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Posts posted by KevinD

  1. They dont just repeat, they actually have an intelligence far beyond repeating stuff.


    I always watch those Einstein videos, and the only reason he says what he does is because he gets a seed right after he performs.


    I submit to you, they dont have to be trained that way, they just need love and attention.


    Sukei will do anything without a seed as a reward. My Wife Susan has spent so much time with Sukei, and she can get him to do anything on command without a seed. He wants to make her happy, because she makes him happy and feels loved, and spends soo much time with him.


    The new one give me 5 is so funny, but I digress.


    Greys are not so different from you or I, they just need love and attention. ALOT of attention. They will move mountains for you.


    NOW im not saying giving them a treat is bad, we give him treats all the time, but in my experience it is not necessary to bribe them.

  2. Sukei is doing well. There was a small incident, as I was not sure where the gov was going to place me here back in the real world, I choose the midcities in Texas, and we got an apartment instread of a house, because we just didnt know where we would land after all the years in the middle east.


    We moved in and 3 weeks later there was a fire above us, flood damage was terrible.


    As the firefighters were doing there thing, Sukei is screaming......"TOO MUCH SHIT!" LOL, I finally grabbed him by the legs and got him out.


    SO we moved to a new place, and he is doing fine, and sits out on the pourch talking with folks as they go by.


    He has quite an audience LOL


    All that is left, is my court date to get his travel ban lifted. Im very sure it will not be an issue according to the lawyer.



    But what a miracle, Sukie was stolen from a nest in Africa, thrown in a box just about died, and now he is here in America, fully healthy and doing just fine.


    Now I got two nephews arguing who will get him when I die LOL.


    There are worse things I guess.


    Bless you all and your greys.



  3. That chaps my ass. Why do they think they have a right to clip your bird in quarantine?


    Im still in a little hot water with USFW as you may have read in other posts, so I going to fight the ones I can win.


    The feathers will grow back, I know its the point of the matter, but no harm, no foul.


    It was a good job, and Sukei is safe.



    Again, I just have to take the whole situation into context.


    How lucky was it to get a rescue bird stolen from the Congo, sure to die, and now is living the good life in Dallas Texas.


    What are the odds? Might buy a lottery ticket lol.



    The fight is 95% over.


    Ill just thank God for that, and consider Sukei and I lucky.

  4. Have you heard about 'Lucky'? She's a bird that lives on a boat sailing the Caribbean. They have several videos on youtube of their adventures. Not sure if they're still doing it as I haven't kept up with them for a couple of years... This one is probably my favorite:


    Guess were not breaking any ground here LOL, but I dont have a house boat, this boat is for fishing :) 55 HP do about 50 MPH with a low tank of gas, has a 30 Gal fuel tank built into the hull,


    Built for the big Michigan lakes, long haul.


    I could not let Sukei out of the cage, he would be airborne LOL

  5. Well, as many of you have seen in the movies Mcaw's are the pirate birds of the Caribbean.... Well Im here to tell you Greys are just as happy on a boat.


    Being semi retired/in between jobs, I got bored, and bought a boat.



    My wife said lets bring Sukie on the boat, and I said are you nuts? Then I thought about it, and thought some more....


    If Mcaw's do it why not Greys.



    He loved it........we didnt go any faster then 10 mph, but he loved it.


    I didn't dare take him out of the cage, but he was singing the pirate song we taught him the whole time.


    I only kept him out 15 min, but now every night he says boat pirate, boat pirate LOL



    Just thought I would share :)

  6. I would go walk about, talk to people, look at ad boards, you would be surprised.


    Ive seen people that just got Greys because of the history and public mindset of having one of these great grey angels.


    They quickly find out that it is a life commitment, and not just something as a play toy or to show the neighbor.



    I think if you look around in the right places, you will find someone willing to just give you one.


    But then you have to consider, are you a person willing to dedicate the rest of your life, no matter what they do?



    They bite, they throw food, there generally not a good house pet unless you are dedicated to taking the time to dedicate to them.


    There life span is greater then yours, so their behavior pattern will be LONG, you have to have the patience.


    If you don't have the patience, I suggest you get a dog or cat.



    Please don't misunderstand, I'm not saying you don't, but if you do, even in your situation, you can find one.



    I have been to EVERY country there is, and if you look hard enough, you WILL find one, if thats what you want.


    I wish you good luck.

  7. The reason I ask this is because this place is full of security issues, you can get punched at at any time.


    The info I have is


    Registrant Name: David Monesky

    Registrant Organization: kmd

    Registrant Street: 23 Oak Street

    Registrant City: Freemont

    Registrant State/Province: n/a

    Registrant Postal Code: 94046

    Registrant Country: US

    Registrant Phone:

    Registrant Phone Ext:

    Registrant Fax:

    Registrant Fax Ext:

    Registrant Email: dme@keebali.com

    Registry Admin ID:

    Admin Name: David Monesky

    Admin Organization: kmd

    Admin Street: 23 Oak Street

    Admin City: Freemont

    Admin State/Province: n/a

    Admin Postal Code: 94046



    I offer hosting free of charge FOREVER free of charge.


    This site has so many security issues I could make myself a moderator in 1 second , an administrator in 2.


    You guys have helped me so much and a I owe you everything.....


    its up to you guys

  8. Something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned. is the definition of gift


    I submit that birdhouse is correct, but I also submit that the definition is wrong, in that each and everyday everyone of you put forth effort just to log in and see past your own problems, and offer help to those seeking advice and comfort.


    While helping, you are having to go through your own issues and those of your greys.


    I have usually found Greys have no issues, it is usually us.


    But I digress

  9. All these reply's are the things I speak of. There all lost on the gang mentality of facebook.


    Whom ever runs this place, thank you, and please dont surrender to the facebook drones.


    Ive watched them since Ive been back to the US, Ive seen them in restaurants and supermarkets and gas stations..... the only reason they reply to anyone or anything, is because their phone or watch or other attached device alerted them.


    Its not because they read the post and actually have something to say, but rather dont want to be seen as not responding.


    Every time I say something here is because I think I have something that may help someone, if not I dont say anything.


    Susan is putting Sukei to bed, he says goood night see you in the morning :)

  10. I said it before Ill say it again, they have the same temperament as humans, plus the ability to put a good size hole in your hand LOL, they have moods, they like certain colors, they like attention, they give love, and they withhold it.


    Not enough room to post all the similarities........

  11. First thanks, I know it is automated, but I appreciated the Happy Birthday wish, but I had a question.


    This is a specialized website devoted to our partners in life, and you guys are very active.



    The question is this, do you feel like facebook takes away from the site?


    I'm old school and not going to do any advertising, I have a small hosting business, not for profit, more of a hobby, but I keep hearing the same things from clients over and over.



    There saying everyone has turned into a facebook drone, and the personal aspect of whatever their web site has to deal with seems to have been robbed by facebook.


    So my question is, over the years you have been here, do you see the same thing? Just your core users that know each other stay, and the rest come and go?



    For the help I found here, Ill be a lifetime member because of the friendships, loyalty and sincere folks I have found.


    In fact my situation has almost calmed to the point, Im going to try and set up a meeting with one of the members here.



    I would never even consider doing that with someone on facebook.



    I dunno, just wondering if anyone had any thoughts about the matter.





    On the most important note Sukei is doing fine, we have found him an Avian Vet (He didnt need one, but I wanted to give him a good check up after all he has been through)


    Vet reports he is more then healthy, again thank you all.






  12. Got a new one lol....


    Sukei has a big 60 inch 4k TV to watch now, and seems to be picking up things more than the old 50 inch 1080P, Im not sure it's it is the resolution or the sound quality, also the proximity.


    He is about 20 feet away instead of 50 feet away.



    Anyways, I had the DVR running while we were out shopping, because I suspected he was was picking up things from the TV after the movie "Arthur" SLUT incident. lol. Long story, anyways, he started saying Sukei American , Sukei American.



    I rewound the DVR, and found a swearing in ceremony for new US citizens on the news, because one of the British anchor news man was there to get his citizenship and they were doing a story on it.


    Somehow, he picked up he was now in America........I swear LOL......too funny.

  13. Genetics....


    And genes.


    This is my own personal theory, take it or leave it lol.


    The gene pool in any one given area of a breeding population gets shallow at points. Lets just say were talking about the US.


    Domestic breeding leads to imbreading, over and over again.



    I have a medical degree (Human) but in talking with the avian doctors in the Middle East, they have told me, and it makes sense, that wild Greys have a deep genetic gene pool and contributes to the intelligence or in human terms the IQ of the Grey.


    Again, please dont take this as fact, its just what I have been told, and it makes the theory plausible.


    So in summation, I think the deeper the gene pool, the more intelligent the grey is.



    I am quite sure there are many other factors as to why some speak more then others, Im not sure anyone has ever done a real scientific study on the subject.



    I can tell you this, Im quite sure Sukei came from the Congo, based on the legal crap I went through with the CITES folks in Kuwait, and he talks in 4 different languages.



    Thats my two cents on the mater.



    I do want to say this, even if you grey does not talk, it doesn't make them any less of a friend, or special. They have the ability to talk, you just may have to work harder to get them to do so.

  14. Stay the course my friend, stay the course.


    You will have some disappointments, and you will have days that make it all worth it.


    I compare relationships with greys as I do with human beings.



    Depending on your relationship, it can be a parent / child relationship, OR it can be a husband / wife relationship.



    I heard one time, someone tell me bird people are strange people, just get a dog or a cat if your a normal person.


    I think if you subscribe to that, you are a lazy person, not that dogs and cats are bad or having one puts you into a certain category. I had a Golden retriever for years till she died and it took me a long time to get over it.


    Being a "Bird person" as they say, means you are a caring concerned human being, and you are willing to make he sacrifice to make a relationship work, same as a parent/child or husband/wife relationship. Working with these wonderful angels requires so much more of you as a person then a dog or a cat.


    My brother is a Dog person 100% and every 10 or 11 years he has them cremated and put into a box and stacks them on his fireplace mantle. Please dont misunderstand me, I think that is a beautiful memorial, but after I lost lacy, I wanted to have someone to outlive me.


    So, I rescued a grey, same as you did. Our Journey was long and will continue.


    Just remember, life with a grey is forever, as far as your lifespan goes, so make it a good one, and you are off to a great start.


    Thank you for rescuing one, instead of going to the pet shop. As the years go by, you both will comfort each other, probably do the equivalent of cry with each other, and in the end, who knows what will happen, Sukei surprises me everyday.


    Good luck and thank you again.

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