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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy

    first molt?

    Thanks. The feathers are about an inch long so prob chest feathers.
  2. Sassy

    first molt?

    At what age shoule I expect Neytiri to have her first molt... there is an incrase in "fluffs" lately but I'm also seeing a couple grey feathers here an there... Just wondering if I'm getting into a lolt time or if these are just feathers that may have been knocked out during rough play or freak outs from the vaccuum... I don't think it's plucking since there are only a couple and no apparent bald spots. Neytiri is almost 7.5 mo. thanks Sassy
  3. Sassy

    My new house

    I think that helped her be comfy with it.
  4. Sassy

    My new house

    she's afraid of lots of things... the new vaccuum... hangers... hubby... LOL While i was unpacking it she was watching quite intensely. I have been telling her for a while that she was getting a new house.. she would hang with me while building it for a little bit then fly around the loop and land on her old house for a while... then she would come back again...
  5. Sassy

    Potty training

    Hubby's still not thrilled with Neytiri. He will get over it eventually. Part of the issue is her pooping everywhere. We don't mind if she poops on her stand or basket cause there is paper down. But the floor and especially the back of the couch (leather) is REALLY getting to hubby and he's getting upset. I need help on what to do. Neytiri is flighted. Sassy
  6. Mommy got me a new house! I tried to help but she didn't like me eating the screwdriver. Neytiri
  7. Everyone including the birds are safe. Here's the link to the video. It's very frightening. http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-suv-crashed-into-bird-mania-emmaus-avenue-20121113,0,7861785.story Guess I will have to wait a little longer to get my cage. Sassy
  8. Sassy

    Neytiri update

    Yeah she's getting her appetite back too. She ate like a piggy tonight.
  9. Got a clean bill of health last night for Neytiri. Her air sacks look much better. Just have to watch the regurg she's been doing.
  10. Sassy

    No power

    Power was out only a couple days for me. I'm good now but it was stressful.
  11. Sassy

    No power

    I haven't been bitten in a while. Hard beaks occasionally that cut the skin only cause they are sharp. This one smarts though cause she got right on a vein. Guess I need more practice holding her while giving meds.
  12. We are doing good now in pa. Power is back and Neytiri is happy to be back home. Although still not happy about her meds as she gave me a good chomp last night.
  13. Sassy

    No power

    Thanks. She was excited till I gave her medicine. Then she chomped the side of my wrist. It's all swollen. otherwise she her good old playful self.
  14. Sassy

    No power

    I'm sure she will. There is a huge scary looking lizard thing right below her. Lol
  15. Sassy

    No power

    We have power!!! Figures. Murphy's law. I will stop at the store tomorrow night and pick up Neytiri. Woot!!!!!!
  16. Sassy

    No power

    Vet got power back this am. Neytiri is all tucked in on her adventure. Really pains me to board her but I know it's best. We are being told no power till sun night. I'm going to miss her. Maybe I will go visit.
  17. Sassy

    No power

    Yeah it's a pretty populated area. Good thing is there's a hospital down the street so hopefully they get our power up soon. There are 7000 without power in my township. They had already restored 3000.
  18. Sassy

    No power

    On all the years I've lived here we've never had it out this long. 3 hours tops and its been a year since that. Since we rent there isn't much we can do.
  19. Sassy

    No power

    Prob is its a pack o bird not a real cage. She has very little room. I've got her back in her cage and threw comforters over it. I'm also heating my hot stones I use for massage on the grill to help warm her. This sucks.
  20. Sassy

    No power

    Not sure how long it will be out. I will prob have to go to work tomorrow and can't leave Neytiri alone at home all day. It was too cool for her. I have her with me at my husbands office right now in her carrier but its too small to keep her in. I don't know what to do and I'm stressed out. Sassy
  21. Crazy windy here too. Neytiri has been freaked out all day. Been seeing the glow from transformers blowing. Well heading to bed. Check in tomorrow.
  22. I live in Pennsylvania and am in direct line for the storm. The wind has definitely picked up. A little nerve wracking to say the least. Neytiri is also a little jumpy. I need to keep the blinds closed as she is getting spooked from the trees moving. Stay safe everyone.
  23. Sassy


    She's only 6 months. Don't think it's that. Not sure if its part of her having a respiratory infect.
  24. Sassy


    Anyone have their grey regurgitate after eating scrambled eggs?
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