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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. It is a "ZOO MED" Floor stand. Only kind you can buy in Kuwait.
  2. Make sure you don't buy a wild caught Grey, I did and found out later and feel badly in a way, and good in a way for rescuing him from that terrible place he was in. But as someone pointed out, if people quit buying wild caught greys and there is no market for them, then maybe they will stop the practice. As long as there is a demand, someone is going to supply.
  3. I put it up as tall as it will go, about 10 or 11 inches above his head head see how that goes. Ill be curious if the barbeque roll continues, of course it could be like Timbersmom said, he might be trying to keep an even tan LOL
  4. Thanks, Ill raise it up a bit, the directions said 12 inches from the perch, so I thought I was good it is 16 to 18 inches.
  5. Ok, Sukei gets a shower in the shower in the AM, and I only spray him if he starts itching (once or twice a day) thats why I asked, thanks........hope that light thing is normal LOL
  6. You said when he is sprayed....how often do you spray him?
  7. Sukei has started to do weird things with the light, this video is only 1.5 min, but sometimes he will do it for an hour straight. And if on top of the cage sometimes he down right attacks the light and then ignores it for a few days. Is this normal? Watch "Avian Light Behavior"
  8. WOW 9 months, and clear as a bell. Thanks for the video! Ill show it to Sukei, maybe he can learn a little. All we have is AH OH LOL
  9. Yea and the effect is immediate! like a few hours I saw a change.
  10. After reading all the information about avian lighting here on the board, and a few other articles, I thought Sukei was getting enough sun in the morning. We bring her outside at 6Am for about 45 min while it is still under 100 degrees. The vet mentioned that I should get one, but I didn't really think about it anymore. Found myself at petzone wandering around looking at all the parrots and parrot paraphernalia and saw a light... 22KD ($77 US) So I picked it up, thought, it cant hurt. Well I am a believer...... scratching/picking is way down, activity level is way up and he is MUCH more vocal. Might be my imagination, but he appears to be eating more also. It is also a good night time signal, if he is out of the cage and I turn off the light, he climbs right in the house Guess we will see how it goes
  11. I'm off today lol, had just set up an avian light for Sukei, so we just sat there and watched.... Some of Sukei's reactions were funny... at times it appeared he was not interested at all, and then all off a sudden the head would whip around the neck stretch up real tall and be memorized.... It was fun, thanks for posting them.
  12. WOW, I found all 59 of your videos on youtube, and watched them all Great few years of history.
  13. The knee perch is cool, maybe one day lol...... Hey maybe I just need to get some popsicles
  14. A rose by any other name.....
  15. I was so looking forward to the free eggs LOL (tongue in cheek)
  16. The thought never crossed my mind to change his name, he already knows his name..... I'm not going to screw up his head LOL. I think folks that have a parrot as a conversation piece might, but not someone that cares for them like family
  17. Well, the Vet called..... I am happy on one hand and a bit befuddled on the other.... First and most important, no virus..... But it turns out that she is a he........ Anyone ever heard of a boy named Sukei? That is kinda like Johnny Cash, a boy named Sue LOL.
  18. Ok, I think.....not sure, because I do not have all the devices to test it with, it should work on ANY mobile device. When you go to the site you will see a FLASH required in the featured video, however if you click on a video or picture it will take you to a mobile page for browsing and viewing. If you have a mobile device and try it, and you can not view a video, please let me know and I can look up the device. I know a lot of people use YouTube and that's fine, this is just an alternative and may be easier to use for some folks.
  19. No Abla LOL. Good luck with the new addition.
  20. Working on two possible exit strategies. It all depends on how/when my deployment ends. I am sure of one thing....... she is coming with me one way or the other And thanks for asking, I appreciate it, and I am sure Sukei does too
  21. Welcome, I know you will get at least as much from the forums as I did. All VERY cute
  22. I was surprisingly amazed to find an Avian Vet in Kuwait that seems to know what he is doing and genuinely seems to care. I took Sukei in for a few things.... one to have that band removed from her leg, it was causing her no end of frustration. Two to get her checked for scratching and itching. Three to get her/him DNA sexed. I also ended up getting her tested for Avian beak and feather disease which is prevalent here . I was going to have the chip put in for the eventual trip home, but this is what made me understand the vet actually cared and was not just trying to jack up the bill.... he said PLEASE wait another 5 or 6 months as he thinks she will still grow a little bigger and that it is a fairly traumatic ordeal, and I agreed. He confirmed what I had suspected, that based on her behavior and the band that she was probably wild caught. But he did say that she was remarkably well behaved for what he has seen come out of the Avian trader market. Said to him it was a crime, but it isnt like you can just put them back, they probably wouldn't survive. He said over all she seemed to be in perfect health and nutritionally we were doing all the right things. He put Travipharm/Ivermectin drops on her neck and will repeat again next week. He gave me a tip on the spray bottle that I had not read before.... put a little vinegar in with the water. Scratching down by 90%. Get the test results back from Germany in 2 or 3 weeks. We forge on
  23. That is just plain impressive to me. I hope someday to have the same problem LOL
  24. Shower time has always been a traumatic time...... We finally figured out the proper configuration ! Watch "Niagra Falls"
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