Four Christmas Sherries later its a miracle I can type. You see she forgets that we have had one and I come back into the room and I find the glass topped up..Its rude and unsociable to say no:laugh:

Ive cleaned out the chickens, walked one of the dogs..not in a straight line lol and now its half an hour on here before I collect my Son

Thats a sobering thought:woohoo:

I came back to Elvis cheeping with excitement and its a joy to return

I am so excited to be spending Christmas at home with my family all together. The first one I have had at home with my fab partner and kids

Enjoy your day

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Yes Dan!


We have a slacker on board! We need to sort Judy out with a time table over the next couple of days! No excuses Judy!:laugh:


Hayley, have you been on the sherry already? Fancy blaming a little old lady with dementia for polishing the sherry off:laugh:


Hope your little one is better today:)


Have a good evening everyone.;)



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