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Posts posted by KevinD

  1. That’s the reality, thanks to the help I got here, Sukei wasn’t one of the dead, but close to it.


    Even though I get cranky know and then, I’ll always appreciate the help I found here,


    Besides, old dudes are allowed to get cranky now and then 🤗

    • Like 5
  2. I was cleaning up stuff from MANY sites that I host,and it occurred to me there is no NEW things as far as information out there.

    I found this, and as all of it applies to Sukei in particular and all the wild Grey's out there I thought I would post it.


    Keep in mind when we got Sukei, he was just above dead, also depicted in this video.


    To open in full screen click the bottom right hand of the video and click the arrows.



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  3. I often find our marvelous greys, are so in tune with us, they only relax when we relax.

    Found myself listening to David Foster the symphony sessions, “Water Fountain” in particular.


    Sukei, went to sleep in my lap.


    Like he knew I was finished, and we both just exhaled.


    How blessed are we to have them.

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  4. I don't have much time anymore to post, just lucky enough to help keep the place running, I hope no one faults me for that.

    But I was sitting here thinking watching Sukei tonight, and some of the things he said, and it got me to wondering.


    For those of you that don't know, long story short, Sukei is a rescue bird taken from the African Jungle, he now resides with me in the US.

    He said "Daddy home.... where home"

    Might have been gibberish, but I thought.....


    Maybe he is still wondering, what the F happened to him, and how far the memory goes back.

    All I can think of is the PBS shows where they show the thieves sweeping through the jungles and sometimes even stealing these guys right out of there nests.


    Then they have to survive the trip in a box with 15 or so parrots with no food or water for the week trip to the Middle East.

    If there lucky enough to survive and find someone to take care of them, do you think they blame them (the person who saves and takes care of them?) 


    I dunno, the thought occurred to me, even though he seems to be more intelligent (Having a deep gene pool) sometimes I think he remembers, and what does he remember.


    For all intensive purposes, his life span in the jungle, might have been 20 years, maybe.


    Here he gets the high quality food, and fruit and vegetables and protection from predators.


    On the other hand in the Middle East, those pricks (Excuse me) throw them in a cage and feed them sunflower seeds for ever, never letting them out.


    I guess the real question is, with a good quality of life, and free flight, and proper nutrition, what do they think? Or can they even reason that far?


    I duno, I just got to feeling a little bit guilty for nothing I did but rescue him, and hope he understands.


    He sems happy 90% of the time, but when he gets pissed, I wonder.


    Just rambling, any ways, hope you guys and your domestic Greys are doing ok.



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  5. Im not a particularly a Catholic type of dude, but my wife had me go there.... 


    The message was a nice one....


    A girl walking on the sea side saw a bunch of starfish dying on the sand, and she picked up each that she could find and threw them back n the ocean.

    A guy asked when there were millions of star fish, how could she make a difference,  and she said for those few i makes a difference.


    We make a difference for the few.


    Merry Christmas.



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  6. Until this site gets off the "SPAM Friendly" list, I activated both the email verification, AND a site admin has to approve the registration.

    That being said, it is easy to spot spam email addresses, and if someone wants to register bad enough, they will send a note through the system.


    I will keep an eye on it for the next few weeks and see how this works out.


    I'm also going to make a  separate post  where to find the contact us, and the reason.


    • Like 3
  7. Sukei has been home for almost a year, and I'm still fighting to get his "Passport" released"

    I'm kevinD, sorry, I quit trying to do different logins.


    For new users, if it were not for this site, and the info I got here Sukei would be dead in a Middle Eastern Country.

    He is here now.

    He was a victim of black operations in Africa, he was almost dead when I got him.


    Long story short, this site and Talon, helped give me the info to get him to the US.

    We broke a few rules on the way and should have bribed some folks a little bit more, but this was not to make money, it was to save a Grey.


    While I share in the international laws banning the imports of illegal grays, I also support those that are rescuing a Grey.


    There needs to be a law that supports rescue.


    Two edged sword, if you do that you encourage black market birds.


    I dont pretend to know all the answers to this..... All I know is I rescued Sukei. He sould be treated like a USA domesticated Grey.


    I digress.. 


    By the way, thanks to Talon, Sukei is the guy you see in the left top corner of your screen.

    • Like 2
  8. I run 18 of these IPB websites, and none have this problem.

    I'm trying to figure out what the correlation is, I've checked everything imaginable.


    The only variable is the dns servers, they are controlled by another entity, but I digress.

    Again my last option is to restrict sign ups, but that is up to Talon.


    Just let me know.  I'm sorry I cant do more




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  9. As we all know Grey's have a greater lifespan then we as humans do.

    Anyone given any thought on how to do that?

    For instance, my daughter said she will take Sukie when Im gone.


    Anyone given any thought about what happens when your gone? Just curious. 

    • Like 2
  10. Maybe it is just tech folks that like to know why something broke, but......

    This forum has been through MANY reiterations and database conversions over the years.

    Each conversion imports certain fields from the last database, and that was a field imported the last time.


    The question could not be answered because the database had no = to the question, which was left behind from a previous database conversion.

    Anyhow, thats why.

    When the field was deleted from the current DB, the problem went away.


    I know there are a few tech guys here also, so this is mainly for them, but I digress :)

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  11. Hey all,

    I renewed the license and upgraded the software core.

    Unfortunately, the skin folks had a change in management, and my lifetime membership seems to have gone by the wayside.

    It looks like the skin is compatible with the major upgrade, but you might find a glitch here and there.


    Let me know, the license is good through Oct 2018

    Thanks guys and keep up the good work. 

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  12. it is long and huge.......but it is mainly about the occasional bite. What if you got a guy that bites everyone and everything......


    there is a question. And Sukie is so well treated there is no excuse for it.....he gets baths, and has his own humidifier and every kind of food there is, apples, corn on the cob,  the high dollar multivitamin stuff, raw peanuts, he gets taken everywhere he wants to go, the wife spoils him rotten.

    What do you do with that?


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  13. I know a new format can be shocking, and sometimes I take things personal. I should have not taken them personal, but understood that it would be hard on everyone.

    I know new things are hard to except, and I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

    But the truth of the mater was change or die.


    My father passed this week, and I got a new perspective on things. Sometimes it is not being right, but doing what needs to be done and helping people through the change.

    We are creatures of habits, same as our Grey's, and sometimes you need to have compassion and understanding.

    To those of you that were upset, I am truly sorry.


    But as Grey's do, slowly you will adapt. I didn't do these things for fun, they just needed to be done.



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  14. Would it surprise you my degree is in Emergency Medical sciences, but I cant sing worth a shit LOL, well my wife thinks so. I just got sucked into computer's while being bored on an offshore rig as a Paramedic.

    Would it also surprise you that the ability in psychiatric training could sometimes mean the difference between life and death?

    You have to size up a human being in milliseconds and decide if they will kill you or they can talk them down.


    Much more difficult then coding, With coding you can go back and correct it, life and death, no going back. 

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