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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Timbersome.. Dave has excellent advice! I just didn't follow it. I encourage beaking, regurg( not in your mouth) Hand only. To me... Sophie was trying to bond with me. That was twelve years ago.She continues to attempt to " regurg" every once in awhile. There was never sexual aggression. She wanted a mama. I am that person. Sophie is the BEST bird. It makes me sad when parents ignore the regurg, discourage it, think this may be " sexual aggression".I know this is what " avian bird experts" say. I don't believe in it. Nancy
  2. I have utilized the enviroment of " no cages closed", to assimilate the enviroment in the wild. Alot of success! Different birds of different species, get along quite well.Dogs here, also love our birds. I am struggling now, because I don't have kids home that have always been available for birds to stepup. When I get home now, I have three birds with their foot up... want me to pick them up! It is getting very difficult to satisfy everyone's needs the moment I walk in the door. Nancy
  3. I can understand the hurt and dissappointment. I treated my birds as youngsters, a little differently. ( 12 years ago!) I was always the mom ( rom). Kids were involved in their care, Sophie was left confused... everyone was involved in her care, she couldn't figure out whom she could focus on the most. She loved everyone! THAT was my plan! EVERYONE was part of her life! We continue to all be part of her life. She loves us for different reasons. Sophie was never allowed to bond with just one human. She has bonded with all of us. I am her mom. I make the ultimate decisions for our flock. Nancy
  4. A little young. Just encourage her, talk back. Remember... they will all fart, burp, sneeze, cough, it is important to remind them of manners! " excuse me!" LOL Nancy
  5. Something TRULY bothering him! It takes the littlest thing to stress them out. It amazes me. Go back from Tuesday on... think of anything different. Nancy
  6. Happy Birthday! I'm sure you got your truck started, and I'm sure the blood on your baby's wing, was as everyone else described! Nancy and Sophie
  7. Sophie is very much like Cosmo. I will read what Betty Jean Craige has to say.They both sound awesome! Nancy
  8. It didn't work for me! I waas disappointed. Nancy
  9. Welcome Karen and Cosmo! We look forward to learning more about you guys. Nancy and Sophie
  10. dhorje..LOVE the pics! Don't take this wrong, but I haven't been able to tell what your bird is saying! I'm a firm believer in following " bird signs". His pupils are constricted, -- Nancy( a warning), his feathers are ruffled( I am happy), conflicting signals! Nancy
  11. When we adopted Sophie at age two, I made an appointment for " healthy bird appointment". Within two days being here... she was sneezing. Achoo! I was concerned, moved her appointment up. I had found an " avian specialist". Brought her in.... he couldn't help but laugh! She apparently was imitating Sean, my son, who was sick. Nancy
  12. It is very important to remember, change your batteries for smoke alarm when you change " your clocks!" Any smell of rotten eggs, get out, and get your animals out. A possible gas leak. CO2 monitors, should be placed where family and animals sleep. Practice fire and disaster drills every six months, when you replace your batteries. When we had an electrical fire, Ryan and I were home. I knew immediately to throw off the circuit breaker, as I was in the basement doing wash. I still called 911, reported an electrical fire. Ryan and I snapped into evacuation mode. My assignment, was to remove dogs to cars. Ryan was assigned putting birds in cages. I would join in his job. We did it as we practiced.Not a hitch, outside of the gouge we created in hardwood floors. ( who cares!) By the time the fire department came, everyone was evacuated and safe in the front yard. Just a thought for owners that have birds that won't stepup and get in the cage... Towel your bird. Safety is the only concern.Our birds recognized our panic, even though they didn't understand it. Went in their cages immediately! Nancy
  13. Talon... how is the reseach going for new alarm system? Nancy
  14. Sophie TRIES to be good. Hit or miss! Everyday when I get to work, I get inspected by other staff. I suppose I should be embarrassed if I arrive with poop on my shoulder, but I'm not. Tell me I have poop down my back, I change. My coworkers know my birds... its no big deal after a decade of " Sophie poop!" Nancy
  15. Everyone with GREAT advice! birdhouse.... had to laugh! Sunny my sunconure is also our little instigator! They use to sleep on Sunny's rope, with Sunny in the middle. He has complained forever. The girls sink his rope. He has started to sleep on top of his cage in the corner. Now Sophie and Kiki alternate turns sleeping with him. One morning I will find Sophie snuggling him, Kiki sleeping in other cage, another morning I will find Kiki sleeping with him, Sophie on the other cage.They work it out. Nancy
  16. Nicki I'm off to check! Meanwhile, go to photography room, see my birds, " Nancy's gang!" Nancy
  17. Jocelyn... whe you get home, open the cage door, leave it open.Read some books in front of his cage. Play games with family. If Romeo says " Go away"... say NO! Noone is going away. Do NOT close his cage. When Romeo is curious enough, and trusts you, he will first step on his door.( we ignored Sophie, continued to have fun!) She was flapping her wings like crazy! She wanted attention. Continued to ignore her... she walked down to us, stepped up on me, we continued to play our game. Nancy
  18. Why can't Elwood be out with your Senegal? Elwood with one parent, Senegal with another in room together. Hangout together. Don't focus on introductions. You guys doing your usual thing. My sunconure, Amazon and Grey love each other. Dogs also get along. It doesn't always work, but if you walk into a situation thinking it won't work, it won't! Nancy
  19. Well that changes everything! I wonder, if Left footed birds are more artistic like people? Nancy
  20. Sophie would steal my earrings as well. Quick as a fox! I think she was " gem" fascinated, as I love emeralds , sapphires and diamonds! LOL ( small guys!) NOT rich! She didn't hurt me though. I didn't wear earrings for about a year, until she learned shoulder status. The goal SHOULD be shoulder status, just takes time. Six months for Sophie. Now she does 50/50. On my shoulder when I do chores, she wants to come. On my wrist when I'm on the couch, she wants to cuddle. Nancy
  21. Lucy... Red sounds more stylish! Contrasting of colors! Nancy
  22. I couldn't help you, but I know many here can. I had my kids post pictures. Nancy
  23. ariisamis.. I am sooo happy Whitney is doing well! I just KNEW it would work out! Nancy
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