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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Ray... I want Nilah to come to my home too! Lets arm wrestle for her! LOL Nancy
  2. What a smart girl she is! Pretty too. Nancy
  3. I also would start with three toys only. You can certainly buy a ton, as rotation of toys works in their future, but in the beginning, the simpler the better. The goal is for baby to like his new home, not the toys. Nancy
  4. I'm with you all! I was shocked to hear feed mac and cheese, pizza. I thought as we were being unhealthy, but trying fattening foods, I thought bacon was okay. How about oatmeal?I have always fed my birds a healthy diet, and they eat it. I provide minimal sunflower seeds, but am trying to sneak a few into Sunny. They are not his favorite. I need fattening food suggestions, but healthy. Nancy
  5. Sophie would LOVE that! She won't do a harness, but wants to go outside. I know she could do that.Thanks! Nancy
  6. I've heard of many greys traveling the country, and loving it! Flying, quaranteening... would not go well for the grey. nancy
  7. Sounds like Jake and Brutus feel the same.It is actually good that they prefer a certain spot to poop. Some do, some don't. Ultimately... when they have to, they will poop in their cage. Its not going to stress them out, and they are going to hold it for a relatively short time. Nancy
  8. Talon... Funny! I believe it as when Ryan had insomnia, slept on the couch, Sophie was sleeping with him. I was getting ready for work, in the kitchen, she yelled at me " shhhh"! I told her I would NOT shhh! He needs to learn to sleep in his bed. Nancy
  9. I knew it wouldn't be long before Gracie gave you sass! LOL! I agree with both you and Steve. Maybe stopping for a second, then saying bedtime now firmly would work. You can't always " stop"... even though they are using the word correctly, if it reinforces negative behavior. She put you in a tight spot! Thats our smartie pants! Nancy
  10. My vet and trimmer recommended fattening foods like mac and cheese, pizza, to put some fat on him. The bacon, was just my own thought. Sunny hates the mac and cheese and pizza. He is use to a healthy diet. The adding of yogurt, is all he likes. I just want him to gain some weight.I'm not going to lose Sunny, because he is old... but active and appears happy and healthy. If he needs to gain weight... then thats what I will focus on. I do want to do it as healthy as possible. He is enjoying the extra attention! Nancy
  11. Calcium, cement, rope and wooden perch is a great start for a grey, regarding perches. They need all of them. You can't compare them to any other bird. They are soooo different. We all start thinking they are so complex, and we will never figure out what their issues are. Once you understand them, we realize how " simple", their requests really are. Sophie my grey, is the easiest of all my birds. Nancy
  12. Whatever you choose, make sure it is a cage that they will love forever. Greys HATE changes to their enviroment, and don't adapt well to new cages, in the future. The cage you choose, should be a " forever" cage. Nancy
  13. Jayd, whats wrong with bacon for Sunny? Of course, would never do it for my birds, just trying to fatten Sunny up.The only thing Sunny really likes, is Dannon yogurt, and spaghetti cut up. Any other thoughts?I have never provided a diet high with sunflower seeds, but giving them to Sunny. He's not ectastic. I need some great ideas to put some " meat", on Sunny's chest. Nancy
  14. I believe her daddy is addicted as we all are! LOL! Nancy
  15. Sean packing today. Got home from work, Kiki had flown to my bedroom and brought up a popsicle stick, chewed it all over my bed.Do you think she knows Sean is leaving? She has never been so focused on my room, as she is this week. Nancy
  16. We all love our birds, like they are our children! LOL! Many sleepless nights here as well. If they weren't feeling well and seeing the vet the next day, they slept in bed with me. Zoey always moved over. How sick is that! Nancy
  17. I call it " the first vet visit syndrome"! LOL Mine all did it... wouldn't talk to me the next day, or eat. You were right to be concerned though. Glad everything is okay. Nancy
  18. Gabby sounds very smart! Even though she is 20 and set in her ways in many aspects, she is certainly trainable. Continue with your expectations. I think Greys ultimately want to please us, just don't always know what we expect! The same can be said, we don't always understand what they want! Nancy
  19. Interesting, how many will poop anywhere, others hold it! I think we are all jealous of each other!LOL Lets keep discussing this matter. Wouldn't it be great to teach them to poop in the toilet and flush! Nancy
  20. Ohhhh I miss those days of them trying to figure it out! Now Sophie at age 12 figures it out in seconds! No tricking her anymore. Yes... she still believes in Santa. Nancy
  21. Always... watch the eyes! Eye pinning means... dialating and constricting. Can actually mean two things, from my experience with Sophie. When she was two, just adopted, her eye pinning meant, she was warning me. BACKOFF! As she got older, ( around another six months), and trusted me, her eye pinning meant, she was interested in learning what I had just said. Usually catchy phrases. She wanted to learn what I had just said. Its important to " listen" to your bird, and understand what they are communicating. Warning, vs Learning. Lucky now, all eyepinning means, she is learning. Nancy
  22. RayP... I don't ever close the bird door. I never have. I can close the door to the birdroom, which I know I will have too for their safety. I just feel sad for Kiki that she has grown alot this summer, going to all of us, a new confidence I haven't seen. Now I'm about to pop her bubble! Nancy
  23. TeriG... You have very important questions! We all do something different. I have three birds of different origins but prefer the same food. I give them their pellet mix, freezedryed fruits and veggies, all mixed together, in the morning. They also want 1/4 slice of toast, buttered. I have a "platter" of fresh fruits and veggies that they all share. Sunny, our sunconure is old, and losing weight. Now we are giving him fattening foods, but not crazy about mac and cheese, or spaghetti ( no sauce!) ( recommended.) He LOVES yougurt, eggs and bacon. Of course, I can't keep the other birds out of his fattening diet. I made a sauce free lazagna, which he loved!Who ever heard of a lazagna , with no sauce? As long as Sunny eats it, I'm good. Nancy
  24. Sean my youngest, leaving for college in 48 hours. Ryan, is already gone. That leaves me, to make sure everyone is happy, getting socialized enough, have enough free time from birdroom, etc. I'm starting to worry, as we have all taken care of our birds as a family! I'm not concerned that they won't adjust to just me and the dogs, because they all love me dearly, I am concerned that birdroom door, is going to be closed alot more. Of course when I work, birdroom door will be closed. As someone has been home 24/7 all summer, birdroom door has been opened all the time. Kiki has especially thrived. She has never flown quite like she has done this summer. Hovering, landing with perfect precision. I just don't want her to lose the confidence she has gained. I think Sophie will do okay. Nancy
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