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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. LOVED Dave and murfchck's responses! Too funny Nancy
  2. Sophie here. I just wanted to tell Rom ( mom), what I was feeling recently! You found me a new friend, I LIKED her! When you told me you were going away..... you saw my eyes pinning... told jessica " excuse us!" You and I went into another room where we had a discussion you were leaving for a week! I NEVER agreed to that! I get it! You better call me everyday and skype! I promise NOT to pull out that earring in her lip, because I know you won't be happy with me. Sophie
  3. I agree with your vet. Wrist status only, until they understand the rules and expectations. Nancy
  4. Many people do a great job, hand feeding their babies. I personally, like to adopt a bird around 16 weeks. Just my education with my bird guy, whom has been an important person in our lives. Nancy
  5. Steven....you sounded so depressed, sad, and trying to" reconcile", your feelings that this is how issac would be forever.I could tell from your posts you were not 100% defeated. When I saw the pictures, I was ready for a bird to be 100% bald! I was pleasantly surprised to see Issac actually with the majority of feathers and in the beginning stages of plucking! Sure, its been going on for awhile,but its not as bad as it could be! Now get back in the saddle... do your research, and be strong! You can LOVE Issac forever, but he needs to learn plucking is not psrt of the norm! Nancy
  6. We have all been there! I am deaf in one ear, so I can't differentiate where sound comes from.While Sophie does a contact call, and I believe in them being established 100%, I still can't tell where she is sometimes. I think she knows this, and when I ask her to tell me where she is.... she does this " perfect squack", that I can hear and find her. I think she knows I have a hearing problem and raises her pitch for me. Nancy
  7. murfchck... You're killing me! LOL!LOVE the pics... Lately, I go to my birdstore, get in, and get out. They have a rose breasted I want soooo bad! I'm staying strong! NO new birds or puppies!!!!!!!!!nancy
  8. Hope you get your replys with mods figured out! We want to see all your pics.The moderators will help you. They are great! Nancy
  9. LOL Ray! Nooo we never outsmart them! I DO try to stay one step ahead of Sophie, " what is she thinking, what is she going to get into next?" Our world is so big though, I could never win. Nancy
  10. Poor you, AND poor Beautiful! Glad it all ended well. Its amazing, how they freak out over normal things to us. Nancy
  11. JoeGrey... I absolutely adore her! She is beautiful! She looks good, has a good history. Many will think her age is old, but it isn't. She is in the prime of life, and will be soooo much fun! To me.... she is the bird to watch! Nancy
  12. I am also curious.... what bird did he get? Nancy
  13. I have always felt Sophie appreciates my cooking more than kids. She is wagging her tail like crazy for any meal I make. Kids expect to be fed. Sophie relishes our dinner no matter how bad it is. I've heard them tell her " stop giving Rom compliments, or she won't try new dishes!" LOL Nancy
  14. aerial.2000.... Awwww! Thanks for reminding me to thank Sophie for all the wonderful things she DOES do! They FAR outweigh the negative.Tomorrow I am up at 0430 for work! I will get up before her and say " morning!", She will " whisper" morning back. If its too early for her, she whispers! LOL Nancy
  15. Sophie... please don't climb into my bed on Saturday, and tell me " morning" at 5am. We have a few more hours of sleep! Nancy
  16. They are really getting along! Sophie really cares! I couldnt ask for more. Nancy
  17. It sounds to me, life would be soooo much easier, to have a bird at the table! If bird psychologists had a say, that would be a no! As we have been doing it for years.... its really not a big deal, and Sophie has EXCELLENT manners compared to her cage manners. We also enjoy her conversations. Sometimes she can't keep up and breaks out in " baby talk!". Her voice matters! We enjoy so much her happiness just being at the dinner table I can't wait for sean and ryan to be home for Christmas! She will go CRAZY! Nancy
  18. Load the gun for sure! LOL! Sophie immitates my dogs bark perfectly! I feel very safe, having more than one dog barking! LOL Nancy
  19. You obviously would do well training Kilaya. You will NEVER EVER forget Cocoa, as I will never forget Max, Molly and Zoey. Three dogs I lost over the past 14 years. Noone will EVER replace them. I just found room in my heart for someone new that needed a family. I mourn for them daily, but my heart was always opened! Nancy
  20. Dont hate me or my advice. If you need to go to vet...put your bird in the carrier and go to vet. They do forgive you! Nancy
  21. As you all know, I lost Kiki my Amazon two years ago. She was bonded with my rescue sunconure. Sophie my grey, DID take over caring for Sunny the sunconure, snuggled him, but he still felt sad. When I got home from vacation, Sophie was hanging with me. All of a sudden, I heard Sunny doing a " contact call"... Sophie responded. They did this back and forth and I kept quiet. It went on for over a half hour. I am so excited!!!!! They have truly developed a relationship. Nancy
  22. Sophie will fart, burp, cough, sneeze all thru dinner. Ryan is comfortable with that, and has no problem bringing a girlfriend home. Sean, on the other hand, is not as comfortable! Nancy
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