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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Thanks! I'm gonna grab some logs, remove the bark as I would be very concerned regarding the blood thinning potential. Sean her other best friend is coming home in five days.... another human perch that she loves to death! I'm ready to be put on the back burner for the summer.I'll once again, will be living with 19 year olds, and Sophie will be very excited.I'm usually excited for her, but this year, I'm struggling with the loss of Zoey. I'm trying to remain strong and NOT get another dog. Its worked out, as Sophie has been with me strong, since lost of zoey. She is about to desert me. I understand. I just need someone to remind me to stay strong and NOT get another pup! Can anyone help me? Nancy
  2. Muse... I knew it involved water...it makes sense if it works for dogs, it should work for birds in theory. No difference. Nancy
  3. I KNEW she would remember you! So glad she did. I DO have my concerns for her, as you have been gone a long time. Has NOTHING to do with your parrenting, but her missing her foster family. Any plan in place to visit her, or have foster family keep in contact with her? Just some suggestions as I know you love your bird, and want the best for her during this transition. Nancy
  4. I haven't read it... but will check it out! nancy
  5. I loved having a female grey. Sophie is a joy. I also loved having my girl Zoey, being the leader of the dogs. Girls rock! Nancy
  6. I cant help you. Sophie has been with me for over a decade.If Sophie laid an egg.... I would be freaking out!( THERE GOES MY REPUTATION AS AN EXPERIENCED OWNER, IF i HAD ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE!),I would contact my bird trimmer.... let him know my dilemma, and he would guide me. Nancy
  7. Rochester gas and electric is coming in to trim trees. They are leaving an abundance of tree limbs. I'm watching them closely....OMG... I'm turning into a wood fanantic. Whats the experience of wood for a weeping willow? Sophie would be thrilled! Nancy... PS ( I need to get a life, and not be thrilled about new wood for Sophie to chew!) Nancy
  8. Santaeid...you are demonstrating being an excellent parrent. You have excellent questions, but unfortunately, I don't think the band has helped many.Kudos to you for exploring! Let us know what you find out! Age became irrelevant years ago when Sophie came home at age two. ( I do have papers to prove her age). She is now 14, or 15? I lose track of time with her. She is ageless and acts the same outside of new words, and more wisdom and empathy. Comparing her from the age of 2-14.... I love her just the same, but LOVE our interactions more now. Nancy
  9. Poor little girl! " hydro therapy", sounds like some kind of physical therapy. Let us know the details! Nancy
  10. I LOVE Ray's post and truly agree. The trust goes both ways! I know I have been lucky to have " dodged the bites", although I have my own scars, they weren't fascial bites. I'm a firm believer in wrist status only, until the trust is there. ( on both parts as Ray has said.) Nancy
  11. I LOVED Inara's response! It was awesome! Alyson,,, I am very proud of you, as I am sure your parents are as well. You are very mature and have learned what responsibility means, as a young adult. I forsee your baby thriving, Your plan for socializing is right on! I have two boys in college now, have been involved in Sophie's life for past twelve years. Sophie skypes with them when they are in school, and goes " crazy" the moment they walk in the door. Nancy
  12. Yikes! I'm not an expert on birds that lay eggs! I know there are others that can help you. Nancy
  13. Amazing! I'm so glad you have opened your home to these birds. Greys can surprise us with their empathy. Sophie is very empathetic, and has demonstrated to me her leadership ability in ruling our animal kingdom. From birds of different species, to our dogs, Sophie has been in charge more than a decade.I LOVE that she will ask Ollie my pup " Do you want a peanut?" She will give him one. I find it strange for a dog to like a peanut, but Ollie does. In the morning... she walks out and tells Ollie to share his chicken. He does! LOL. I watch their interactions, and find them strange, but who am I to judge? They figure it out...but it was a long road of constant supervision to get here. Nancy
  14. I have never looked at the writing on my birds foot. I now will do so.No difference between seven or fifteen. A teenager either way. BUT.... I would want to know Sophie's birthday! A party for sure.Ive had her since age two. Between the ages of seven thru thirteen, nothing is different except new words and more things to get into! LOL Nancy
  15. I know it will work out!keep us informed of the progress of healing... or the digression with chewing while bored! I've been there as I am sure others have as well. Nancy
  16. Maybe we could teach them to grap one whole... and clean with it! LOL! Sophie also loves to chew the papertowels. LOVED Talon's video. Soooo much like Sophie. Nancy
  17. Dave can help you about water. He is very good! Keep doing what you do. Nancy
  18. she seems very happy and investigating! Excellent! Nancy
  19. Santaeid... Whoa!!!! DONT force your rehomed bird out of his cage!I know you want to provide your bird with the best living arrangements, they are very possessive of their cage. Its their home. I learned the hard way. As someone else suggested... move the new cage next to their new home, let bird jump back and forth and let bird get comfortable. Sophie has a metal gym she came with at age two. Upgraded times many gyms.... old gym was put away...was always brought back in the end. My son has repaired it over and over! LOL. She enjoys her new gyms... but she LOVES her old gym. He repairs her old gym in front of her. She watches him like a hawk... then jumps on it and slides down the side 90 miles an hour and stepsup to him. She is pleased! Nancy
  20. murfchck... I am so sorry! I am sorry for the trauma that is going on, but as well, Cotay doesn't know or understand the love you have for her. It WILL happen. Many times us mamas are an " after thought", and they love someone else. It CAN change and unfortunately takes time... grey time which is awhile.YOU.... are an awesome mama. Nancy
  21. Elvenking...Isaac is looking great! Hope you are doing well also. I would suggest NOT to upgrade cage at this time, as changing cages, no matter how beautiful the upgrade, is sometimes hard on a bird. They are very possessive of their cage. I would suggest getting a new cage to be outdoors, keep the original cage for now. Progress takes time as you know, but change takes even more time and sometimes can be a stressor. I agree natural sunlight is so important! Sophie has her own chair next to sliding glass window. She barks at the squirrels and birds. Has a GREAT time! I'm working on the courage to start harness training her.I really want to do it! We could do it together! LOL Nancy
  22. I din't know that! Thanks! She has always thrown out onions, so I am grateful to learn this! As Sean is coming home for the summer, and she worships the ground he walks on, I suspect she would have eaten the onions.As kids are off to college, when they are home now, it is especially important to her. Things she blue off or didn't like, is different now. She is more loving and excited when they are home and makes more compromises. She is no longer the " spoiled child" she has been forever. Their relationship is very important to her, as she misses my kids very much. Nancy
  23. Sooo happy Cotay is okay! As far as the glue, it is called " dermabond", is especially strong, may see " purple areas" where it is applied. It is FANTASTIC, durable and from my experience, better than sutures! I have never seen such an amazing product! May take several weeks of seeing the purple glue. Don't try to wash it off! It will go away many weeks later. Nancy
  24. Everyone has their plan for their bird. Some do shoulders, some do not. You have to make your own decision! Another thought if you choose to do shoulder from the start.... be careful what earrings anyone wears!!!!! Sophie was, and is, fascinated with all earrings especially anything that shines! She is a " gemstone" fanatic... and can have those diamonds out before you ever felt a thing! Kudos to my girl. It is painless.... you don't even know she has them. Gotta love her for the painless part at least! (as well as excellent taste!) Nancy
  25. Sean likes banana peppers recently! I'm going to grill with onions and pineapples on kabobs.Just bought several condiments from " tastefully simple". Will see how it goes. Nancy
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