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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. lol bluedawg! Sophie won't be coming for dinner... I spotted broccholi! GREAT perch. Nancy
  2. Awww. I am jealous! Got Sophie at age two. I suspect they get well hydrated from the feeding. Nancy
  3. The left side of her chest is raw and I'm sure, is uncomfortable. She needs to go to the vet. Not only should you be concerned about infection, her comfort level needs to be addressed. When you adopt a grey into your family... we promise to keep them safe. Its not your fault... but the area needs to be addressed by a vet. Nancy
  4. Mistyparrot... LOL! I'm with you! Nancy and Sophie
  5. Follow a healthy diet delivering basic food groups from humans. Keep free sugar to a minimal, and watch on how much cholesterol we deliver. Remember too broccholi and kale deliver protein.( I was surprised when I learned that!).She has pellets, freeze dryed veggies fresh fruits and veggies. She picks and chooses, and I NEVER have worried about her diet. I worry more about moving her cage away from the wall as fresh blackberries and raspberries eats paint! Also I hear fresh fruit isn't that good for them. Nancy
  6. I am doing okay. I worry about Ollie. He is so sad without a friend to play with. Sophie brightens his days. He is eating better, as he wouldn't eat well for first several days. I of course, feel the " loss " of Zoey like a ton of bricks to this day. But I need to focus on Ollie. I can focus my energy on rescues and friends that need help with puppies, but what do I do for Ollie? I work long hours, have always had two dogs that loved and played together.I feel I am being disloyal to Zoey on thinking of getting a friend for Ollie. IF I did... it would have to be after May as I would need Sean's help for training. On the flip side... It would be a ton of work training a new dog to love and accept Sophie. I don't want to risk Sophie's safety. TONS to think about... I just care now about Ollie's well being. I also worry that I wouldn't bond with a new dog, as Zoey was probably my bestfriend of all times! Nancy
  7. Ouch! One way or another, this area is raw and needs to be treated.I feel so sorry for you and your baby. Nancy
  8. I was thinking of a molt. The nurse in me says everything looks good. Watch diet, water and poop. The parent in me says.... if your parent radar is up.... go to the vet. Nancy
  9. Glad it all worked out!I'm calling you guys on this site for the next feather that needs to go! I'll provide the dermabond, you guys provide the guts to pull the feather! LOL! Wouldn't it be amazing if we all lived together on the same block? Our birds would be amazing! Nancy
  10. Yay for Rohan! A GREAT victory for you. Never give up on a healthy diet. They waste like crazy like.... forever! LOL Actually, eventually they start trying new things, or things you have repeated over and over.If Sophie dislikes something once, she gets it introduced into her diet several more times. Broccholi is a BIG no no for her no matter how much I give it to her or make it. She finds it and throws it out.Remember you can also get veggie parrot mix. I do both and my guys love it. Nancy
  11. Shane OUCH! Hope you are ok! Sophie would just add it to her list of perches Nancy
  12. Michellec... Welcome to you guys! Love your plans for Nala. Nancy
  13. Thanks Howardine.. I am always the strong one... and fake it when I need to.I will be honest....I miss her so much! I am questioning my capability to continue to care for my animals. Nancy
  14. The diet issue, is tough! The goal is always fresh veggies and a balance of pellets, and seeds. My guys are piglets and eat quite well. As babies... a different story. My walls can tell you what we went thru. Nancy
  15. Sophie Kiki and Sunny lived together quite well for ten years, We did lose Kiki our Amazon last year. It was very hard. If you want birds of different origins, it works best if you have someone available 24/7. While we have " open cage" belief, it is very hard to maintain, unless you can supervise. We had the capability. It extended to the dogs on the birds part. I don't believe in having two greys. Just my opinion. It is too stressful for the greys. Fighting for dominace, the other one gets stressed. Decide on what bird you want. If you want a baby and can find one at a petstore you trust...let the bird pick you.I never picked any of my birds. They picked us. Nancy
  16. Sean is coming home every three weeks to continue his flight training. I always ask him if he knows enough that if we were on a 747 and the pilots were incapacitated and the stewardess asked if any one could fly a plane...could he land us safely!!!! He asked me where I get my imagination. LOL!From the movie " airplane", with Karen Black. " Whats that movie about?"he asks. Such a generation or two difference. He still cant land us safely. Bummer. Sophie is still " morning" it up. She has no clue what it means. It is soooo funny to me, as she knows and uses all her words appropriately. It only makes sense that she needs to learn what it means. LOVE my girl. Nancy
  17. muse...wish you the best. I am always here to help you. Nancy
  18. I am always prepared for " bleed out". Dermabond, taught my kids what we needed to do. They laugh at me... I taught them, they do it, and I freak out! Nancy
  19. Two different birds of different species is the way to go. Babies at the same time, is best scenario. Worked for us. An Orange winged Amazon and Sophie. We also had a rescue Sunconure that both babies took care of. I can't imagine two Greys.Fighting for dominance. I can't imagine ever having two Sophies! Greys tend to rule, no matter how young or new they are. Its what they do,. and they do it well and fairly. Sophie established being dominant fairly quickly. She has always been fair in her decisions. Not only did she rule over birds, she also ruled the dogs. When I buy toys in bulk, she picks little for herself. She is always thinking whats best for the gang. Nancy
  20. Issac looks great! If he wants to " punk out", Sophie is a great choice for lead singer! She is a Rocker! ( thanks to my kids!) Nancy
  21. Sophie's new word is morning. She is obsessed with it. Everyday, a little more clearer until today. Totally clear. Totally out of context. She usually uses her words appropriately, so I know I need to teach her what it means. It is evening, and she is saying morning.Sean was home last week, and we always say " morning". We are not morning people, so its never good. Just morning.LOL! Nancy
  22. YIKES! I don't know! I got Sophie at age two. Ask Dave and Judy. I am sure they can help you. I am so lucky my guys never put me in the questioning stage.Sophie is 14 now. TONS of down the other day. My son and I just looked at each other and knew, Sophie needed a shower.It was going to be a pain, as she hates to shower, but will do it, because she trusts us, and knows I feel her pain! Nancy
  23. BaileysPapa... YOU are brave! LOL! I am a wuss...would go to the vet. Nancy
  24. I have worked with shanlung in the past. He has great ideas, but if you don't do what he suggests, he doesn't take it well. I moved on. That doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to his suggestions. His frustration level gets the best of him. Nancy
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