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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. LOVED it! Sophie farts like a " lady"! LOL Nancy
  2. Good job Talon. You will reap the rewards! There are always many, that disagree with our choices, I just encourage u to stay strong, follow your beliefs. Nancy
  3. Sophie is OBSCESSED with my purse. I try to hide it.... but I do fail, and she finds it. I tend to replace my purse as much as I replaced keyboards.Today, I bought a new purse, as Sophie had destroyed the shoulder strap off my old one. THIS was the conversation, when I left my old purse, that she destroyed!Sophie.. NO Sophie! NO CHEW! Stop now, go play! She refused to chew the old purse, that she destroyed in the first place! I know she is comprehending what NO means..she just confuses me sometimes what I should do Nancy
  4. My mom came off the boat from Ireland! Sean and I were talking tonite, how I grew up with a boiled potato every night.I didn't like it, and refused to eat it, and thats why I give him and Sophie multiple ways of eating a potatoe! Nancy
  5. Okay... I'm the neighbor, that everyone goes too, to my surprise, if their is a crazy bird, rabbit, whatever! I REALLY was shocked that I had this reputation! I'm not an animal hoarder, or crazy...My son, just laughed when people knocked at my door! If a bird knocked at my door, I would answer their knock. We as humans, dont get to pick and choose whom has chosen us.I would just acknowledge that this bird as chosen me and my family. Nancy
  6. I disagree with walking towards him fast and freaking him out! What is the point? Walk to him slowly, talking, then stand still.... and LISTEN! Be patient, and listen to your bird. We as a family, learned there was nothing we could do to rush Sophie! ALWAYS be patient, and listen to your bird. Nancy
  7. You have to get your wife on board like yesterday! We all had our fears, but worked thru them.My oldest was nine when Sophie came home. He called me ten times a day while I was at work. " what should I do about THIS behavior" We worked together as a family, ALWAYS being on the same page. A TON of work, ALWAYS off her cage. Now Ryan is 24, Sean just turned 21.Sophie loves them both. She only gets to see Ryan once a year, but she runs out like it was yesterday. They skype all the time. Greys LOVE to be one person bird. Our goal, was always to have Sophie LOVE the entire family. We are there, and truly enjoy Sophie being a " special" member. Nancy
  8. He looks fantastic! Just looking at his head feathers... ready for scratching! Nancy
  9. needs a trim for sure... too long! I would get it done, but in future, your bird should do it! Provide the perches Nancy
  10. neoow... If Alfie has nipped... said ouch..., that, is a MAJOR milestone in my book, and you need to pay attention! Sophie doing the same thing, was a GAME changer. Sophie finally understood, or could correlate an ouch with biting. She wasn't imitating. She understood the concept.Make it a big deal! PRAISE when Alfie does it!!!!! Of course, I would return to cage when a bite was offered, as well as my kids did too. Sophie learned, " biting" doesn't get her where the fun is! Nancy
  11. Dave and Acappella said it all! Three weeks is a long time for a grey. I also would encourage activities away from the cage. You to have bird stepup during a family game, then " handoff' bird to your wife. Sophie LOVES family games, and learned to stepup to other family members thru our interactions and games. She also got smart... who was losing, who was winning, and she was doing alot of stepping up and down anticipating the winning team. LOL! They are pretty smart birds. Nancy
  12. Sounds like you are doing everything right... especially the aloe. Sophie would be insulted if you tried to spray her or shower. She hates water more than the wicked witch from OZ. We are lucky that she trusts us now, and the shower has to get done. NEVER a pleasant experience for her, but she trusts us.... so she is mad during the shower but recovers five minutes later. You are no where near that stage of trust... but it will happen! Keep doing what you are doing, watch the feathers and work on building the relationship. Molts suck... lucky Sophoie has never gone crazy with a molt. I too would be confused with molting and plucking if I didn't know her so well. Maybe others with more experience with molts and plucking could give more info! Nancy
  13. Jeez.... they all sound crazy! I love this forum, I don't go anywhere else because this site educates me, provides me comfort when I have lost a beloved pet, encourages me to be a better parent to my girl. I could go on and on.... Nancy
  14. Alex is a keeper! You guys are lucky to have found each other Nancy
  15. Sophie calls on everyone when it is shower time. NO ROM! ( me) Ollie come here! ( dog), SEAN SEAN ( my son). She calls all her resources, the only one that is sitting outside the door is Ollie. We are all empathetic, but the shower needs to get done... she HATES that we are all on the same page. Our spoiled girl doesn't always have control and THAT pisses her off more than the shower. Nancy
  16. Ahhhh... the " apple of daddy's eye!" LOL! Let your wife know, her turn will come. She just has to find what she can do, that you can"t! Playing a musical instrument, being a great reader of a book Graciemae learns to enjoy.... there are soo many things your wife can bring to the table. Sophie now loves us all, for different reasons. I'm the routine, keep her safe, and able to play the piano. Ryan is the guitarist and rapper,Sean is the violinist and plays games with Sophie. Making it hard for Sophie to refuse any of our talents was easy. She wanted to be part of everything we were able to do because we made it exciting for her. Hence, a grey that LOVES everyone. Nancy
  17. Welcome Devon,, Korra and Yoski... LOVED the pics of your birds. Happy, feathers fluffing... can't ask for anything better! Nancy
  18. SterlingSL... You have such a distinct personality. The fun one. My girl Sophie... would flock to you in a heart beat! My boys ( unlike me), NEVER allow any guilt to enter into the equation, in training Sophie. She adores the ground they walk on. They both pay alot of attention to her, but always on " their terms." It is amazing to watch! Today, Sean was on his computer, Sophie perched on his shoulder starting to park her beak behind his ear. I noticed he would pet her with his ear, when he felt like it! She would wait up until ten minutes! I asked Sean about it? He said he pets her with his ear after she has been patient! Why doesn't she do that for me? Nancy
  19. I agree! I'm just concerned other sites are always ready to hijack your members. Don't worry about us seniors.... we've got your back. Nancy
  20. Reading several posts from new members, that CAN'T post.. that is a problem! Nancy
  21. So sorry! I have no issues with this forum. I love it, but am concerned with the lack of membership and responses. I think we need to work on new membership with new birds and develop the support to them. Nancy
  22. OUCH! Sophie didn't like it and gave her squack of disapproval! LOL Nancy
  23. OUCH Ray! Those unnatural notches, I hope blend in! LOL! If y Nancyou need any help... Sophie is available for a weekend! She would be in heaven. She really isn't into toys, and I appreciate when Sean goes to the hunting camp with his dad. He focuses more on finding Sophie some natural wood to chew on. I don't know alot about natural wood. I know cherry is safe. He brings it home, we boil it, cut it up, and it is waiting for her. Does anyone else know what woods are safe for birds?
  24. I really like your vet! That is sooo important to find one thats got his or her act together. You are very lucky! I can't stress that enough! Nancy
  25. Its easy to encourage you. We recognize your comittment and devotion and above all.... your determination to make this work.Remember too during this process, its NOT OK for your bird to bite and make you bloody. Never allow a negative behavior to be acceptable. A firm " NO", return to cage. Don't worry about the trust issue, they need to learn biting is NOT okay. Its all part of the training and trust building. Acceptable behavior, not acceptable behavior. They do want to learn! Nancy
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