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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. danmcq... good try... but better to back off with smokers. Your NOT bonding, so don't try! Nancy
  2. Establish trust. Without it, there can be no relationship. While I got Sophie at age two, she was ready in the next three months, to establish trust. I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning. Nancy
  3. Dave.... thanks for the description! LOL My birds poop, doesnt smell. Dogs, on the other hand, pass gass that can kill! Nancy
  4. Hope this helps. My birds favorite cage, is one that has a " flat top", with two food and water on the top. ( stairs leading to food.) It took Sophie a year, to accept her new cage. Took her old cage away... she hated new cage, moved back her old cage, she said " no thank you", moved in with Kiki and Sunny. Took her well over a year to love her new cage. Past month, she has FINALLY decided she likes her new cage. Its a palace! BEST... is not always better. They truly don't understand upgrading a home. I still can't move in new toys. She wants toys only on her gym ( which is 12 years old!) I would LOVE to upgrade her gym. But can't. We keep rebuilding it.Sean, has had to rebuild, to the best of his abilities. Today, I was hanging out with Kiki and Sunny, Kiki started chasing Sunny around, ( she is VERY hormonal lately). I heard Sophie slide down her metal gym... jumped between Kiki and Sunny. Never a word. Sunny climbed behind Sophie.Sophie never said a word. Kiki stopped.It was an amazing moment to witness Sophie, being responsible for the animal kingdom. Nancy
  5. aerial2000 All dogs and cats must be supervised with birds. Several years later, I feel comfortable, leaving for work, while bird cages are left open. Even when dogs eat their boiled chicken in the morning ( a long story, why they eat that), I supervice the feeding. Sophie walks out, and wants a piece of chicken. She's given a piece, away from the dogs. Pups need to eat in peace. I laughed the otherday, when she didn't want her entire piece. Thru it in zoeys direction. Called Zoey. " here you go Zoey!", she said. Zoey was very grateful Nancy
  6. keep up with the pictures! We LOVE to see development. Nancy
  7. Welcome Dan and baby. You definitely have alot of work to do. You are about to be " mama bird!" LOL Quite young, to be adopted. Average is at least sixteen weeks. I am not judging, but there will be alot of work that you need to do. Are you ready for the challenge?I only ask, because we are here to help you. Nancy
  8. Welcome Jake. We can't wait to see more pictures of your new baby. Keep us posted with pictures! We love them. Nancy and Sophie
  9. The birdistheword... Nothing much new. Working hard at work. Sophie is doing GREAT! We spent the entire day Sunday together! I am being " forced", LOL, to have a game party in the next few weeks. I agreed, but, anyone that drinks, needs to sleepover. They all needed to understand, "Sophie", may choose to sleep with you. They all are excited to meet her. I am hesitant, but trust my friends. I know Sophie will be thrilled! I'm keeping the invites, to a minumum. Nancy
  10. Congrads! I believe birds and dogs CAN develop a relationship, that is trustworthy.My dogs and birds have loved and trusted each other, for past ten years. Dogs share their chicken, Birds share their peanuts. They have all worked it out I am no longer involved in their decision making. Nancy
  11. I know many frown on " timeout", but I believe in it. A five minute timeout, is not cruel. I have always done a " timeout"... in a cage, AWAY from their toys and cage. I always discussed the punishment with the bird, after the timeout. I have done this with my birds, for past decade. I know it is frowned upon, but it works for me and birds. We were consistent in timeout. Our consistency with " timeout", has led us to have birds that will stepup when asked. stepdown at bedtime. Noone chews their feathers, and when going to trimmer, birds are more than happy to settle in carrier cages, no matter how I put them. Nancy
  12. I believe your bird is showing you " trust". Away from the cage, makes training even easier.Continue to practice " stepup, stepdown". Decide on a bedtime. My birds go to bed at 8pm. Have bird stepup, away from cage at the bedtime you have decided. Go to cage... say " stepdown!" It may take many nights of practicing, but stick to your guns! If you have open cage, and bird returns... return your baby to cage. Say " stepdown". Bedtime! My birds now walk in to their cages, when I tell them it is bedtime. Their room is quiet, and dark. I have open cages. They don't return when told, bedtime. Nancy
  13. June... I have two Maltese. They LOVE our birds. I use to have two lhaso Apso, that unfortunately died when they were 18, and 17. They both had the special opportunity to get to know Sophie, our grey. They both loved her from the start. Max taught our new pups, how the bird/dog world worked. They were both senior dogs when Sophie came along. Your Shitzu, will do just fine. Nancy
  14. Mr T they are gorgeous! I was scrolling thru... had to backup when I saw those beautiful birds! Nancy
  15. Well done, birdhouse! Welcome to the Avian world, training the dog world. They always rule! LOL I was lucky my dogs who are unfortunately in bird heaven, taught new pups. Sophie would have done just fine, but was lucky to have an ally, named Max. They are all excellent friends. Nancy
  16. I lLOVE the picture of Spartan being inquisitive! ( head tilted to the side). Nancy
  17. aerial2000... your secret is safe with us! LOL Nancy
  18. In my experience, a new baby grey, likes a smaller cage. BUT... then they need a bigger cage, don't want to make the change! OH BROTHER! I think it is important, to start with a cage they can grow into, but not too big, that they are uncomfortable with. Whatever cage you start with, plan on this cage being there for many years. Greys WILL adopt many changes, but DONT mess with the cage! Been there! Nancy
  19. Kiki loves to fly! She is an amazing flyer! She test all new food, ( fruits and veggies). All birds wait for her decision, then dig in! LOL! She is sensitive, more than the other birds. They all know this. She never walks, always flies. Nancy
  20. They are really amazing, how much they can learn. What I have always loved, whenever Sophie was learning, was watching her eyes. Her pupils would dialate and constrict, over and over, when she wanted to learn what I was teaching her. I knew what she was interested in, just by watching her eyes. Nancy
  21. Sophie's favorite... " take me out to the ballgame". She loves all songs that kids have taught her, mostly rap. ( clean songs only!) She is quite the poet, and loves rhymes. Her favorite " the cat in the hat". Nancy
  22. petiteOne... you and hubby are naturals! Congradulations! Continue to follow your instincts, as we all did. I promise you, if you continue to do excellent decision making as you do, someday, you will be able to walk by your birds cage, they will stepup without being asked. While I was feeding dogs this morning, Sophie walked in, wanted a piece of the chicken they eat daily. ( long story). I gfave Sophie a piece of chicken, she was nibbling on it... she was done, told Zoey... " Zoey... come here!" She thru Zoey piece of chicken she didn't want anymore. Zoey, my dog, was very grateful. I went off to work thinking how lucky I am. Birds and dogs love each other, and share. Nancy
  23. thebirdistheword... I would decide what diet you would like for your bird. Slowly, mix it into baby's diet. As far as new cage, that is great, and should be the goal to change the cage. It is their domain, and the most important thing to them. I would suggest leaving new baby in cage he loves, leave new cage next to old cage.It took Sophie well over a year, to love her new cage. But now she does! It was at her own pace. As far as name change, I personally would name her what you like. They adjust quite well to the change. Greys do well with certain changes! A name, will not be the problem. When you alter their gym, or home, it can be a serious problem for them Nancy
  24. It may be her attempt to " root". Oneway or another, it sounds like she was " bonding", with you. I don't think it is anything to be concerned about. If anything, I think it is progress in her accepting you. Nancy
  25. GREAT job JeffNOK! Quite an accomplishment! We are all proud of you! I smoke... do so outside. All of us smokers MUST be careful, NEVER to smoke in the house, and should wear a " robe", to cover our clothes. Also, never allow a bird to check out our mouthes after smoking. Nancy
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