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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. How old is Jasper? He sounds young! If sooo... lots of training ahead and you are on the right road. NEVER give up on stepup training. EXTREMELY important. As the trust develops, so does the following of your commands. Been where you are. I was lucky when we had a house fire, we were at the stage of trust to stepup immediately. Birds were all out on play gyms... I don't think I even said " stepup". Birds were put in their cages, dragged outside, ripped up the hardwood floors... of course, didn't care. Dogs were put in the cars. Of course if they didn't allow stepup, I would have toweled them.( birds can complain later!) Fire was put out, and I am proud to say, our practiced fire drills with kids paid off! We did it exactly as we had practiced, remained calm, and everyone was safe. Nancy
  2. Sassy... if you are NOT allergic to birds, that is most important! My kids also have exercise indused asthma. Skip the purifyer. It won't make any difference for you and your bird.
  3. Sooo excited for you! We will all be here for you! Nancy
  4. NOT Alfie... Misty! I know it was a mistake on your part.No big deal! We all do it!We LOVE hearing stories about Misty. Nancy
  5. No bird... should EVER be toweled! My birds go for a trim twice a year, for beaks and nails. ( i'm not going to do it!) They stepup immediately to my groomer, ask NO QUESTIONS! They are on " excellent behavior" They are happy to be there! They get glowing reports.Yes, they have had a relationship with the groomer since the day they came into our home. It is a relationship, that is just as important as a vet. I'm lucky to have found a groomer that has known my birds for past twelve years. nancy
  6. I wish you could fly out, and let baby pick you! It is very important in my opinion. Our rescue picked Ryan, Kiki picked Sean, (baby Amazon), Sophie our grey, ( rehomed at age two), picked me. I don't think there is much difference between a baby girl, or boy Grey. Nancy
  7. I have " hard" carrier for Sophie. Has one perch. Bought it from my local birdstore. Kiki and Sunny, travel in a dog carrier as they are bonded. ( Amazon and Sunconure.) Nancy
  8. I am certainly not qualified to offer any advice on breeding, but I am absolutely amazed to hear about two greys who obviously care for each other,living together, in one cage. Wish you the best! Nancy
  9. Cain't wait to hear more about Zulu!! Baby is going to be a new beginning for you! Baby needs your expertice! As I miss Max, I totally understand, and would LOVE to hear stories about Garth I would LOVE to tell you stories about Max, my lhasa. I would LOVE to hear stories about Garth Nancy
  10. Sassy... I am an asthmatic pro! You need to be tested! Neytiri will be your child, air filter will not protect you! Get tested. If you are allergic, the situation will not change. Nancy
  11. chezron... you are doing just fine! Nancy
  12. You satisfied Charlie's needs! GREAT job! You should see an improvement in his behavior. Now you must let know Charlie, your expectations of him. The goal should be, to remove Charlie from the cage to play. Eventually Amanda should come out and join you. You are introducing " flock" mentality. Nancy
  13. Brendon... how do you feel about letting your baby become fully flighted? I think Lester would benifit with learning how to fly.Don't get me wrong, if you believe in clipping, I won't argue the point, but as a new baby, this is an important opportunity to develop chest muscles, and practice flying. I am an experienced clipper! I just suggest all babies learn how to fly! I only " trimmed", when I wanted baby to focus on learning. My idea of " trimming". was being able to fly two rooms away. My birds are fully flighted, but I also understand why " parents trim". Nancy
  14. How old is your bird? Sounds like a baby! Nancy
  15. Sophie will act like the " wicked witch", from OZ! " I'm melting!" She is such a drama queen, and we all get " sucked" up into it. NO shower, no spray! This weekend, I am determined she get wet. Its almost 100 degrees! Nancy
  16. Dave has excellent advice. I am lucky to have three birds of different origins, whom love each other. Sunconure and Amazon are paired. Sophie, rules the flock, including dogs. ALWAYS supervise. Nancy
  17. ZulusMom You are going to be a GREAT mom! You already are! I will offer suggestions in the near future, but I just want to take a moment on this site, for all of us to say a prayer for Garth, and remember him. You will always love him, and remember. You are not replacing him, you are opening your heart to someone that needs your love. He would be proud of you. I totally understand. Nancy
  18. Wingy... went to birdstore today for food and schedule a spa treatment with Paul. Told him you and I have met online, and he didn't know who I was! He laughed... told me my name, said you had just called! Played with your baby. He had just eaten his baby food slop. Wasn't wearing it this time! LOL! I still LOVE that he hasn't lost his " Curious George" personality. You are gonna have your hands full! He's going to be a quick learner! I started talking to Paul about you... baby was trying to break thru the cage to play! LOL Nancy
  19. What a riot! Shame on you for not feeding sooner! LOL I LOVE the self confidence. Nancy
  20. One step, closer to you! LOL Nancy
  21. If you looki at the last photo,l a picture of Zoey.(pup). she is a favorite amoung all! She is a favorite, and everyone treats her like the baby of the family! She is the baby! Look at her trusting face! Her new diagnosis of seizures, has upset the entire family. We are all concerned. She is now on anti seizure meds, as well as hypothryoid. Vet insist we go monthly, for blood draws. Poor Zoey! I LOVE my little girl! Nancy
  22. Thanks Jayd! I was worried, as many people posted they wanted to see my gang. I was concerned we couldn't deliver on the expectations! I quickly realized, my gang is great, but not perfect! They are all pretty darn cute, and yes, they chew windowsills! ( three) Nancy
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