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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. LOL! Echo has his mama wrapped around his finger! Yay for Echo. Smart little bugger. I believe in smothering to death love and affection for any new baby, when they are just that... a baby! If you are cooking, hand off Echo to another family member( within your site), while cooking. Perfect time to acclimate to other family members. As long as you are within site, Echo should be fine. I did this with all my birds. They loved and trusted me, but were fine to hang out with another family member, as long as I was in site. Ten years later.... Ryan and Sean are home from college.... we were watching a movie. Sophie spent first hour with Sean, second hour with Ryan. They were petting her under her beak, head, etc. They had no idea they were doing this as they watched the movie. It was second nature. Sophie ignored me entirely. I was the only one that noticed. Very happy. Nancy
  2. I would never take Sophie to petsmart even if she was harnessed, due to concern for exposure of so many viruses. I may be wrong, but as a nurse, I know too much about so many infections that are resistant to antibiotics.( human). it may not be the same for birds, but I don't know. Not willing to chance it. Nancy
  3. Bongo will give you clues! You need to figure it out. LOL! Maybe we should start a " mystery game"... who can figure out the sound with our kids. It would be so fun! Nancy
  4. Too darn cute, both of them. As I finally have " ears", thanks to kids, I am sooooo enjoying listening for the first time, how greys sound elsewhere. Nancy
  5. Truly gorgeous! Are you adopting? Hint Hint! Nancy
  6. Typical behavior for a two year old. Maybe starting terrible two's?How long have you had the bird? Those answers factors into my suggestions. You will find lots of good advice here I promise you. Nancy
  7. Its great, that we can all agree, to disagree. I'm sure we all believe.... it is very important for all babies to be able to learn to fly. They need to develop their chest muscles, practice landing, develop self confidence. We as a family took it one step furthur, practiced flying with two people in our family. One for take off, one for landing. Safety was of course, our priority. ( watch out for windows, etc) Sophie was " clipped", when we got her. Had no idea how to fly. We spent more time with her, growing her feathers and working on her flying ability. Kiki, our Amazon on the other hand, we had since she was a baby. A " trim" for her, was keeping her flying to three rooms. Sunny our rescue, was never clipped or limited. We trimmed during terrible two's for Kiki and Sophie. They could fly quite well, just only three rooms away. Not everywhere. The only reason we could have better control of them flying everywhere, was having a very close relationship with our trimmer. He knew them well, and helped us during terrible two's and training. It was a very short period of time before they were fully flighted again.It did help with training, stepup and down, introduction to entire family, spending time with us. They could fly off whenever they wanted too. Jayd... please be careful about throwing out the word " abuse". None of my birds were ever abused. They fly everywhere now and have a very happy home. Nancy
  8. Welcome to you both! Nancy and Sophie
  9. Sophie is a busy body as well! I no longer have any curtains or shades on any window on lower half of house. Sophie loves to look out the window and say hello to anything that moves! Kiki the Amazon loves to bake in the sun. Nancy
  10. I wish I knew Sophie as well. She came here at age two. She had a GREAT home... but I feel I missed out on her childhood. I'm glad it was a happy one. Nancy
  11. Happy new year to all. Nancy and gang
  12. I was so excited to see Wally's video. Kids finally got me" hearing" videos. I haven't had sound for a long time. I was so excited to listen to Wally's video. Nancy
  13. It is not wrong, to trim birds during time of educating them. First, they should be fully flighted, then trimmed during training, then fully flighted again. The trimming time, they can still fly, but focus on education. Nancy
  14. katie.c Welcome to Dylan! A fifteen week old is truly a baby. Follow your instincts. Nancy
  15. This cage is very nice.I learned quickly, that what ever cage you choose, should be a " forever home". Greys don't adjust well to a change in their home. Nancy
  16. Boys did eventually come. So did Sophie. LOL Nancy
  17. All greys should trim their nails! Sophie trims her nails all the time. Nancy
  18. There is nothing like the first word! sO EXCITING! nancy
  19. Sophie has always done well with stepup and down. In the morning, I get up a half hour early to snuggle and bond. She ALWAYS stepped up and down, but one morning, she refused to go back. I HAD to get to work! I put her on the floor in front of her cage. It worked. She climbed up, I went off to shower. I've had to do this several times... it always works and her feelings are never hurt. Nancy
  20. I am so sorry for your loss. How did this happen? Nancy
  21. mjv413 You meantioned Piper would demonstrate the same behavior if you were just sitting there with her. I suggest be patient with her, make sure she is comfortable, but absolutely.... continue to train her to travel. Being a part of the family, is the most important thing for a grey. They adapt much easier than many think in my opinion. I know I could take Sophie into her worst nightmare on my shoulder, tell her " I've got you covered" ( she understands this), she would sit on my shoulder and trust me that no harm would affect her. Love and Trust! Thats what the relationship is about. Nancy
  22. We look forward to learning more about you guys. Remember, we are hear to help and guide you for any questions. It is an exciting time to be a new parent! We never forget our first new parent experience! It is soooo fun and amazing! Nancy
  23. Keep listening to Rosie! You guys are a good team Nancy
  24. We are so lucky that even though we have to deal daily with violence in our community... at the end of the day, we get to deal with the violence of our birds. I'll take that any day! Nancy
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