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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I tend to say " shhhh", when everyone is squaking at once, and it is wayyyy too loud here. Obviously Sophie gets this, as Ryan is sleeping on the couch due to his insomnia. I always find her sleeping with him. Butt in the air, her beak buried under his chin. The other morning, I was running the dishwasher, getting pups to go outside. She stuck her head up, said " shhhh!" LOL! I told her " I will NOT shhh! Ryan needs to learn to sleep in his own bed! She didn't argue, but left him for my shoulder. ( must be funner to hangout with someone who will pay attention to you!") Nancy
  2. Not sure if I can help, but here goes! Most infections, or exchange of saliva, between owner and bird, tends to be Staph positive. When there is an exchange of negative bacilli, that is where you baby tends to get sick. I don't go crazy exchanging kisses with Sophie. She needs to develop a natural immunity. She has! BUT... I am exposed to tons of infections.... I refuse to pick her up, until I have showered, and she knows this! I also HATE to take them to the vet, as they will be exposed to illneses they shouldn't be exposed too! I won't take my birds to a vet, unless I need too. Nancy
  3. They are sooo fun! Sophie has been my best friend for past ten years. When she walks out and asks me " whatcha doing", I always tell her. Then I say... " what are YOU doing?" She has lots to say! She understands the concept! Nancy
  4. Its been over a decade since I worked with Sophie at age two, when we adopted her. She was " rehomed", but from a fantastic dad, that didn't have the time she needed and deserved! He put her needs beyound his own, so believe me, she came from a great home, and many of us wanted her. She picked us ( we didn't know a thing). I opened her door, we played games in front of the cage everyday. Within two weeks, she walked down to us, wanted to play! We ignored her, we were very involved with our game. We all told her Hi!, but kept doing what we were doing. She wasn't interested in being dismissed! LOL We told her she could play. She had to stepup to the person's who's turn it was. She was okay with that! We didn't pay any attention to the stepup process... she was " slowing us down!"( of course, it was all about her!) Sophie LOVED games. All stepup was, was about being on a team. She learned how to " stepup". Yes, she was tricked, the stepup, was no big deal. 12 years later, Sophie continues to love games, is very competitive.The moment I walk in the door, her foot is " up", ready to go! Sometimes I have to tell her, I'll be there in a minute! If she gets impatient, she will tell Ollie and Zoey (pups) " pick me up!" LOL Nancy
  5. I don't believe the end is near! You have a bird, that needs to drink! Push the fluids. I get the uric acid, and the results. Nancy
  6. Of course! They are just kids, learning " behavior limits!" If a bird bites, the answer is NO! NEVER tolerated, or accepted! Some do... I have NEVER allowed any of my birds to bite. Timeout. Nancy
  7. chelseaB My speakers are dead. Kids are planning on fixing it this weekend. If Biscotti is rambling the most in his cage, why are you apologizing? The goal for any bird, is to be comfortable in their cage. It is their home! You have done everything right, and should be proud! Nancy
  8. Welcome CaGlulu. Age 14 months. GREAT time for learning! I'm glad she is mite free. Don't be shy! Join us! This is a tough age, and we are here for you. Nancy
  9. I remember going to Disney. My son Sean was two. I LIVED on that ride! LOL Nancy
  10. Sophie, imitates all of us to perfection! ( I DO resent that she imitates me like a valley girl!) LOL Kids say she imitates me to perfection! She also talks waaaay too much! I always tell her that! Kids again laugh. Like mother, like daughter, they say. Are they saying I talk too much? LOL Nancy
  11. A bite of "Rescue", is a bite of love! Nancy
  12. Everyone is so right about bedtime. Whether they are a rescue, baby, they all do the same. Don't want to go to bed! Bedtime routine, is important! Eight everynite here. Decide if you want to cover, based on previous experience for your baby. Just like kids, they whine, complain, and DON"T WANT TO GO TO BED! LOL Stick to your guns. Sophie our grey, should have won an " academy award", for her drama when we first got her at age two. At bedtime, she was scared, acted like she was going to die!( remember, she came from a great home!) I never let her get away with her antics! LOL On the other hand, there WERE nights that she had a bad dream... was calling to me. I was always there, reassured her, and back to bed. Nancy
  13. Merlin is trully beautiful! You have so much to teach us all Nancy
  14. Momo... read more about the stepup training on the internet. Look into other ways. I've heard clicker training is good ( way after my training days!) Sounds promising! I've also heard of " stick training". I don't know enough about that either! Any ideas guys? What I don't want you to do, is constantly get bit for your efforts. If you're getting bit... not working! Don't go back for more punishment. Alternative plan, and we are all here to help you find it. nancy
  15. I agree... Enough! I don't see why I should continue on this site. We disagree sooo much. Nancy
  16. I will be respectful. I won't agree to being attacked! Nancy
  17. Jayd... I have NEVER told you what to do! You attacked Munch, don't try to defer it to me! As far as " practice what I preach". What on earth, are you talking about? Telling me to " practice, what I preach", I don't get it! You make no sense! You have a pattern of deferring issues to other people. Blaming them! Blame me all you want!I'm okay with that! At the end of the day, I have all birds who listen to me! NONE. chew their feathers, birds LOVE the dogs, birds love also the humans in our family. Argue all you want! Nancy
  18. Great thought! I have no issues with Sophie stepping up. Whats my next challenge guys? Nancy
  19. I stick to my guns... NEVER towel a bird. Your baby took a chance. Didn't workout! Nancy
  20. danmcq... Yes... it CAN happen! That was my goal, and was alot of work! Timeout for five minutes, for every bite, in a timeout cage.( NEVER, their cage). When Sophie finally understood after six months, It was a celebration. ( believe me, she was quite spoiled, but... got five minutes for any bite!) We were all exhausted! I haven't been bitten since. Many people will comment " I was abusive", blah blah! Sophie has never been abused, very spoiled, and VERY sure of herself! She is a perfect angel, with open door cage. Her best friends are other birds and dogs. Its worked for us. Nancy
  21. They are all doing what they do best! Gearing up for around the age of two to three when they talk like crazy.( remember, they are comparable to children, and talk around the same time!) Everyone sounds like they are on perfect schedule! As Sophie is now 12, talks like a crazy girl, I am sooo excited to listen to you all. She did just what you all describe. I can't even describe the happiness and awesome relationship I have with Sophie. She is soooo amazing! While Ryan my oldest, is home from college, he always suffers from insomnia. I found him sleeping on the couch with Sophie. I got up at 5:30 to go to work. Sophie told me " SHHHH!" She was sleeping with Ryan. She had her head buried in his neck, with her butt up in the air! I took ten extra minutes to watch them. He was petting her half awake. She was quiet as a mouse. Nancy
  22. Amit Gomes... I suspect you will be a GREAT parent! I know them, when I see them! I could say the usual, " quantity of time", is great! I can also say, " quality of time is even greater!" But for a parent to be " comitted to a companion grey", that is even more important to me. Nancy
  23. dhillon88... I don't see any evidence of chewed feathers! BAD clipping, but a beautiful bird! Nancy
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