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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I am so glad that I can barely work the computer. If Sophie had the availability and knowledge to access the world, I would be in so much trouble! Nancy
  2. Thats the truth Sterling... they have no clue why we freak out! I am always one step ahead of Sophie usually, but once in awhile, she gets ahead of me. A " quiet bird", is a bird into mischief! I am now trying to figure out, what toy can I replace for Sophie that resembles a hanging chandalier. I am willing to attach any toy into the ceiling where we hang out, but as Sophie is NOT toy crazy, it has to be amazing! Any suggestions people? Nancy
  3. I'm not even going to mention it to her. I know she meant well. She worries ( without drinking wine), that I work too hard and spend an enormous amount of my time on my animals. I suspect she thought I would see a ton of people anxious to adopt her and would go that route. Thats not going to happen. Sophie has been with me for 15 years and is the youngest child in my opinion. After reading this post and going to bed a little upset, Sophie knocked on my door to come in. ( she usually is like clock work and goes to bed at eight.) I let her in and got snuggles galore! By 9pm, she felt I was good and flew off to go to bed. I just love my girl and her sensitivity! Nancy
  4. Guys.... I am SO SORRY! That was my sister that had too much wine and got bit by Sophie! She came to visit me for a week when I was on vacation and must have responded when I had the site open. Sophie isn't going anywhere, is NOT up for adoption. WHEN and IF, I can't care for her, ( as I said to my sister), Ryan is taking her.I had a simple conversation with her about my concern that if Ollie ( my dog) had died after his surgery, Sophie wouldn't do well. The plan would be for Ryan to take her as he would be home more than me. ( that would be a sacrifice for me but in her best interest for happiness!). I was confused by Dave's private e-mail... it didn't make any sense to me. As Ollie is thriving after his surgery and has gained a pound, all is good! I apologize for my sister. I LOVE my girl, has been my best friend for over 15 years. Nancy
  5. My heart sped up too listening to Corky's story! They can be gone in a flash Nancy
  6. So glad he is feeling better...who knows if he was bruised or struggling with changes to his enviroment. Good thing he has a mama that knows when things are wrong. Nancy
  7. Sophie HATES change! My sister came to visit for five days and Sophie was encouraging her to leave for those five days! Bit her toe and laughed her butt off! ( barely drew blood, but she got a firm no and returned to her room.) I recognize how someone whom is afraid gets a bite as opposed to someone who has never met Sophie but isn't afraid, she will step up immediately (at your own risk). Majority visitors don't get a bite, but many of my friends have birds. It seems like attitude makes all the difference Nancy
  8. I like picture number one the best! " I am so cute and I know it!" Nancy
  9. you can reach me at marmie09@yahoo.com I have a female African Grey that is 15 years old, she talks alot! No health issues or feather chewing. Her best friend Kikki was an orange winged Amazon but unfortunately flew away a few years ago. My children are grown and I work long shifts and Sophie is lonely. She is free to a loving home. I live in the Rochester area
  10. I have a female African Grey that is 15 years old, she talks alot! No health issues or feather chewing. Her best friend Kikki was an orange winged Amazon but unfortunately flew away a few years ago. My children are grown and I work long shifts and Sophie is lonely. She is free to a loving home. I live in the Rochester area
  11. Truly agree... a ham for the camera! Nancy
  12. Pain in the back or knees truly sucks! After two back surgeries, I am cured. This new knee pain I am babying and doing a good job of caring for it. My younger son Sean needed someone to help move him out from college. My ex was too busy, so I told him I would help, but my knee wasn't the greatest. He would have to " load me up", so I didn't have to bend.We did a fantastic job and got two cars loaded easily. He responded " NOT bad for a mother in her forties!" I told him to add five years. He was truly shocked that I was 55... I am taking that as a compliment. LOL Nancy
  13. I checked out the doggie icecream at Wegmans ( I've checked out everything!). He won't eat it just by checking it out. I know him. He is eating so well... has so many treats brought in by friends and co-workers... he could eat for six months before he starved! LOL Nancy
  14. We rescued a boy sunconure that had a sad story,,,, he couldnt say a word. Would attack humans jugular! Kiki the Amazon, fell in love with him. Sophie the grey, fought for his affection, because Kiki loved him. He would find himself snuggled between the two of them and loved to death! He got over his attack on humans, but came out easily to complain how the girls were sinking his rope which he didnt appreciate , and he needed some space! Never a human word, but " hello". He had a good life with us until he died of natural causes. Nancy
  15. Ryan was going to take Sophie, if Ollie passed on ( my dog). After Ollies surgery with teeth extraction, and his difficult recovery, Ollie is doing fine! The plan was for Ryan to take Sophie, as she is so social and would be depressed with my long work hours, if Ollie didn't make it. I think Ryan missed the part " if Ollie didn't make it!" He called today telling me he was coming next week to get Sophie... I told him Ollie is doing well( I have texted everyday his progress!) Sophie doesnt need to go anywhere! I feel bad...he thought Sophie was ready to go live with him. I am happy though, that Sophie has a home when, and if needed. Nancy
  16. I LOVE exotic vets! Many people dont have them. A simple eye exam can tell you if your new baby can see. Even if blind in the eye,your new friend can see in the other and it shouldnt interfere with probably anything! Thanks for rescuing this baby that really needed you. Nancy
  17. Thanks all! I am no longer worried about Ollie. Today was the day. Sophie isn't worried either. She was quicker than me to not be concerned. I do respect how greys know something is wrong sooner, and also know when something is right sooner Nancy
  18. As Sophie is a free flighted bird, I know every trick, cleaning solution that exists. Even though she is free flighted, that doesn't mean she flies all over the house and poops everywhere! My sister coming to visit next weekend.... she is afraid of Sophie! Nancy
  19. Everyone had great ideas, especially the bell... a must! Size of the cage is important, they dont like to change their cage. First cage in size, should be forever. They can grow into it. As far as family, you already have experience being a parent. Its not much different. Everyone in the household needs to be involved and have a role. Greys will pick one family member, if given the opportunity. Socializing is sooooo very important. Greys also focus on one person at a time, and develop attachments with a unique experience. Sophie LOVED Sean for his violin, Ryan for his guitar and singing,me for my feeding and keeping her safe. Fifteen years later, she goes to both boys, the " caregiver", when I work long hard hours.We always set rules, set a bedtime with reading her favorite stories. Sophie now puts herself to bed at 8pm. She still gets read to every night. She loves poems and Thomas the Tank Engine. Routine, is the biggest and most important step to being a grey owner, next to learning step up, step down Nancy
  20. Ollie is doing fantastic! Eating like a pig, now can go long walks with me and visit some of our senior neighbors that I do. I use to worry about him biting, so never took him.Now he loves to come and meet new people. He is a joy for the senior people, and he is enjoying meeting them. NOT that I would ever encourage dog owners to neglect their teeth, which obviously I did, but I am glad he is able to eat and have good quality of life. Nancy
  21. Not sure about the seashells, but as Sophie chews on everything here including my precious seashell collection, maybe a calcium enriched perch? Nancy
  22. awww... dont worry about it.Sophie loves too shake her head all the time! You should see her shake her head when repeating " rap" kids taught her. ( thanks guys!) Nancy
  23. Welcome to you and your new best friend Nancy
  24. I am glad he is ok! Those scares, take nine lives off of us parents Nancy
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