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Posts posted by KevinD

  1. Quote

    My first thought was that prior experiences with hands were bad

    You know, maybe you are right. When he was stuck in his cage with 8 other greys with a death sentence in the middle east. People would float by and say pull that one out of the cage, and some underpaid Kuwaiti would put on heavy leather gloves and reach in there until he found the requested bird.

    In his case it was easy, he was so sick he would fall to the bottom of the cage so weak, that's why we rescued him.

    But what doesn't make sense to me now is why almost 7 years later, the behavior seems to manifest itself.

    He never was this way before. It just been in the last 6 months.

    You might be on to something, I thank you for your response.

    • Like 1
  2. Here is another question, I read the the occasional "The Parrot Bit Me Thing" but how do you stop a Biting parrot, bites everyone and everything. He will give you a sweet kiss on the bowed head, a light and gentle touch to anyone, but if you try and touch him, he will bite the shit out of anyone.

    Its not person specific. As long as he is doing the sweet kiss on the bowed head, its fine......but fingers are beef jerky, whats up with that?

    The bird is spoiled, gets bathes 1 time a day, gets 2 hours in direct sunlight, gets fresh vegetables and fruits, high dollar parrot food with vitamins and minerals, filtered water, toys peanuts and is only left alone 3 hours a day in the cage, and out the rest of the day.

    For those three hours he watches his favorite tv show spongebob square pants on a high def 4k tv He even sings, "Who lives in the pineapple under the sea"

    He talks likes no ones business, his cage is cleaned 3 times a day, but he just wants to bite.


    Any suggestions?


    Oh and he is a precision biter, nails me ever time in the same spot so many times I've got a scar now  on my right hand above my thumb right in the web of my hand LOL

    I wish I was him, and he had to go to work LOL

    • Like 1
  3. Id like to gather some thoughts why folks think websites like these are going away, beyond the obvious.

    Facebook, twitter, Instagram, ect, ect...


    Lives too busy, maybe old tech, maybe instant gratification?

    What is it that makes you visit traditional forums less then say 10 years before.


    Be honest, no one will bash you, really interested beyond the obvious.




    • Like 1
  4. Sorry, been out of pocket with the new job, The whole idea of the modules is to have a collection point.

    Lets say today Greytness makes a post, uploads a video into that post.

    People see that post, and go, oh that is so cool, now fast forward a year, post is buried, video is buried.

    With the module, you can watch videos all in one place at any time BESIDES in just a post.

    AND you can use it to post your video to anywhere, an email to a friend, facebook (God forbid) or any where else, and its there in one place all the time without digging through posts of years gone by.


    Im trying to find the time to do a how to, but it works, and you cant hurt it, so try it, experiment with it, it works.......

    • Like 4
  5. Well, we’re making changes, and I think a big one is allowing read only.

    It was thought that by forcing signup to read that might do it, but it had the opposite affect. Folks went right back down the road they know so well, Facebook lol.


    So being able to read again, and the new software being html friendly, we should get a lot more google hits about grey questions.

    Were going to keep at it as time allows.


    Thanks for being here.

    • Like 5
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  6. I'm still running into a few issues that need to be worked out. Biggest problem is when you use a customized skin, you run into all kinda flakey cache issues.


    When I have hammered it to death, Ill put the how to together.


    In the mean time you cant hurt anything if you want to mess with it.


    • Like 2
  7. You can drop videos into posts with the extension, but they wont show in a centralized section, and posts eventually fall off the radar.

    I was hoping I can get this to where the videos are "Hosted" and can be used anyplace you want to slap a share link.

    It is also easier to find everything in a concentrated area. Some of those wanting to go a step further can also set up web cams/ live cams.

    Also hoping that after a few videos got shared here and there, the watermark (haven't activated it yet) would draw some new membership.


    I'm still working with some issues  related to the skin. Be a lot easier using the default IPB skin.

    Cool video :)

    • Like 1
  8. Well, it seems stable enough, that bald eagle momma been running all day.

    I did a test upload with android and pc, and I contacted the author, said no auto thumbnail, but I can run a sequence later to generate them, 


    Go ahead and try it if you want, the only thing that might change is the formatting, the video will remain.

    Oh and IOS is a no go because Chrome and Firefox won’t handle .mov, might be away around that, I’ll keep at it.

    • Like 1
  9. Here are a list of all the features and once I figure out all the internal modules the full extent of the plugin.

    There is a demo site the developer setup that shows what a fully configured setup can do.

    One of the more interesting avenues I want to explore is the live stream portion.

    Just like online gamers, you can live stream your buddies should you feel the need lol :)

    This example obviously uses movie trailers, but you get the idea. 

    Live demo: http://demo.ipsviet.com/video/


    • 2 display modes: Grid view & List view.
    • Categories/subcategories.
    • Custom fields for video's informations. 
    • Protected custom fields that only display for logged members, or who liked the video.
    • Search videos by custom fields.
    • Video Collections: create/edit/remove the collections for your videos.
    • Widgets: top poster, top videos, random videos, featured videos in a slider, collections in a carousel, quick search by custom fields,...
    • Pages system: easy to create a new page with custom content.
    • Uploading or using external video url (supports: mp4, m4v, webm, flv, rmtp, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion).
    • Using VideoJS to play video formats: mp4, m4v, webm, flv. Support VTT captions, preroll video for advertising purpose *New*
    • Watermark on the video player.
    • Media Tags system to define your custom player embedded from any video services (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion...).
    • Live Streams from Twitch.tv, Mixer.com, Youtube.com, and Smashcast.tv.
    • Friendly URL.
    • Comment system.
    • Rating system.
    • Following system.
    • Clubs (IPS 4.2.x) *New*
    • Reactions (IPS 4.2.x) *New*
    • Supports Nexus (Commerce) to sell and buy videos. *New*
    • Supports all Points systems. *New*
    • Lazyload  *New*
    • Tags.
    • Latest Videos RSS feed.
    • Like 1
  10. Everything seems to work except auto thumbnail creation and IOS mobile uploads.

    Little more time, and after I get the configuration/format done, Ill do a short how too, it really is simple just have to do it once or twice.

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  11. We’re I to invest in the video module for the software, would anyone use it?

    This would allow even the average pc user to upload videos directly to the forum, no hassle,  drag and drop, upload straight from mobile device, one click.

    I think this would add to everyone’s experience and give us an up with Facebook.


    Video is the future of the internet, don’t believe me? Google “Is video the future of the internet”

    I think it would gin up some interest, and maybe more participation.


    Everyone loves showing off their feathered companions, an even more so, people love watching them.

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  12. Folks, I'm going to give you a quick synopsis of where things stand with the board, some of it you will understand, and some of you wont depending on who you are and what your technical level is for these kind of things.

    These are the objective facts. I will give subjective later.

    1. And foremost the name greyforums.net is not owned by ANYONE here.

    2. The owner of the .net name is a really nice guy that has nothing to do with this place anymore beyond being the owner of the .net name. 

    3. I cleaned up the whole mess and made the database and forums work again without spyware and viruses because you guys helped me save Sukei. (And Im not looking for a thank you, just putting out facts for a determination after)

    4. The database contains YEARS of experience and knowledge of members past and present, those here now and those that have passed on before us.

    5. Participation has slowed to a crawl. This has everyone dealing with the site considering closing it.

    6. The data on this site is INVALUABLE for our grey friends.


    Now with these facts in hand I can offer every tech deal there is , video posting, song boards, anything you have on your favorite sites, I can duplicate, and make it work better.

    Video, audio streaming anything to bring the level of participation back up here.


    The real question is ......and not so much for me, but for Talon, do you want to keep it going.. how important is it to you your Greys and Talon that has kept it going for all these years.


    Its time to consider what you have, and what you stand to loose, talk to her, let her know how you feel.




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