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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sophie's new word! " DROID". Got a new cellphone, when I get a text, phone says droid like a robot. Truly annoying. Now Sophie say's it, in the same exact voice. Took her a day after I got the phone. Nancy
  2. Well sure it is Timbersmom! Hubby laughed, timber knew hubby was laughing at him, didn't appreciate it! LOL " Asshole", was using the word appropriately. LOL! LOL! Nancy
  3. Baby steps! Good that you can work next to the cage. Open the door while you are working. Nancy
  4. Talon.... so sorry you guys had the scare of your life, including your mom! We are sooo lucky our moms are smart, and know what to do!When we were flying all over the place, she scared all of us when she told us to " get in the cage now!" She never talked like that before. Ryan helped her to evacuate us all ( whatever that means). The pups got to sit in the car, we sat in the yard while the fireman put out our fire. Mom really had put out the electrical fire by throwing the " breaker", ( whatever that is). The fireman called us the "Webster oo.( sorry, missing a letter on the computer, that I took off!) Sophie
  5. Normal "flora" that thrives on our skin is gram positive staphloccocus. NOY harmful to our birds. Normal mouth and saliva bacteria, is also not harmful to our birds. BUT.... normal gut bacteria, e-coli, is harmful to our birds. Only found in our mouth, if we haven't washed our hands well after a bowel movement.I know.... gross! But fact. A good habit for all that we have followed religiously here in our home, is to wash your hands with soap and water the moment you walk in our home and before handling birds. Nancy
  6. What fantastic news! Let us know what you think the source was. Nancy
  7. Absolutely!Ryan was 9 when we rescued Sunny, our sunconure. Actually, Sunny adopted him since he was at daycare where his babysitter was a foster mom. Sunny loved Ryan the moment he saw him. Bit everyone else including foster mom. Ryan is 21 now. The love affair continues between the two of them. I watch Sunny for Ryan while he is in college, but Sunny is ryans owner. Nancy
  8. Too funny wingy! They all learn alright.I'm taking a course at work that I have too. I haven't been to school in years, never mind having to study. Whats working for me, is spreading my books on the family room floor and studying. What i'm studying, requires me to learn a sequence of events, that I repeat out loud. Sophie LOVES it! She keeps walking in, trying to eat my books. I keep putting her back on her playstand, telling her " NO Sophie! No chew!"After the third time walking out, trying to eat my books and returning her, she got it. She sat quiet as a mouse on my shoulder. I could tell she was dying to eat my books. but she was being good. I praised her and offered a book that I had just finished. She was soooo cute! She talked to her book as I was talking to my book. When I turned my page, I turned her page. We were studying together. LOL Unfortunately, my book was about saving lives, her book was a love story. I hope she skipped the smutty parts! Nancy
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I know you want answers. You were a fantastic parent. Let us know, if you find the answer. I don't think teflon poisoning is the answer.Please continue to communicate with us and let us share your grief. Nancy and Sophie
  10. excellent advise from greywings. Kiki flies all over the place. Sophie can fly, but will walk into family room as well. As babies, they crash landed many times. We practiced flying with all of them. Nancy
  11. What the heck is wrong with Kiki? She doesn;t do any of this. She has never bitten anyone. We know she is a little neurotic.... but she is a favorite of my kids, as well as their friends. Nancy
  12. While I have three birds of different origns, I learned quickly, to put out a " common" plate on top of cage that they all seem to congregate. Veggies, fruits, yogurt etc. Everyone waits for Kiki to test everything. Once she approves, they all pounce. I also learned that blueberries, raspberries really destroy the paint on the wall. Nancy
  13. You need to focus on her new understanding. Praise, reward, return to cage when her behavior is not appropriate. It was alot of work for all of us, to get our birds to understand that if they wanted to be on our shoulder, they couldn't bite. It worked for all of them. They all go to all of us, on our shoulders. Nancy
  14. Keeping a bird on " wrist status" only, is NEVER a punishment. A true pain in the ass! BUT.... worth it. I'm a vacumn fanatic. Can you imagine how hard it was to vacumn with Sophie on my wrist? she LOVED it, but it was a pain for me. Six months of hell, that was totally worth it.Everyone on my shoulder now. Nancy
  15. EXCELLENT! She is starting to understand, biting is not a good thing for you.A very important moment for you and Gracie. Make a big deal of it with her.Be careful that she doesn't confuse kisses with bites. True progress JeffNOK. Once Sophie told me "NO BITE"... she meant it. Never got bit again Nancy
  16. Rosie is still struggling with trust and dominance. I would suggest removing her to fulltime wrist status only, give it time! Nancy
  17. I'll continue to say.... NO bird should be allowed shoulder status, until the trust is established by both bird and human. It may take time. All my birds are on my shoulder now, but NOT until the trust was established. Nancy
  18. Gracie is a smart girl. Noone is telling you to stop kisses! They are important. Terrible two's are knocking at your door. You need to figure out how you are going to respond. Nancy
  19. Charlie certainly is understanding human language and responding appropriately. Before you know it, dogs will respond, run for the door, as my guys do. Lol! Nancy
  20. You must establish bedtime, and be consistent. My guys go to bed at 8pm. Some parents cover the cage, I did initially when they came home. A decade later, they all put themselves to bed, cages are no longer covered. Nancy
  21. So does Sophie and gang. Nancy
  22. Take a look at your diet.Sounds like he is not tolerating or digesting certain foods.Glad he is okay. Nancy
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