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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I THOUGHT she was right footed, I was wrong. LOL Nancy
  2. Its amazing how kids are persistent! My kids persistence paid off. She goes to both of them. Nancy
  3. Greys freak out, over the most silliest things. It is important as a parent, to understand their fears. Understanding, provide consistensy and routine, is very important Nancy
  4. I was soooo tired when I got home from work. I was laying on the couch, Sophie came out, and was sitting on the birds safety fense. Sean was getting ready for work, he started to tease her. Had his nose against her beak, she gently grabbed it, wagging her tail. Started to snore and fart ( this would get Sean laughing). I knew she was charming Sean! I got such a kick out of it. Ryan is not here, so let me check out Sean! LOL! Sophie is manipulating our family dynamics, to fit her own needs. How smart is that! Nancy
  5. Sorry, my audio died. I watched the video without audio, and came to the same conclusion I think I would have come too. She's babbling, and happy! Her feathers are comfortable, and definitely has the position of being happy! I think... not having audio, was a GREAT experience! I had to rely on visual. I realized how much I count on visual! Today, Sophie was sitting on our plastic gate. Sean my son, was teasing her. She grabbed his nose gently, and started to snore. He was teasing her, so she started to tease back! LOL! I KNOW.... they have a sense of humour! Nancy
  6. We all have differences. Thats okay! Thats why we are all here. We offer different beliefs and opinions. In the end... whatever we choose, we do for our birds. We want the best for them. Nancy
  7. Time to enter " time out!" A cage away from their home cage. Many don't believe in timeout. I do. Its worked for us. Our Amazon,I didn't try. She wouldn'nt understand. My grey, I did. She understood. We agreed as a family, to be consistent. It was alot of work, and we were all on the same page. If she bit, she ended up in timeout! Within six months, she goy it! Nancy
  8. I know, what to tell you. It was something I did for all my birds. The entire site, is about to come swooping down on me. I'm willing to do this, as I LOVE the relationship and commitment, you have, with Gracie. I believe, Gracie needs to be trimmed. Find a trimmer, that is fantastic! I did. Trimming, doesn't mean clipped. While trying to train and educate, they need to be able to fly, just so. They can't fly away with training. As they become more understanding with training, away from cage, their feathers grow each time. As they understand what you expect, and want to deliver, they fly more and more each time. Initially, I believe birds need to learn to fly as babies, or rescues. Develop chest muscles. After that, I believe in trimming birds, so they can focus on learning. I know many disagree with me. Thats okay with me. It has worked for my entire flock, and they now all fly perfectly. It is just as important to find a vet, as well as a bird trimmer, that can work with you. My birds have not had to see a vet often. They have seen my bird trimmer, TONS! Nancy
  9. I LOVE when Ryan my son, calls from college, asking me to put " sophie" on the phone. He needs a Sophie fix! I worried about her adapting! LOL! Its the opposite. He misses her snuggles when he has insomnia. She would snuggle him on the couch when he couldn't sleep. Nancy
  10. Dayo is a riot! I LOVE the phone conversation to include " meatloaf!" LOL Nancy
  11. We've all been there, and are all here to help you. Some are more knowledgeable, like Dave, regarding birds. Some ( like me and others), are NOT as knowledgeable about birds, and rely on their parental experience. Put it together, we are a dynamite team! ( in my opinion!) Nancy
  12. xSarahx bedtime for us, has always been important, Some believe in letting their birds decide, I have never believed in that, and set bedtimes. Bedtime here, is always 8pm. At this point in life, they all put themselves to bed. Nancy
  13. YAY! Stepup training, is the day your baby comes home! It is an ongoing process, from the moment they walk in the door.Sophie greets me at the door, with her foot in the up position. So do pups. They kinow I will pick her up first, then they go outside. They are ok with this. Nancy
  14. Let your new baby be comfortable, during his comfortable hour. Try to get baby comfortable a half hour earlier, once they like and trust you. The timing, may take several months. Its all about him! We can't rush anything unfortunately! Nancy
  15. I agree with Doug. Its ABSOLUTELY time for JEFFNOK to push the relationship with Gracie. If Gracie has the trust, and knows how to stepup, its time to do training away from the cage. Thats where bonding happens. Remember, she doesn't know any better! She's not a rescue, has no issues, so it is time to train! Always, away from the cage. Have her stepup, go to your favorite room and bond! Show her your home. Don't be afraid to be a parent, worrying she might chew her feathers, or not love you. You are the parent, she is the child. Treat her as such! Make her life to be full of drama, books and music! If you have a party, introduce her to people, without expecting her to bond with them, but to say Hi! I had all these expectations of Sophie. I socialized her. I expected her to love my children, dogs and other birds. She's been there for along time. It was what I expected of her, and she delivered. Nancy
  16. Sophie is twelve now. She acts the same as the day I brought her home! Just better behaved, and now loves the entire family. I'm sure she will outlive me. I have made provisions for her in my will. My friend will take her first, then kids have the right to take possession of her once they are employed after college. Ryan will insist he gets her, but needs to complete college first. Ryan and Sophie have a special bond, but my friend will care for her until he is ready. ( just in case!) Nancy
  17. chezron... LOL! BUT... the fact that you are correct with the English language, ( which by the way is soooo hard), your bird is working both scenarios and waiting for you to correct him! Way to go! Now correct him and teach him properly!( English major, or teacher?) Nancy
  18. Papaleka... it stinks that she favors your husband right now, but I promise you, that can change! Be consistent with your beliefs, diet and love. Let baby see you and hubby together interacting. It is a long process. PATIENCE is the number one thing birds need beyound food, water and love. Another thing I feel strongly about, but of course is just a suggestion, is no shoulder status allowed until earned. Its a true pain in the butt, but worth it in the long run Nancy
  19. My birds all coexist. A Grey, Amazon and Sunconure. Nancy
  20. We're pretty good with Sunny finding a forever home. nancy
  21. Bedtime, should be around 8pm. I'm pretty strict with bedtime. Nancy
  22. I have to be honest, I don't believe in gender discussion. Birds are either boys or girls. It is determmined quickly, what they are. Nancy
  23. A AQmazon female, will start acting up around the age of three. Kiki loves our sunconure. Sean, Kiki's owner, was on vacatiion last week. Kiki was an angel! Nancy
  24. Doug is right! Whether it is sexual, or bonding, how do you decide? easy! Birds want to bond with you. ALWAYS, focus on that. Nancy
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