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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I am missing my girl sooo much! Last nite, had a total crying meltdown. I went to go to bed... Ollie barked " arff"( thats how he really barks), he waited for me to get to the top of stairs, then did his cute bark. I went back down and carried him up. He slept all nite with me. He wrapped his paws around my hand while petting his belly. He never left my side last night. Nancy
  2. I have always done everything in doubles or triples. Three birds of different species within just a few months, dogs always with a very senior then one or two new pups.We have lost a pup and bird this year. A MAJOR loss.As everyone got along... they are all feeling the loss.Looking to me for answers.I'm not sure if I can keepup with the " pact" mentality that we have always have had. I think I want them all to focus on each other for now. Nancy
  3. How about 50/50! My birds get a great healthy mix, including freezedryed fruits and veggies, as well as natural fruits and veggies. They are piglets... throw out food, as much as they consume. As far as seeds, not a big fan. Sophie eats dinner with us. If it is spaghetti night, she can have some spaghetti without sauce.Just use common sense. During chicken night, she has a bite. Would I give her a bite for "taco night?" Of course not. Common sense is all you need. What is healthy for a human, is what is healthy for a grey. Find a birdstore that you can trust to work out the diet. Diet has never been a issue for us, outside of broccholi being thrown at the walls! LOL Nancy
  4. GCedrik... YOU... need a grey.You have your entire life planned out. Time to shake it up.. it certainly will if you own a grey. Owning a grey, will challenge you. Life with a grey, is out of control. I think you will thrive! Nancy
  5. All birds whether rescues or babies, should never be allowed near your face. It is a pain in the butt! I remember vacumning with Sophie on my wrist, as she wanted to be with me. She always slowed my cleaning! Kids and I worked out the respect she needed with her cage. NEVER inside her cage, worked off the door. When she wasn't sure what to do when she first met us... we left her door open, played games in front of her, she lasted 24 hours and walked out to us. For six months, she was never allowed past wrist status. You will know when your bird has earned shoulder status. Sophie on everyone's shoulder in our home and we can pass her around, and she is more than happy! It is important to focus on what each family member can bring to the table. What does your bird love about each person? We all know, what Sophie loves about us. We work off of that. In the end... after a decade of having Sophie...she goes to all of us. She is a pain in the butt sometimes, as we are her " toys". I wouldn't have it any other way. Nancy
  6. JeffNOK... You made me cry! NOT in a bad way. I'm going to be cautious with my heart. Helping a friend at work, whom has never had a dog. Wants one now. Helping her pick a breed. Has a 13 and 16 year old.Perfect family dynamics...someone is home by 12 noon. Another friend has bought a baby Pomeranian... has an older spoiled one... she works 13 hrs a day three days a week. I have volunteered for " potty training", while she is working late. While helping friends, this will help me to heal. Nancy
  7. In my opinion... they are easier than you think! If you can't have open cage that we have, then work off the gym. No owner should EVER put their hand inside their cage. Thats a bite! Its their home. Work off the door, or gym. Of course, now Sophie stepsup off of her gym, cage, anything. Develop the mutual trust. Nancy
  8. I have always helped people I work with to connect with " rescue sites" to get a dog or a bird. As everyone knows I have lost my Zoey, they keep encouraging me to get another pup. Not going to happen... I know Ollie is sad, but my heart is closed for now. Probably forever. No more birds or dogs. Nancy
  9. John... After much thought... I think I owe you an apology.It bothered me all weekend what you had done... AND what I had said. You are a new parrent and want a great relationship with a grey. It is NOT your fault that you " don't know", how to develop the relationship. It is OUR job to help you. You have a Grey that you are committed to. So are we. Please give me and our site a second chance. I ruined it for you. I think you would be a great asset to our site. I don't want to provide excuses for my behavior, but I just lost my bestfriend Zoey, a dog. I had to euthanize her Saturday at age eight. No excuses, but give me another chance, to help you with your bird. Nancy
  10. John... I don't want to sound like a b..... But I guess I am. You gave up on Jax, when you really misunderstood him. I hope he has found a home that will love him forever. I"m not feeling the love and commitment from you. I truly hope it works out for you with your new baby girl Nancy
  11. I'm a big believer in whistling back and forth. I think this communication is very important. I wouldn't give it up. Nancy
  12. Ummmm I am a chicken. We have Spa day. Birds go to trimmer for weight, trimming annoying feathers, beaks and nails. They LOVE it! They have had the same groomer for over a decade, Nancy
  13. OMG... so you all know Sophie quite well! She prefers a " wet bar" AND silk sheets! LOL... Push come to shove, Sophie who really is a DIVA...would hunt for food to support us. I love my girl, and I love that she would give up her " spoiled ways" if her family needed help. No doubt in my mine. Nancy
  14. No spritzing, no alovera for Sophie. We have done it all! A shower once a month with lots of empathy. Her feathers are perfect, she showers with me knowing it needs to get done. ( she does like a blowdry during the winter, even though I know it will dry her out). Hasn't been an issue. She seems fine, but I wish she wouldn't think of water like the wicked witch of the West... " I'm melting... I'm melting! Thats what she thinks of water. Nancy
  15. If you mist Sophie, you have just punished her for a crime she didn't commit! She gets showered... but it is something that needs to get done, she knows it, and we both bite the bullet! The only way I can do it, as she trusts me. I feel her pain, and empathize with her. She LOVES the praise after and how proud I am of her. Nancy
  16. The robot voice ... is FREAKY! Sophie adopted at age two, had a normal male voice. Her previous owner. As time went on, she adopted my voice. She DOES make me sound like a " valley girl", which kind of annoys me! I have commented on this with my kids years ago. I " caught" the look between them. Okay... for some reason I sound like a " valley girl". No disrespect meant! Your baby will have a robot sounding voice, until they choose to imitate someone. Its normal, yet FREAKY!!!! Nancy
  17. Okay... I'll be the downer. Bedtime is something they never want to do. Make it fun for them, reading bedtime stories, but always sticking to a schedule. There is nothing " magical" about it. Greys turn on the charm, and its something they are good at. I also am susceptable to the charm... but it never changes the outcome! I have had Sophie long enough to understand her charming powers. I DO enjoy her turning on her charming powers, but it rarely gets her anywhere. She knows it... but she tries anyway. LOL! I truly love my amazing girl Nancy
  18. Issac looks beautiful! I agree with Greywings... document his progress. Sean and I were cleaning our birds cage together the other day. Noticed tons of dander from Sophie. Unusual. We both said " woah" at the same time. A little heavy for just a few days. Her feathers look great, but we tend to miss the signs of molting! I told Sean, " I think she is molting!" He responded, " So what do we do different?" She rules us and we always meet her needs. I'm not sure what we should do differently! Nancy
  19. Thank you all! I couldn't have done it without you. Went back to work today, everyone knows how important Zoey was to me and knew I would cry quite easily. They all made it easy for me, offering their support, letting me talk if I wanted too. Ollie is better today too. We are healing. It may be my imagination, but Sophie is hanging more with Ollie and he is responding. He lost his mate, but his best friend is there Nancy
  20. We do all we can for them to trust us. We also do all we can for them for health reasons. I am happy that I am at the point in life, that " it hurts me as much as it will hurt you"... a shower is going to happen! She gets it. It is done and we are all good. Nancy
  21. Bedtime is a moment they are very susceptable too. Reading books, bonding.I am sure, bedtime had alot to do with our bonding. Sophie now is like clockwork. Bedtime is at 8pm. If I don't read a book before that, she is already snoring. Nancy
  22. This post was sooo cute! BUT... bird is understanding what touch means...I would respond to bird, I can touch you, and you can touch me! THIS behavior is better. whatever goals you have for a bird... they will listen when they love you to death. If their behavior and personal goals are not acceptable, let them know. How else, will they learn? Nancy
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