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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sometimes foraging toys doesnt work, they are stuck to you like velcro. Sophie has no interest in toys, but she LOVES to destroy. Anything paper shredding is good for Sophie. When I vacumn, Sophie is on my wrist. Its been this way forever. she has been on my shoulder forever with trust. but vacumning, she goes for the wrist.f she falls off... she just runs...climbs up my leg and back where she wants to be. Nancy
  2. Inara is growing in leaps and bounds... now it is up to you, to keep up! I am surprised Sophie doesn't repeat " I don't think so", which I say always. I know she doesn't say it, because she knows what it means! LOL! Sean and I were watching the movie " gravity" today. She sat there quietly on Sean's shoulder the entire time. I watched them as much as I watched the movie. It was awesome to watch Sophie love Sean so much. As Sean had seen the movie before, I caught the moments of disinterest with the movie, and interest in Sophie. They were in their own world, playing games that only Sean and Sophie have developed. I did comment to him, that many Grey owners struggle with their own personal relationship with a bird... but to have family members that are loved also... is exceptional! He laughed it off Nancy
  3. I miss her so much! My grief is shared with all my animals. Ollie is confused and needing my support too.He is more independent, but has been sleeping with me past several nights. It is nice having my youngest home with me... he has been fantastic. He made me laugh when he told Ollie " If mom is forcing you to sleep in her room... bark twice! I'll save you!" Sophie is barking like zoey, so I know I will never forget her bark. Nancy
  4. Through my experience, first cage, should be a " forever home". Investigate...make a decision for a forever home, from the start. Greys don't adjust well to a change in their home. Sophie has done so to an upgrade, but it was hard and took more than a year. I would suggest with a " forever home", they can grow into... Nancy
  5. Its just so hard! Zoey is my favorite next to Sophie. nancy
  6. Unfortunately, you are in the " honeymoon stage". Worse stage for a relationship with your bird. Start developing a relationship with your bird on wrist only. Nancy
  7. LOVED the picture! Remember, Safety first. Always Nancy
  8. So happy for you and Ruby! I suspected the air conditioner change was the problem. Ruby sounds very susceptable to climate changes, where my Sophie is not. I can't spray Sophie. but every four months she gets a shower and boy, do I know how unhappy she is! After having her for fourteen years, I know what makes her happy and what doesn't. When I shower her now, she knows I am on her side, and it has got to be done! She trusts me with her life, so I empathazie with her! We go into the shower together and I feel her pain. Thats the only reason we can shower together. TRUST! Its done, and we move on Nancy
  9. I can't believe I called her Sophie in the beginning! I have always done so. I am soo missing Zoey not sure how I will sleep at night without her. Nancy
  10. Hope you are feeling better! Your birds new feathers are amazing! Keep us updated. We care and want to continue to see the progress. Nancy
  11. Quirky... I never heard about the " blushing". Very interesting! Wish I could help.... Nancy
  12. Sad news. Sophie wasn't eating well past three days. I asked my boss to give me Thursday and Friday off . She did. Zoey fluctuated between being very ill... then perking up in the evening. She never left my side. She would drink, pee and give me kisses. This morning we had an appointment for another chemistry level, see where we stood. She had a seizure this morning, but I wasn't surprised as I couldn't get her medications into her. Went to vet, waited an hour and half, which was fine. They were so busy and we just were snuggling anyway. They drew her blood, returned her to me. When we got called into the room, the vet told me her lab values were sooo much worse and there was nothing more they could do. Within five seconds she went into a grand mal seizure. While I was protecting her head, vet said the frequent seizures is from the worsening liver failure. I made a quick decision, as she will sleep usually two minutes after a seizure, to euthanize her. I didn't want her to be afraid!!!!! That was soooo important to me! She was sleeping in my arms when they put her to sleep. The hardest thing I have ever done. Ollie is lost, Sophie is walking around looking for zoey! This is so very hard. Nancy
  13. Thank you all for support!I know I am crazy treating my dog like a person. I've got two vets arguing back and forth how to treat Zoey. I know they both only care for her survival.I'm going to stick with a plan with my Doctor friend who deals with same health issues with humans. So far... it is working Nancy
  14. Thank you for helping this bird. I'm hoping your daughter loves this bird, and baby finds a forever home! Nancy
  15. Awwww... she is a happy bird Nancy
  16. It is important for a Grey to get wet. Even though Sophie trims herself well... she has so much dander, it is an issue health wise. All my birds love a shower, she has watched and politely said " NO THANK YOU!" for a decade. She won't do it! Spritzing... nothing worked. As she loved me quickly after adopting her at age two, within six months, she got a shower as nothing worked. She still hates showers... " I feel her pain", but it still gets done. I'm forgiven pretty quickly as she trusts me. Is she mad at me? Hell yeah! Does that bother me? NO! I empathize with her, but it doesn't change the course of my actions. It is important for hygiene. I feel her pain, but she is going to get showered! Nancy
  17. So happy Isaac is getting back his feathers! We really want you to show us pictures of the process.What I LOVE about this forum... is we really care! I think most people think like me on this forum.... we are extended aunts and uncles and get excited to hear progress( as well as we are there for setbacks). We personally feel the ups and downs. Nancy
  18. A new day.... and it is a good one! I held her lasix that makes her pee alot. meant to decrease her fluid buildup. Her abdomen was flat this morning and her mucosal membranes looked dry. My thoughts were " too much fluid removed, too fast!" I made the right decision. Got home from work... she is barking up a storm, gave her a snack, she pretty much almost ate my fingers. Not laying around, wants to play. I said " NO"... well maybe just a little! I couldn't reach my vet as we are having a horrible snowstorm and they closed early. Talked to one of my good friends who is a doctor of people. I had him read the five page report on the findings. We were in total agreement that is was vague, but pointed at the pancreas as being the culprit! While we treat humans with the same disease process it was a road unexplored with a dog. Our final diagnosis after reading the ultrasound, was pancreatitis. I'm treating her like she is a human. Surprise.... she is responding like humans do.I'm stopping short of putting in a PICC line, giving her parental nutrition and not allowing her to eat. Staying cautiously optimistic! Nancy
  19. That is awesome about Gracie! I KNOW she is going to do it! Nancy
  20. What is weird about her tests, her liver is not enlarged, not cirrhotic looking. Good news. The liver failure is coming from another organ, most likely the pancreas. Pancreatitis takes time to heal. I'm willing to invest the time ( and money), to treat the pancreatitis. She ate nothing this morning. Whether it is disease related, or the two new antibiotics that are tough on the gut, hard to decide. I am so happy with my vet, in constant contact. ( I haven't bothered them... my vet has called me). Today we are going to skip the antibiotics, get the most important meds into her. I also was very surprised as animal hospital has called me. They are offering advice ( for free) as well. Whether it is something they normally do, or because she is the cutest dog you ever met, I don't care! I'm sensing a different opinion between my vet and animal hospital though. I've decided to use my nursing skills to make the final opinion. Nancy
  21. Zoey is the baby of the family. Everyone is involved! Sophie bringing to Zoey peanuts, I'm confiscating them. Her protein is limited. Ollie licking her, giving her a bath, she is getting annoyed. Thats good! Zoey has a chance.. I'm just thinking out of the box.. one of my best friends is a doctor, that deals with pancreas and liver issues. We are working like crazy to treat her. I HATE being the parent and treating her like she is a patient. But she is! I need to treat her like a patient. If I don't, she will die. I'm going to treat her, without my personal inflection. Nancy
  22. You also can train without treats, and just use your phrase " fantastico". I give Sophie cheese treats, but honestly,I don't use treats to train her. I just give her praise on any of her accomplishments. She knows when I am pleased, and she gives a certain " squack", when she is proud of herself. I guess I am old school. Nancy
  23. Welcome! Tons of work ahead of you! A GREAT commitment Nancy
  24. katana600.. from what I have learned about you, I suspect miss Gilbert has learned as well. She will keep her cards close to her chest. She knows you keep her safe and she can trust you. Nancy
  25. I can't add a thing... our fantastic members covered it all. Sophie has NEVER adopted to toys. Anything she can shred. Try a pinata. Sophie gets them frequently. Some birds never adjust to toys. Sophie thinks we are her toys. She is more into playing games with us. We adjusted to her interests. Nancy
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