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Posts posted by KevinD

  1. I know this is late, but during transport from the Middle East, I was concerned about Sukei’s travel cage as extended confinement and trying to balance during being moved all the time, we made (wish I still had the pictures) a vertical cubby space made out of Tupperware, lined with a really soft fluffy towel and bolted it to the back of the carrier, it was about 5 inches deep and a foot high. We angled it back slightly to act like a standing recliner.

    I actually saw him in it when we picked him up at the cargo terminal.

    I looked in and didn’t immediately see him, and then he came out and got on the pearch. He had a few choice words LOL, but he looked comfortable.

    US Fish and Wildlife didn’t remove it when he got to quarantine, and put him back in the carrier for the final trip so I assume they approved.

    It was a temporary setup, but might give you a few ideas.

  2. Everyone loves drama lol, I’m with you, too much garbage to go through.

    Registration is wide open, just have to prove your human and have an email.

    Like was previously posted, I’m sure there will be unwanted activity, but I’ll play wack a mole.

    There is so much good information here, see if we can kick start it.

    Enjoy your weekend!


    • Like 1
  3. I am guilty of going dark. Im going to try and start posting more. All my people are now working remotly permently. That was a fun project. 23 of the 36 folks required in home visits to get them settled in. It was a strange thing seeing how folks live differently then what you imagined and what their pet setup was. (Story for a different time)  :) 

    Everything is on automatic, and I built the remote infrustructure to be fairly fool proof. There are days when the servers in Canada or Germany like to act up, but for the most part things are ok. Just updates, patching and the occational operator error.

    I kinda miss the in person interaction, so I have found myself talking to Sukie and Kasey a lot.

    In a way, I am in my own cage, looking out the window. Well actually I am in my own cage looking out a window LOL. Save a lot of gas money !

    Lets see if we can breath some life back into the house that our feathered friends built. :) 



    • Like 1
  4. Little late, how is the new house? :) I remember moving Sukie half way accross the planet. I shipped his cage too. He ended up in 30 day quarrentine in up state NY.

    When we got him from the airport, we put him back in his same house by the window, and it was like nothing happened. Ive found that the only thing that bothers him, is a cage swap, even when it was two times the size of the original, he went quiet for a week or so. Just sat on the pearch as close to the side of the new cage as he could, and then it was business as usual.


    Hope your enjoying your new home :) 

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/18/2023 at 3:38 AM, neoow said:

    The only downside to taking him to the event last weekend...?

    He's been practicing what sounds an awful lot like some macaw noises/screeches.... 🤣

    Thats ok, Sukei has started barking. :) What a cool place, nothing like that around here either.

    • Like 1
  6. Alert the media, updated news ! Sukei still bites the crap out of me unless Im real careful. Big news right? LOL He is a momma's grey.

    His vocabulary since I last posted is HUGE ! He laughs, burps, sneezes and says bless you when you sneeze, everytime. Its funny.

    • Like 2
  7. After some thought, and the level of activity here, Ive opened registration with only email validation. That will probably bring some activity and new members.

    It might also bring advertisments for personal hygiene and such LOL.

    Keep an eye out for those, and report them, and ill wack a mole for a while.

    There are alot of people that register, but they kind of look like spamers so I don't let them in.

    We might be missing new potential members that way.

    See what happens.

    Can't hurt :)


    • Like 4
  8. Well, I guess you will find your active members :) At some point there is a mass mailer function where you can send all members an email notification (If they used their real emails) and notify of the adress change. However it is a small server and I don't want to get hit with spamming out of the gate. See how it goes. Don't have to do it all at one time.

    • Like 1
  9. It is with great sadness that I have to announce that after almost 20 Years of service through the names we have been thourgh " virtualbinge and others" I have to announce that I can no longer sustain the loss of clients.
    The economy is just bad,  That being said, im going to keep the seedbox/Plex open, and run a very small spot for melted, the binge and this place

    I did outlast them all. We started as a, well I outlasted them all.

    I can not let this place with all it's knowledge dissappear, im going to carry it over to a small spot, but because of the way the original guy set this up under greyforums.net, I can not host it under my wing in a small non costly spot.

    So I am going to transfer site information and this forum to greyforums.org.

    It will be atleast 30 days.

    Again Im sorry, the nameservers are locked in, and the guy that owns the domain name is well he wants to keep it.

    You can find this site at greyforums.org after the convertion.

    I can't let all these years of info go.

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 3
  10. Gentleman/Ladies, there raising the prices on everyting. including servers.

    Im going to shrink my footprint to one server.

    I think I have 22 paying customers left.

    Just donate what you can.

    Paypal support@virtualbinge.net I will keep it going as long as I can.

    Or use the donate button on the right side of the screen.

    The end is comming if I dont get some support. Ive made the same request at all the sites ive been doing for free for years. (even churches)

    I cant keep giving it away for free anymore.

    • Like 1
  11. Ive been training her a little, and Sukie has picked up on it. If Kasey wanders in front of the cage and barks, Sukies says "QUIET" and "Sit" and "Shake" to which Kasey does, and then looks at him like "Where is my treat?" I did what you said.

    Now when Sukei issues a command, Kasey will look at him and give him the stink eye....... No treat? You get the stink eye LOL

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