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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I'm so happy Stormy is doing fine! I agree with the vet... you are doing a GREAT job. We are all here to support you at every turn in Stormy's life. Nancy
  2. A first vet visit, is a big deal, in their mind. They don't adjust well to a change in their enviroment easily. As they mature, and experience new things that are fun, they start to adapt better. Give her time. Of course be concerned if baby is losing weight, not drinking, but too early to tell. Nancy
  3. murfchck.. I thought you would get a kick of Sophie on her imaginary phone. She makes the sound of a seven digit dialed number. She say's " hello? Oh, how are you? Then she giggles, breaks out in gibberish, laughing in between. Then she say's okay, alright, bye.CLICK! I told her once she forgot to say bye... she started all over again, got her bye in that time! LOL! It is amazing! Nancy
  4. As I have been home alot this summer, bird door, is always open. Kiki is all over the place, including my bedroom. Found her on my pillow, happy as can be. I opened the refrig, to make some dinner decisions, she flew into the refrig. Whatever I eat as a snack, she lands perfectly on my wrist, asking for a bite. ( she actually has good manners). I'm not sure what to do about her new freedom, as I am back to work fulltime, and both kids off to college. Nancy
  5. Virgil, looks quite healthy!I would suggest opening the door, whenever you are home, offering her the opportunity to stepout. As far as into to other family members, it should be done away from the cage, but after she feels trusting with you. Nancy
  6. Sophie here. I refused the harness. Rom was sad, but knew there is no arguing with me. Wise woman if you ask me! Gabby... You will always love that Howard guy, but you need to learn your new daddy's name. Geez! Who's called Howard anymore! My friend Ryan's middle name is Howard, and he hates that I know it. LOL! I call him " Rye". Jake... gotta get rid of that Isabelle girl. She's stepping on your turf! We goota have a party, or sleepover.You can all come to my house! Rom would be happy to have you guys over for a sleepover. We could all practice flying in my family room. It is huge! We have to watch G rated movies, nothing scary... and nobody can curse. Otherwise, Rom will get mad. Sophie
  7. zooman... let us know what that bad advice was. It would be important for others to learn. Nancy
  8. Kiki amazes me how she can turn anything into splinters. Including my windowsills! Nancy
  9. Agreed... baby steps. You're doing everything right. Before you know it... Gabby will be an angel!Not just for Pat, but you too. Nancy PS I wasn't suppose to use the chain? LOL
  10. I take my gang in for beak trimming and wing clipping twice a year. Beaks... I have never noticed changed. Wings... annoying feathers they haven't taken care of. Nails... Kiki is the only lazy bird, who doesn't trim them well enough. Last visit to groomer, Sophie didn't have excellent flight feathers on her right side. Be careful. Nancy
  11. I am so sorry! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Nancy, Ryan and Sean
  12. zooman... I agree with your vets opinion. Babies need to learn to fly, 100% as babies. We practiced flying with all our guys. One to initiate the flight, another family member, to be on the otherside, waiting if they crashed. All in our family room.As they got older, they were trimmed according to their learning needs. They still could fly, but just enough to maintain their basic flying abilities. They were able to focus on learning and expectations. They became fully flighted rather quickly. I'm sure people will complain that this was not the best thing to do for my birds, but I say,my birds don't chew their feathers, love each other, and fly quite well. They are very happy. Isn't that our goal? Nancy
  13. Agree...NOT regurg. Kiki did that as a baby also. Regurg, has much more neck action! Totally normal, whatever it is! LOL Nancy
  14. I LOVE birdhouse's suggestion. It will take several months to develop the trust. Until then, let Gabby understand, " you are for reaL".... are NOT going to desert her. Follow a routine as much as possible. Biting, no! Return to cage over and over for a bite, BUT.... make sure you come back five minutes later for another chance. Remove Gabby again.I am no expert, but have a rescue. I never let Sunny ( none of my birds really), go beyond my wrist, until we had a true relationship of trust. I also never let them be taller than me. Sunny was out of " forever" homes, when we got him. He would fly out, and attack any prospective new owner, and attack their jugular! Can you imagine how I felt, when my friend asked me to take him. We never had a bird, never considered a bird. You want me to do WHAT? She told me, Sunny had picked Ryan as his " soulmate"( she was a foster mom). I couldn't deny a relationship, that was meant by destiny!( I'm a destiny believer!) Or... a pushover! LOL! Hence... Sunny has been with us, never bites anyone's jugular anymore ( thats just NOT nice, or tolerated!) Nancy
  15. Why didn't I think of that ten years ago? Where were you guys? LOL Nancy
  16. There are many of us, that DON't trim on their own.Quite normal! Nancy
  17. Thanks Talon! I'm worried that Ryan, left for college last week, Sean leaving for college next week. It will be me,to care for the birds.We have always cared for the birds, as a family.I'm starting to worry! Nancy
  18. Noone has responded to my concerns regarding Kiki. Can you all please help? Nancy
  19. Sarasota and Jayd... you are certainly NOT annoying anyone. Here is my issue. ( we are discussing....) When my birds go to get trimmed, they are excited, wag their tails. They stepup immediately to my groomer, as they trust him. They leave happy. When Sunny was diagnosed as being under weight, I was invited to go into my trimmer's world.( in the back). I don't think alot of people are allowed to go there. He wanted to show me Sunny's ribcage, and how he needed to gain weight. I was shown a world, that probably few parents see, since they will be upset. They are towled by two people working together. I was invited in the back, because my trimmer felt I could handle how birds are trimmed. This is how it is done! Offering treats beforehand, is fine to develop the trust as demonstrated by the video.Trimming IS done by toweling, and done by two people.We complain how it is abusive, but how do you all think it is done? Nancy
  20. Your baby is weaning, perfectly! If she doesn't want the formula, okay. Offer her something else that she might be interested in. The oatmeal, or maybe some yougurt, sounds encouraging. My number one rule is... " always listen to your bird!" Nancy
  21. Sassy... safety, is the most important thing.Finding the best groomer, is so important! My groomer has trimmed, or NOT trimmed, for past 12 years. He has been sooo important in our lives. Nancy
  22. turtlepunk... take a deep breath. Whats going on? Have you seen the vet?Whats the diagnosis. We are all here to support you. You are NOT alone. Nancy
  23. I've lost my audio, but I watched it anyway. I saw a bird whom is very happy and playful. Nancy
  24. Check out info related to " rooting". You're all going to see that too. Become knowledgeable, and decide how your going to deal with this behavior. Hope I am covering some basics for babies. Nancy
  25. Chezron... isn't it amazing how some birds do something over and over, ( like regurg), and then you find a bird owner, whom has never seen it? I hear so much about sexual aggression, but have never seen it with Sophie. Nancy
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