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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sugarsnap and snow peas are a favorite with my guys. Greenbeans too. Of course they threw them at me several times. I'm patient. LOL! Nancy
  2. Welcome home Pablo! The Hunt gang look forward to meeting you! Nancy and friends
  3. katana600... Time for Miss Gilbert to get away from the cage. Of course, it is a " safety zone", and thats why I don't believe in " closed cages". Its a place to eat and sleep and thats all it is. Life is all around you. Introduce every room in the house, go on tours.Sophie LOVES our entire home and is comfortable in all rooms. When it is bedtime, she goes to bed in her cage. Its a place to sleep and she can eat to her hearts content! Thats all it is. She has a ton of jungle gyms and perches. The only perch she treasures,is on my shoulder or kids. Nancy
  4. I always thought I " knew what it takes", but after losing Kiki my Amazon, and Zoey my puppy this year,,,, I am doubting myself. Sean is coming home from college more.... two hour drive,as he knows I am struggling.I dont want him to come home to deal with my loss! Nancy
  5. Happy birthday! nancy, ollie, Sopie and Sunny
  6. Happy birthday Nala! I am so happy you can take Nala to school. Your baby will learn soooo much, as well as the children Nancy
  7. Escher is doing everything " right on time!" You guys are doing everything great as well! Try something we did for Sophie. It was stupid... but it changed everything! Buy the game " Trouble". Play it in front of your baby with you and your husband. Establish the rules right from the start. If you want to " pop " the bubble... you have to stepup to the next person. Of course, when Escher pops the bubble, you do it for him. I know it sounds crazy, and so simple, but this game got Sophie to stepup to everyone. She couldn't WAIT to pop that bubble! LOL 14 years later... it is still her favorite game! She is now a " gameaholic! She will leave your team the moment she thinks you are losing!Sophie will stepup on the shoulder of the winning team! They are GREAT friends and are willing to chance it. I'm just disappointed that she can be so shallow! LOL! Nancy
  8. Good to hear! Always ask questions! Some parents can't get past their anxiety, and the bird knows it and will chew feathers. You are going to do great. ( you already are!) As far as your daughter, LOL! My kids grew up with Sophie and I have been accused to this day, that I love her more than them. They are 19 and 23 and it is an ongoing joke with them. I always told them " She is forever four, and needs the guidance of a four year old." They are great kids and have a fantastic relationship with her. Couldn't have done it without them. Nancy
  9. Wingnut4772... stop doubting yourself! I knew NOTHING about a Grey when I first adopted her.They are like kids, and follow the same pattern of human children. I realized that quickly and set goals and expectations for her. I DO know... I would have trouble with a cockatoo, as they tend to " shred", with their beak... a grey clamps down. The only bite I ever got from Sophie, I had to squeeze my finger for the blood flow. My feelings were hurt! Nancy
  10. I have never heard of roudybush. Doesn't mean its not good. Compare the ingredience. Remember as they grow older, fresh veggies more than fruits are important. Nancy
  11. LOVED the video! Sophie pulls the spoons out of dish rack to do the same! They are crazy birds! Nancy
  12. Sometimes our parent radar is all we have to go on! It took Zoey my dog, to miss one slice of cheese to know all was not right! Nancy
  13. Elvenking... from the pictures, you have soooo many new feathers coming in at the same time. You are going to see a few be eliminated. BE CAREFUL! If you obscess.. you are going to see many more! Greys pickup on your anxiety.Take a deep breath... continue to do what you are doing and remind your baby how beautiful they look! Sophie thinks she is gorgeous... and while she is.... I get a kick at how she thinks she is " Gods gift to the world!" Nancy
  14. Find a great petstore owner that can help you figure out a mash that baby needs. Its GREAT that you are past the syringe feedings. Baby needs additional feedings that are not pellets.Its NOT a contact call for bonding or attention, but a bird that wants oral satisfaction! My belief is ALWAYS satisfy the oral stage, no matter how long it takes. Nancy
  15. Well now we all know Marco thinks she is good! With ATTITUDE! LOL! You go Marco! Nancy
  16. So happy for you guys and Escher! 22 months is very young in my opinion, but I just have Sophie adopted at age two to compare too! Minimal talking when we got her, but from a fantastic home! She talks up a storm and started mostly around 2 1/2. She is 14 now, and still makes new words and sounds.She is a snuggle muffin, but more around the age of three as she was " too busy" getting into things.Keep encouraging the relationship with daddy even when you are home. Let him see the loveable interaction you guys have. Practice stepup between the two of you, turn it into a game.Sophie steps up to all of us equally and we treat her like a hot potato! LOL! If one gets busy... Sophie is handed off to the next. She doesn't mind. She loves all of us but for different reasons.Sean comes home from college around every three weeks. Ryan in college in north carolina and they skype. When he does come home once a year.... Sophie is at the door and she is always first priority. Nancy
  17. I disagree about the whistling! It became a " favorite game", with us in different rooms and creating something " new". I would whistle, she would repeat... I'd add to it... so would she! It was a game she loved right from the start, it helped her develop trust. Fourteen years later... it is still her favorite game. It never changed on how she learned words. She talks up a storm, and when she runs out of words, she does baby talk. I know I talk alot... kids complain all the time. They also comment that Sophie is just like me! I disagree.... she blabbers WAY more than me! Nancy
  18. She is beautiful! She has come home quite young. How did you know how to feed her? Average birds come home at 16 weeks. Just curious! Nancy
  19. Welcome Ray and Gandalf. You are doing great! Always important to socialize our kids, so " off to Grandma we go!" My girl Sophie is 14 now, well socialized that started the moment she walked in the door, adopted at age two. She LOVED, the football and wrestling sleepovers, and even though I put her to bed, I always found her sleeping on someone.( obviously kids let her out). She would tell me SHHHHH as kids were sleeping! LOL! As kids got older, and I went out of town for the weekend, Sophie gave me a full report on what went down! ( can't bribe her!)LOL. I know you will find so much enjoyment with your baby and create so many experiences and memories. Our birds are priceless in what they contribute to the family dynamics. Nancy
  20. Ollie is doing better! Has decided to sleep with me at night but he sure doesn't understand that I hate my lips and up my nose licked! LOL! My girlfriend got her pomeranian puppy and says she is a devil! Her senior pomeranian loves the new baby, as I was sure she would.Can't wait to take care of her pups when she is working late. Nancy
  21. KimKIm... Sooo happy for you! You were determined and made it happen! I LOVE it. Now remember, it takes birds a little time to trust a new cage, no matter how nice it is!DONT be disappointed if bird is cautious. Move favorite gym or cage up close to new one.Give your baby time to investigate. Nancy
  22. Praying for Toby to get back to his obnoxious self again! You followed your parent radar. Great job monax. Nancy
  23. Isaac looks beautiful! LOVED the last picture of " I'm done daddy! NO more pictures!" Just let him know it is your right as a parent to take all the pictures you want. Nancy
  24. How old is your bird? Kiki our amazon did this also as she wanted formula even though she was 20 weeks. She had supplemental feedings syringe fed in between regular diet. This is also dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. They can aspirate quite easily. Kiki wasn't fully weaned until eight months old, but it was worth it. She became the best eater, and was the " tester" of new foods as she would eat anything and everything. Again... syringe feeding is for the experienced. I was taught and would never recommend anyone doing it unless you know what you are doing. I also agree, add some chew toys, things that are interesting and anything baby can destroy. Nancy
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