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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. You and mistyparrot have alot in common! Actually, we all have alot in common! We all deal with the same response for our greys. Its OUR response that is different. Some patient, some not so patient! Those that are patient, usually have routines that greys thrive on, and reap the rewards! Nancy
  2. Welcome to Charlie and his mom! Eleven months, is just a baby! The world is ready and waiting for you.... Nancy
  3. NO WAY! I can tolerate poop on my shoulder, but NOT off my head! I always would give Sophie two minutes to get off my head, than redirect her! While she is a teenager now, it is rare for her to poop on me. Believe me... Sophie and I would snuggle before I went to work. It was " our time!", and I got pooped on! I will never forget the day I went to work, called a code within ten minutes being on the job, and my co-worker was trying to clean off birdpoop while I was doing CPR! LOL Nancy
  4. If you want birds of different origins, get them all young! They can grow up together! Sophie was two when we got her, but we only had her a month, when we got a new baby Amazon. They DID compliment each other, but it doesn't always work. Our rescue sunconure was here before Sophie and Kiki, but kiki and Sunny bonded immediately! We were lucky that sunny and kiki bonded. Nancy
  5. Welcome Oli... What is your sons name? They will do well I am sure. Greys seem to bond extremely well with our younger generation! Ryan and Sean, coming home the same day....luckily I will be home from work, two hours before they get home. She is going to go crazy! I'm just glad I can be here to make sure her enviroment is safe. Nancy
  6. Beautiful! LOVES her daddy ( just look at her eyes!) Sophie would be climbing all over me in that situation! I say every spring, " I'm gonna train her"... but I don't! Be there for me in the spring-summer, and I will do it! I was the naive parent that had a bird that was trimmed her first year. She LIVED outside with me. I learned from this site that I " dodged a bullet!" Nancy
  7. Amazing! I need to teach Sophie that! ( yeah right!) We're still working on " take me out to the ballgame". She does pretty good, but fasts forward to " playball!" LOL Nancy
  8. Ajahni.... Is going to be amazing! Please keep us updated on your baby's progress! Nancy
  9. Thank you Talon, for being so patient, teaching new members how to post! I read the new members post, on " how too", on live chat! While I have no clue how to do this, I find your comments are so patient and helpful! Kudos to you! Nancy
  10. Get your baby in the shower! Will help with the itching! If not plucking, and is a bacterial infection, the vet will need to do some scrapings. Do you have a vet you can see? Nancy
  11. chezron... Amazing progress! Its not that Pancho likes Brutus's cage better... he like Brutus, and is accepting the family dynamics to include Brutus. Before you know it, you may find your birds of different origins interacting off of each cage, trading cages! Sophie my grey, was the " least" cage possessive! Sunny, my son conure, loved his cage the most. He would get " annoyed", when both Kiki and Sophie would walk in his cage, stepup on his rope, snuggle with him in the middle! ( notice I said annoyed!). This was a bird that would attack your jugular, and as much as he would get annoyed... he was loved by both girls and really loved it! They eventually lived on or in one cage, so I went from three cages, down to two. ( everyone needs alone time!) I found one bird in separate cage, around 10% of the time. Nancy
  12. I;m with loveparrots... " way to go Marco!" I have to be honest and say, even if I didn't have birds and heard that, and I was the parent of the girlfriend, I would have laughed my ass off! I bet you they wanted too! Nancy
  13. My dearest Sophie I am so happy you learned to climb the stairs over the summer. Sean said it took you hours! You learned quickly, it was easier to fly and took you twenty seconds or less! Now on the weekend, if I am not up by seven, you fly to my room and climb in bed. I am okay with that, but I am NOT getting up before 8 am.You come in bed and do anything you can to get me up! Ollie licks my face off, you preen me, keep telling me " morning". I am sorry I was mean this last Saturday and closed my room so I could sleep a little later!I could hear you and Ollie outside my room. Ollie scratching the door and you yelling " ROM.... MORNING!" When I opened my room, Ollie climbed in bed and licked my face off, and you climbed in bed to give me kisses and preen me! What a great way to wake up! ( but I got an extra hour of sleep!) P.S. I know the sound of Ollie scratching.... I also recognize when you are using your beak to knock! LOL Nancy
  14. robopetz....; I can go on and on.... just shut me up! My number one rule when I got my Amazon as a baby ( the only baby we had), was to ALWAYS satisfy the oral stage. It didn't matter to me that it took Kiki nine months to be fully weened off of syringe and hand feedings. Mostly hand feedings of yogurt off a spoon, whatever she needed. She became our best eater, and taught all the birds to try new foods. Always satisfy the oral stage. She could eat and eat and eat, but in the evening, she wanted something off a spoon. No biggie! Nancy
  15. He is gorgeous!!!!! I promise to be by your side, when the food throwing process starts! LOL! FYI.... raspberries take off the paint on the walls when scrubbing it off! LOL! My most important tip, is to start working on stepup and stepdown.... for me, these are the first steps for training, and if you can, do it several times a day. Also, if you have a second family member, encourage that trust to develop. I always had two of us to practice flight. One to send off, one to receive .your baby is young, so his " perception" of space, is not fully developed. Meaning... as he flies furthur and furthur, his " perception" of space, is off! Put " decals" in the window. Baby sees the tree outside, and thats where he thinks he is flying too! The decals shows the baby where " space" ends. This will save you from many crash landings off the window.( learned the hard way!) Nancy
  16. Eay.... Corky must be a riot! I LOVE this age! Its the BEST yet! Nancy
  17. She has truly settled in and is growing daily with her trust! I LOVE your excitement( it brings a smile to my face).... you have alot to be proud of and WE are proud of you and Pat for offering a " forever" home to so many that needed one! ( okay.... now I'm tearing up!) Nancy
  18. Just focus on what your baby loves! I never used any treats to train Sophie. Many of us train our birds differently. Nancy
  19. Like I said... I don't have birds that chew their feathers, but I knew your bird was chewing! If you can have an " open cage" concept, it will make all the difference in the world. Nancy
  20. DANG... I almost got an omelette! I am a teribble cook! My sister makes me my favorite omelette during Thanksgiving! I didn't get to visit her this year. Nancy
  21. Private owners, are awesome! They want the best home for their birds, and only approve an adoption, when they know it is a good fit. Nancy
  22. I LOVED the video! If you did that to Sophie.... she would have FREAKED! " I'm melting, I'm melting!" Spray or shower are NOT appreciated, and we just have to do it! I swear she holds her breath knowing its coming! ( she does get warned). Sophie HATES water. We have tried everything. When its time to get clean, she knows we have to do it. I completely empathize with her, and she knows I do Nancy
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