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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. KevinD

    Sukei now 5

    From the album: Sukei

    Birthday picture
  2. I said it before, Ill say it again, that is dedication. Just WOW
  3. LOL, never thought about dummy eggs, that is smart thinking. That's why I love this place, you just cant get that kind of information from Google. Sukei, is ok, he does not pluck, but he definitely has an African wild streak in him. He bites more than your average domesticated grey, but I have learned some tricks for that, and I don't take it personal. The way I got it figured is, If I was snatched from my home thrown in a box with 14 other people with no food or water, put on a ship and traveled for two weeks, and 10 of the 14 people died in transit, Id probably lash out now and then too. He was worth saving after all he had been through. Now, I want to change the narrative for him. He survived and has a decent home, just want to make things better for him. Thanks for the advice. Ill continue to research it.
  4. Sometimes it seems, he gets a bit lonely. Now that were home, and there are not the logistical issues, I was thinking about getting him a play mate. That being said, not sure if I should get him a girl friend.....there would be issues of Sukei Jr's running around all over, and not sure if another male would piss him off LOL. Any thoughts or advice? Also, take into account, he is a real African, I mean he came from Africa, not exactly domesticated
  5. KevinD

    Sheep riding.

    From the album: Sukei

    Sukei likes his Sheep !
  6. KevinD

    Sukie and Susan

    From the album: Sukei

    2nd Birthday
  7. OMG, I am impressed, and I am not easily impressed.
  8. KevinD

    Change Log

    1. Removed duplicate user's and groups 2. Added Stats widget.
  9. Just have to wait for it
  10. KevinD

    Change Log

    10/21/2017 1. All post content including pictures have been pulled into the server, if they still existed on photobucket, ect.... Site is now 100% https complient. 2. Modified groups (Some of them) 3. Gallery added and tested.
  11. I guess you should be able to see what your voting for lol. https://invisioncommunity.com/features/content#gallery
  12. Im toying around with adding the IB Gallery Module if Talon wants it. How many of you would use it? It would be like your own personal gallery to store and show your pictures, you could also link to them to post them other places.
  13. KevinD

    Change Log

    10/20/2017 1. IPB Engineer fixed issue in DB/SQL preventing re indexing. 2. Completed re indexing board. 3. Board first backup to offsite server completed. (Complete restoration now possible in event of catastrophic failure) 4. Enabled Gravatar is a service that allows users to use the same photo across the internet. Visit Gravatar for more information.
  14. KevinD

    Change Log

    Thought I would start this thread with changes as they are made. 10/19/2017 1. You can edit your comments in the chat room 2. There is no time limitation on editing posts. 3. Added 4 new themes Also worth mentioning that these things are controlled by user group, so if they dont work for you, let me know, I probably inadvertently missed a group.
  15. Wow, I really don't know what to say, was going to stay anonymous, but thank you and all of you here for helping Sukei and I. What was said technically was SPOT on. You have no idea how close you came to loosing everything. I have no problem answering questions, or fixing/adding wanted additional functions as time allows. That being said, the current status of things is I have an IPB engineer working on some of the proprietary issues with the re indexing and post DB conversion issues that I cannot address. When the core issues are solved, Ill be glad to address any requests I can. In trying to address "The Looks" of the place, which is generally the biggest complaint with a format change, there are 6 different flavors to choose from. Choose from themes at the bottom of the page. I will say this though, I am much more receptive to positive requests/comments than negative ones. Thanks again Talon, the pleasure was all mine in keeping the place going. Great write up all around K
  16. There are now six different themes 2 for the holidays. You can switch back and forth by using the selector ant the bottom of the page.
  17. Don worry about it right now.
  18. Videos, not so much. Oh well, figure out something later.
  19. 52980135102__208B651A-0887-407A-9DAE-8564C3090E83.MOV
  20. Works perfect straight from the phone to the website, no more photo bucket.
  21. Oh you should never never assume facts not in evidence LOL. I think Talon has you well in hand.
  22. I have it on good authority someone was busting their ass cleaning the mess up. I also have it on good authority, the whole format of this place is about to change for the better. You never know, sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette
  23. Just kinda freaked me out. Looked like his head was on fire LOL. I googled some stuff and they said the same thing. I guess everyone has been run off because of the google threat warning. I think they have it well in hand.
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