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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I believe toweling should be for a vet visit, nail trimming, or for a fire. I've done all three. Jay and trancework... bury the hatchet. You both are amazing. When " amazing" people work together... what do you get? MORE amazing! Nancy
  2. LOL all! Sophie thinks she is a good girl. She NEVER thinks she is bad. Dogs are bad, sometimes I am bad BUT.... Sophie is NEVER bad! Nancy
  3. Parry-Parrot I am sure you are quite capable of being a loving parent. My boys did a terrific job starting quite young.One African Grey only, PLEASE! Bonding takes time, and as they imitate little humans, they require alot of time. I agree, getting two greys, they will just bond with each other most likely. Decide on a bird, then we can help you with the cage, diet and toys. What family members are willing to help? I am caring for my two sons birds, that are at college. You HAVE to have a support system in place, Nancy
  4. Empress... its meant to be! Kogi is still such a baby! You were looking to love and find a bird, he's needing a new mama! Let us know what you need to make this happen. Nancy
  5. Steve 2... Greys, if left to their own choice, will choose one member of the flock as their favorite. Thru socialization and routine exposure to the flock, as well as giving responsibilities to the rest of flock when caring for the grey, a relationship can develop with each family member. Sophie loves all of us equally. Just for different reasons. We all satisfy a certain " need". One of us just does better than someone else. I keep her safe and fed.Sean is fun, plays hide n seek, and tolerates her curiosity when he is trying to fix something. Ryan is the fun one.... plays the guitar and sings too her. She will stepup to anyone of us. This behavior and trust, does take time. Nancy
  6. okay... for the computer illiterate... " do you know how hard it was just to send one picture of my gang?" If you all help me download a picture, I'm all in! Nancy
  7. Jocelyn Poor romeo! He will get there! I HATE when birds are clipped! There is such a difference between clipping and trimming, but any baby needs to learn 100% flying. He will get there, but make sure you practice flying in a room with two people, One to take off the other to receive the bird. We have a room that is huge! We had no funiture on the other side of room ( landing). Unfortunately, it did take Sophie 10 years to learn to fly to her own delight. It wasn't us to complete her journey but our Amazon who could fly everywhere. I guess Kiki got tired of watching Sophie fly so strangely. Nancy
  8. No shoulder here until we have a relationship of trust, both ways. Wrist for Sophie when she came here at age two. While hanging on my wrist at 2 1/2 i was typing on the computer she started to bite the air, saying " NO BITE Sophie! YAY! She finally got it! Up to my shoulder that moment! Last bite.( I of course went nuts, called for kids to come down and celebrate, Was dancing with Sophie). Nancy
  9. Trancework is either insane or unique! I thought he was a little of each! LOL! BUT.... I recognized quickly his advice is sound and welcomed. It doesn't matter if an arguement happens, and the discussion gets shut down. You move on.You'll probably argue it again! Nancy
  10. Too young to chew her feathers, head bobbing up and down normal, rejecting the syringe at her own pace quite normal. As far as trying to imitate your whistle.... awesome! Encourage this social interaction. It is sooooo fun. Nancy
  11. I'll ask around! New York a little far though. Nancy
  12. aw64... I certainly appreciate and respect your decision to allow your bird to be fully flighted. This site supports it 100% I just think it is important that we encourage owners who choose to " trim", not feel that they shouldn't be on this site, or choose " not to tell us what they do!"I have done both! The only regret I have had, was Sophie didn't learn how to fly as a baby and develop her flying skills, chest muscles. BUT.... I didn't become her mom until two. After that, we practiced flying. The only TRUE experience I had, was with Kiki. She was encouraged to fly, we practiced flying with two people at all times. When she got more irritable, out of control, I did trim her. She could still fly within three rooms but couldn't fly everywhere. My trimmer could trim her to what I needed while dealing with her " out of control" behavior.She ALWAYS was fully flighted, but took a moment to " talk" to us,.I don't regret any of my trimming. They all fly like crazy, but I don't regret, having my birds take a moment, to learn a few things. Many will comment... " OMG! How could you trim your bird?" I can respond.... I did so, so my bird would take the time for me to teach acceptable behavior. They learned acceptable behavior, as well as chewing was NOT acceptable, dogs were part of the family, the humans are to be tolerated, if not loved.Six months is all it took. Noone gets bit... birds love the dogs, dogs love the birds, birds stepup to the entire family.It worked for us. A decade later....HEAVEN! Nancy
  13. Wingy.... YAY! I know how hard it is for a bird to learn to hover! A fantastic accomplishment. You should be very proud of Jake. Nancy
  14. VERY interesting! Sophie has never done that. Interesting though, that several birds do that. Compare notes! Maybe a behavior that several do, and the behavior has never been identified. Nancy
  15. charlie boy... you are going to get there and be experienced, in a hearbeat! LOL! Nancy
  16. Also remember... bigger is not always better. My guys have a palace from ceiling to floor. Too big to even take outside. They like it....but not their favorite. Difficult to clean. I would always suggest getting a " forever home", right from the start. Greys don't like to adapt to a new home. Even a home gym can be difficult to replace. Sophie has seen many new gyms, including the metal one she loves. Found the same gym.... nope, no way! So Sean, my son, repairs her old metal gym over and over, to make it safe for her. She watches him closely. Once he is done repairing it... he gives her the okay, and she slides down the metal bar 90 miles an hour giving him her approval. He can only repair it, so often he says. YIKES! She needs to give it up! Nancy
  17. Heck yeah! We want VIDEO! Nancy
  18. Hopefully as Timber gets older,he will go to bed all on his own. 12 years later....my guys put themselves to bed, after we read a book. YAY! We went thru what you are going thru.There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Nancy
  19. Sorry for the3 numbe3r three3 behind my re3sponse. Have to go out this w3eeke3nd and get another ke3yboard.( thanks3 to Sophie!) LOL Nancy
  20. Can't wait to see more3videos of Storm.I was thourougly entertained. Nancy
  21. carol....of COURSE we want to see it! For some reason... we hunger for pictures and videos of greys. Its not like "being polite"... and seeing pictures of people's grandkids and children. We are seriously INTO IT! Their is something wrong with us! At least me! LOL Nancy
  22. Jayd....very interesting! Its always important to evaluate birds feet. Skin temperature, color and mobility. As Sophie loves to "hold hands", and I pet her foot daily.... I access her foot on a daily basis. ( not the mama in me, but the nurse.) As a vascular nurse, I deal with blood clots, diabetes, infected wounds, so I subconsciously,evaluate my birds vascular status all the time. Nancy
  23. A used cage is just fine! I would clean with 5% chlorox and water with a serious hosing down. Don't forget the3 steel wool brush! Scrub Nancy
  24. fmcc A very interesting case indeed. It is unusual for a bird to start having seizures 20 years later. Zoey developed seizues six months ago.Many dogs do around six years of age. She is now on pheonobarb as well as well as thyroid med. She is doing quite well.Ifhe continues to fall off perch.... think of seeing a specialist who deals with neurological disorders.May not be seizures. Nancy
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