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Posts posted by KevinD

  1. 2 hours ago, kittykittykitty said:

    Are you two ever good at what you do!!!  Thank you from someone who is so computer illiterate :o it is embarrassing :$.

    Kitty, there is no more important or no less important things we do or know.

    God gave us all individual skills and specialties.

    Just because one seems more complicated then other's, is because that is not our skill.


    I do not know what your skill is, but I'm quite sure you do it better then I.

    • Like 3
  2. Quote

    It sucks too because those of us in the development group are not allowed to work from home whereas test/documentation/implementation/etc are.

    Interesting, because it works the same way with DOD contractors. My brother, who worked for the same contractor as I did worked in testing and implementation has worked from his home for 15 years.

    Me, they put on a flight to the first place God never meant anyone to live LOL.

    Although In the defense and intelligence areas, I can see where picking apart a blown up hard drive is time sensitive.

    They however have moved on to SSD drives (Far easier to extract info from platters) and new encryption levels, and the technology increases exponentially, it is hard to keep up with it.


    If I were a betting man after another 1 or 2 years Edward Snowden  won't be worth going after, because everything he knows will be out of date. This is purely speculation and not classified. (I hate having to qualify everything lol)  But with what is going on in the business so to speak, better safe than sorry.

    • Like 3
  3. Well Ill tell you. I was not expecting any CSS help, apparently you have untapped talent (SRS) I just threw the sheet out there out of pure frustration.

    SRS pointed me in the right direction, and after finding the way this software works, found the issue.

    I just don't like designing sites, I like to keep the databases and servers working, along with the networking systems themselves, data forensics that's what we did over seas, they really didn't care what things look like, just the raw data and intelligence.

    You will find that a great many things depend on what you need, or what you think you need.

    As far as beating the the thing to death, sometimes that's what it came down to, your team depends on you.

    It carried over I guess, I don't like to lose. :)

    I suggest you may have other untapped skills and resources at your disposal, maybe you can avail yourselves of them.

    Sometimes they just don't like to come out and say what they can do.


    I don't mean just computers, but other untapped human resources of your members.

    Maybe with some thought, you can increase traffic, and Help The Grey's more.


    Just to throw things out, maybe a non profit organization for Grey's the very thing this site is  based upon.

    Maybe a group to lobby Congress for the plight of the Grey's.


    I know everyone is busy with their lives, just trying to get by.

    Just a thought..........I'm just a former DOD contractor and IT guy.

    Im good at what I do.




    What are you guys good at doing? I Know what SRS is good at lol :)




    • Like 3
  4. Well perhaps the location is a problem, the only way I know to rescue a grey is to go to a place no one would go.

    Perhaps maybe some advise on how to do it.

    I googled the subject but there seems to be some conflicting information.


    Any thoughts?

    • Like 2
  5. Guys I have a friend North Ohio in search of a rescue grey, We recently visited him with Sukei and he fell in love with him.

    He has a three story house, with plenty of room, and patience.

    He is home all the time, and can spend the time needed to rehab one.



    • Like 2
  6. If anyone sees it let me know..... I got to pick through it LOL



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  7. Ok, I thought it was just the skin needed to be updated because I updated the base code.

    Turns out this is a glitch in the skin. Ill have to turn it into the skin maker, and see if they can correct it.


    If not, I can dig into the html code myself, but that will take some time.

    These skin guys get paid well for a reason, css and html is a pain to pick through.


    Im still out of town, but Ill look at it this weekend when I get back, the snow has cleared off the roads, I can drive back.


    You folks in Ohio have it made, snow all the time LOL, however it does pose a problem when driving cross country..

    • Like 1
  8. I often think of Sukie , like boxing match, we just completed round 1 through 6. Were still standing, thanks to alot of the advice I got here.

    NOW it's time to finish the fight.

    You guys will probably giggle when I tell, you, but I got an idea from thanksgiving, and the Turkey Pardon.


    I figure my Department Of Defense Clearance should be worth more then just working for the very entity that has caused this much pain in the A&*


    So I used some of my contacts, and have an open dialog with the White House. Probably not worth the paper it is written on, however, will make a GREAT conversation piece.


    Ill probably have to do the high dollar lawyer route to get this finished.


    NOW that got me thinking, are there any Grey issues you guys have that you want to get into the public light?

    No need to waste a good chance, and some possible free news coverage, if it goes that far.


    Also understand, Im not doing this because I want to, but because I am forced to.   


    The more the merrier, if you guys have issues...

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  9. Make no mistake, I know im new even after a few years, and ill have to earn yall's respect, but the site was dying and we just saved it.

    I wish there was a few computer guys here, I could share the code with, that was backed into this place and could understand it.


    Google understood it and marked the place. Now everything is HTTP encrypted, and is not at much risk as it was.


    Make no mistake, no mater how good you are, no matter how many security protocols you put in, your still at risk,  however, its like car thieves, if the door is locked they move on to the next one.

    Soft targets.

    I hope the protocols we put in here will stop this kind of crap.

    But as I said, Im thankful for all of you for helping me get Sukei home.


    Ill be forever grateful.



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  10. People sometimes think about what they don't have,  but I submit to you, think on those things you do have.

    Friends, Family, Health and a myriad of things I could list here.

    As an example, I thank God I have sight, and hearing and just the ability to walk around as a normal human everyday. 

    Be thankful for what everyone takes for granted.


    The place I returned from, most folks don't have that luxury.


    Be Thankful for the time you have to spend with the folks that are alive and you still have the time to make amends, for one day you will not.

    But most of all give thanks to God for giving you one more day to do the right thing.

    I pray for the ones we lost, I hope their families can find a way to be thankful for there efforts in keeping everyone safe as can be.


    And most of all I am thankful for each and everyone of you for helping me get Sukei home.

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