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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. It is important to know what Alex's previous diet was, and work off of that. Add to that mix. Sesame seeds and peanuts should be kept to a minumum due to their fat content, but it is important to offer Alex, what he is use to, and add to that diet. I love using freeze dryed veggies, as greys tend to hate fresh. Continue to offer daily, even if Alex throws them against the wall.Sophie seems to love her veggies when I make them on the grill. Probably she loves them best... because she eats dinner with us, and I make a big fuss that I am grilling that night! LOL Nancy
  2. I posted... but I guess it didn't go thru. Sophie could give a hoot about color! She loves all colors I guess, or is color blind! LOL! I am crazy for color. I love all pastels, purples, blues blood red... so my entire house has vibrant colors. She seems to like all the rooms. Nancy
  3. They are all so very different, but the same in so many ways. Sophie LOVES the vacumn cleaner. I can't vacumn in peace without her flying to it.Even when I get out the shop vac with its powerful suction... she is excited! ( I've got a crazy bird!) I've tried the warm water shower with Sophie. She has watched the other birds have their shower and be in heaven. No go! Every shower is " NO ROM! NO!!!!!" I'm killing her in her mind.I always remain calm and talk her thru it.I'm sure she only tolerates and doesn't punish me after, is because she trusts me, and " getting clean", must be a good thing. ( I always tell her she has to get clean!) Nancy
  4. Harrison's is good!I get my pellet mix from my birdstore. I add freeze dryed veggies as well. Sophie eats like a horse, but I remember her days of throwing fresh veggies and fruits against the wall.She gets fresh pellet mix with two unsalted peanuts and two quaters of buttered wheat toast. A plate of fresh veggies, minimal fruits before I go to work. When I am home for dinner... she eats with us! ( I know that is probably bad to encourage this behavior). She LOVES chicken the most. Sophie has always eaten dinner with us. No spaghetti sauce is pretty much my only rule. She will eat anything, and is probably more excited about my cooking than anyone! Nancy
  5. After responding to a post about " how your bird responds to color", I realized, there is very little that stresses Sophie out. Many would say that is a good thing. Then I started to think, " maybe I am boring, and am not challenging her enough!" I found two things that stress her. A shower, which she hates, gets done once a month with me empathizing.( we are way past making it fun.Have done everything possible to get her to like it.) Second thing that stresses her, if I am injured, or sick. I can count three illnesses or surgeries since I have had her... she was a nut case. Nancy
  6. Alex is amazing and beautiful!Truly likes you. You missed a few opportunities with head down, waiting for a scratch on the neck. ( he probably still would have bit you though). I believe in NEVER being shorter than the cage. Get a step stool, and always be taller than the cage. Working off the door is excellent! Another thought is to read to him in front of his cage nightly. Sophie loved anything that rhymed. Shell Silverstein, Cat in the Hat... Thomas the Tank Engine... I can go on and on all of Sophie's favorite books. You are close.... Nancy
  7. I LOVE chezron's suggestions! Give it a try. Sophie loves her chicken ( a small piece, daily!) Sophie has a chair in direct sunlight that she LOVES to sit in.If your baby can leave his feathers alone for three weeks, think of hiring a babysitter that can come in, play and read to your bird, and watch for over preening. Sophie certainly tried to overpreen years ago, but we had 24/7 coverage. Telling her to " knock it off", letting her know we didn't appreciate the behavior, I am sure helped. But its not the normal, to have the coverage. I think the time of NOT over preening is a good time to change things up. Nancy
  8. Dang Miss Gilbert is good! LOL Nancy
  9. Interesting how we all have different opinions, or what our birds do. Sophie does this all the time. Her being happy and content! I think you need to test the waters! When is he doing it! I hope your friend took the challenge! Not that I would ever want my friend to get bit.... but they are always game to make friends with Sophie Nancy
  10. Sophie LOVES wood, that she is not allowed to destroy! She has three windowsills, that are her favs .She is a shredder more.Nancy
  11. I have bonded my grey, amazon and sunconure. It was a lot of work! I can't imagine, EVER bonding my grey, with a grey. It just doesn't work. Nancy
  12. Sophie is good at shredding my bills so my identity isn't stolen! She ALWAYS is with me when I pay my bills. I just hand her the info I don't need and she shreds! Who needs a shredder? Nancy
  13. Ray.... LOL! They are ALL brats! A happy brat, is always good. Sophie tends to get away with a lot with me, but not Sean!He is very strict with her, and she keeps coming back to him for more. Go figure! Nancy Sterling SL... Your baby is a hooligan, because you are too! Nancy
  14. I am not sure why people think Greys like wood. ( only windowsills!) They love paper, shredding is their favorite. If they can shred it... they are all in! Leave something shreddable on the countertop... walk away. See a grey in HEAVEN! LOL! Nancy
  15. The other day, I was cooking dinner, Sean was on his IPAD investigating his beer brewing, checking his numbers and temperatures... Sophie was on his shoulder.We were talking back and forth, Sophie adding her two cents. Then I noticed Sophie snuggling his ear, saying " awww"... which she says when someone is petting her! I asked Sean about it... he told me as he has been so busy with the beer brewing, now Sophie is happy to sit on his shoulder, snuggle against his ear, and think " all is good!" I'm concerned she is creating her " own snuggles" and is happy, but I also feel sorry for Sean, that she wants to be with him all the time. Nancy
  16. Elvenking...Start paying attention to your neighbors, and who has kids. A 12-14 year old would be perfect to hire to come read a book. I did this for a few years. Never asked them to take Sophie out of the cage, but bonds were created. A 12 hour shift is very long, and Sophie enjoyed those story telling.Those kids started showing up for free on my eight hour shifts just to visit! As far as finding someone to care for your baby... the relationship established as early as possible, is the best. Dan was 12, when he first met Sophie. So it was a no beainer, for him to care for her when he was 18. Once he went to college, his sister whom also knew Sophie since she was young, took over taking care of Sophie when I went on vacation.Sophie gave her a hard time for first few days, but as Jessica was already a vet tech, she was determined to be friends. It took her four days for Sophie to love her to death! Always pay well, and start introducing them twice a week a month before you go away. Checkout interns at your vet... Nancy
  17. I'm not sure what images Sophie sees on TV... she arrives for the popcorn and time with us. Also past her bedtime which is special to her on movie night. Nancy
  18. After that long ride...open the travel cage in front of his new cage, let baby come out on his own. NOOO exposure to other rooms. Thats a few weeks away. Nancy
  19. I LOVE Alex! He will have you taught in no time! LOL Nancy
  20. Birds need a cage with a door that opens in front of parent. I'm not going to add a ( difference of opinion), regarding birds being taller than you. Bird should have a door that opens right in front of parent. I always practiced stepup and step down off the door. I did it with three birds of different origins. You need to make it fun and inviting to come out and checkout your family I trained babies and rescues off the door.I have NEVER put my fingers in their cage, except the time I had a fire and told them each " stepup now!"... No arguements and each stepped up understanding their was an " urgency!" Nancy
  21. I completely understand your pain! I was lucky when we got Sophie, to have her monitored 24/7... not everyone has this opportunity. Nancy
  22. I'm a firm believer, greys do better with a flock. Not necessary a rival, such as another grey. Sophie was the leader of an Amazon, and sun conure. She also directed our dogs.. but we lost Zoey my pup. Now there is only Ollie whom is getting old...I'm not sure what to do when Ollie is gone. Sophie will not handle well being without a friend, and I'm not willing to get another dog or bird. Sean my son, had a serious conversation with me yesterday. He told me he was " shocked", that I haven't gotten another dog.He wants me to, and is willing to help train. I just CAN'T!!!! He understands that I haven't recovered from the loss of Zoey, but he doesn't understand why I don't provide Sophie with a new friend. Nancy
  23. I am so sorry. Misty knew you were sad, and offered his love.They are very empathetic creatures.My thoughts and prayers are with you... Nancy
  24. Steve ( horrible boy)... We think you are a GREAT horrible boy.... and so does Gracie! LOL Nancy
  25. I agree! We love you muse and family! Nancy
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