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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Always, be careful with ideas of " upgrading". Your idea, as a parent, doesn't necessary agree with their idea of upgrading. As parrents, we want the " best!" As birds, they want what they feel comfortable with. I have learned... NEVER mess with a greys home. It is their domaine, and they won't care how much money you have spent to upgrade. I always suggest for new parrents, to invest in a forever home. A cage they can grow into. Sophie has had her favorite metal gym since we got her! We repair it... keep it going! When its hanging by a thread, we keep it going.. She watches repairs, and gives her cluck of approval. She has had this gym from the beginning! While its hanging by a thread, I invest to fix it. Its that important to her. Nancy
  2. Excellent post katana600 YOU are an excellent mama! I sometimes feel, that I fail Sophie, that I don't read labels closer. I know I provide her with a great seed mix, as I always work with my trimmer. I always provide her with fresh veggies more than fruit... and I am proud that she now eats them after years of her throwing them at the walls,,, but I always worry I am not doing enough! Sunny is very old, needs a diet high in carbs and fats per my groomer. It is tough hand feeding him yogurt, macaroni and cheese, and keeping Sophie happy away from the things I offer Sunny. Nancy
  3. For Sophie... I have to do it at eight every night. She is like clockwork.Eight is her bedtime! In the summer, Sean will read to her one night a week when I work my one 12 hour shift. She is thrilled! It takes three minutes! If Sean is unavailable, I have three kids that will read to her and she is happy. During the winter months, there may be three times in a six week period I am working late. She will put herself to bed without a bedtime story, but next day I get up early and apologize and read to her before I go to work. I am forgiven. Nancy
  4. Sabina, be careful you don't take Rio out when you see him chewing his feathers out of frustration. That will reinforce the habit! Sophie learned quickly I wanted nothing to do with her if she was chewing her feathers out of frustratiion. I would tell her " NO CHEW", walk away. She learned I wanted to be with her when she wasn't attacking herself, and didn't like it when she did. Of course, keep in mind if they are chewing their feathers due to dryness. Important to establish baths and spritzing if you can. Greys do dry out easily. I have been blessed that none of my birds chew their feathers. Its a terrible habit, and needs to be addressed if they do. Always ruleout medical reasons first. Nancy
  5. Excellent post Muse! Don't get me wrong... having MBS takes alot of patience, effort and supervision. Let me STRESS on the supervision part. Not for everyone, and NOT for every bird. My groomer asked me my secret how I got my Amazon and sunconure to live together. I would showup for beak and nail trimming with Sunny our sunconure and Kiki our Amazon, in one travel cage, Sophie in another. If I had a bigger travel cage, they would have been altogether! I told him I couldn't tell him my secret! LOL! There WAS no secret. They established their relationships under the watchful eye of me, Ryan and Sean. We had three cages and three gyms. I have " open cage door", so they can climb back and forth all they want. I always found three birds in one cage.It got annoying having cages noone lived in, so I put one in the garage. I still have two cages, so they can take a break from each other, but Sophie rarely uses the " big palace!" I was going to get rid of it, but since Sunny has become her responsibility, I thought to keep it so she could take a break once in awhile. All is well. Nancy
  6. I don't have a generator. I DO have several friends in several different towns that would take Sophie and Sunny in case of an emergency. I would take their birds as well if they lost power. Push come to shove... I would sneak Sophie into a hotel or I would book a flight and visit Greywings! Hope Greywings would be ok with the short notice! Nancy
  7. While we have a leak in the roof, it is over her favorite spot. Gate that separates kitchen and family room. Sophie's domain. I have a pot to collect the leak, but Sophie likes to throw the pot onto the ground. THEN... she gets a water leak on her body. OMG.... she sounds like the wicked witch from OZ..... " I'm melting"... Nancy
  8. In general... never give up. They are always processing, and though it may take alot of time ( birdie years), we owe it to them to let them decide on their time to start talking. Doesn't mean they never will. Nancy
  9. Sterling SL... WASH your mouth out with soap! LOL! NO MORE fids! Ray... Sophie will NEVER ask me advice on anything! Its her way only that she understands! What a surprise. Brat Birds... please don't tell me there is another stage.... judygram... thanks for the support from a super mom Nancy
  10. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you as I write this. NOT FAIR! Nancy, Ryan, Sean,Sophie and Sunny
  11. Grumpy, while Cockey may be slower to pick up on the words, he will eventually surpass most birds I know in intelligence, including reasoning. While my Amazon was amazing...they struggled rarely for who "rules". Sophie quickly climbed the ladder of top dog, including the dogs. However, parents need to keep in mind, they are the " top dog". Many want to be " friends" with their bird to gain their trust. I don't believe in that. You will gain their trust thru interaction, routine, socialization and keeping them safe. I'm not always Sophie's favorite, and thats okay! Kids come home, they are fun and Sophie has a grand old time! Couldn't be happier for her. In the end.... kids and friends leave and Sophie is looking for me. I am her mom first, who has to make the tough decisions she doesn't always like, the friend last. My consistent parrenting I hope, has helped Sophie be the bird she is today. She is an amazing bird, that I am proud of. Nancy
  12. Welcome mary and shelby. Dave is right about this site, but if you want to talk about your grey friend here, you are more than welcome. Nancy
  13. A sad day indeed! I got home from work, let Sophie out as usual from her bird room, she walked out saying " Ma!" Not ROM as usual.( I was partial to ROM.) I thought it was a fluke, but for the next hour it was Ma, Ma, Ma. Next thing I know she will be wanting to date! Nancy
  14. OMG Jeni! Bless you! I will ask my Trimmer, as he is an owner of bird store. He will know.We are all here to help you. Nancy
  15. Sophie HATES toys in her cage, so I have to hold them, and then she will chew them! Sigh! Nancy
  16. They are always like the age of two... happy that Sophie is now more like four! When I am doing dishes, and I see her walk up to the coffee table ready to take a chunk out of it... I just have to say " Sophie NO!" She runs away knowing this is a no no! I always thank her for listening. Nancy
  17. All have such great advice. Your baby is a " sponge" right now. You may not see the results from your attempts for some time, but you will. Read....read...read....I still read to Sophie everynight to this day. She LOVES her bedtime stories. She LOVES Dr. Seuss... anything that rhymes, as well as cloth books. " Thomas the Tank Engine", is her favorite ( I am embarassed to say). I know it by heart, so once I tried to tell her the story without turning the pages. I got a big SQUACK! I didn't do it right, and she knew it! LOL! Grumpy Cockey is doing great! Ahead of schedule in my opinion! I truly believe, greys follow the same schedule as kids, until the age of four. Then children will surpass their birdy friends. I am okay with Sophie being four, for the rest of her life! She is such a joy, and brings so much happiness to us all. Nancy
  18. Very young! Talk to me when at age four and you haven't seen a difference! Again, talk to me at age 14, and would " BEG" for a few moments of peace and quiet! Nancy
  19. Whatever stand or gym he likes, he needs to be in the area where the family interacts. Your bird is at the perfect age to learn what " family" means. I wouldn't let your bird decide on those terms. As a parent, we decide on our expectations, and plans for bird exposure. If I listened to Sophie, she would be on a gym, all by herself, having nothing to do with our family.Our greys don't get to make the choices. We are their parrents, and have chosen then to be our children. WE make the decisions. African Greys, don't do well under captivity. I have NEVER closed my birds cage. She has her own room. She has always been treated like just another family member. Sophie has always loved our dogs, as well as kids. Sophie loves everyone in our home.... but I do get upset with kids, when we are watching a movie, Sophie is hanging with us, throwing popcorn, kids get annoyed with her. I do comment.... "Do you know how many parents of a grey,would be thrilled to have this experience?" Nancy
  20. Go to the vet. I am sure he will recommend you continue with the gel. Its going to be okay, I promise! Nancy
  21. I am confused. Most parents receive their birds around 16 weeks. Nancy
  22. First, I would recommend a vet visit, but if you don't have that luxury, is the area red, inflamed, signs of infection? If not... just monitor the site. Give some general misting, avoiding direct contact to the eye. Possible mites or flea bites? your bird is to young to chew this area, so something happened. Nancy
  23. AWESOME! I use to take Sophie outside to garden with me until Kiki taught her how to fly. I have been wondering if she would adjust to a harness of some kind. She is 14 now but I know she misses digging in the dirt. Nancy
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