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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sounds like love to me! New babies generate alot of sounds and body motions. I;m no expert, but when my kids were babies, they did alot of tail wagging ( happy), attempting to root in my mouth for food, beek rubbing and regurg. When they felt threatened, I could tell by their pupils dialating and constricting, keeping their feathers close to their body. A bite is always a sign, I'm not interested, but it is important to understand the signs before that. Nancy
  2. Chesire Cat How exciting! You can teach us soooo many things when you get to school. Looking forward to it. When do you start? We need you like.... yesterday! Nancy
  3. Kristan... you had me laughing! Not only was I laughing about Darwin, I was laughing to myself about you almost peeing your pants! I can relate. nancy
  4. Sophie does love to sing, but sings most when kids are home. Ryan is very musical, plays the guitar. Sophie gets going on his shoulder.She LOVES rap, and dances well to the rythmn. Kiki on the other hand... LOVES opera. LOL! Kids always tell her " NO Kiki!" LOL She has perfect pitch. Nancy
  5. Singing is awesome! In my opinion, a very smart grey. Encourage! Nancy
  6. Oh NO! Continue to offer her that walnut. She is having fun! That walnut needs to be tamed... she is into it. Nancy
  7. What kind of cage do you have? We have all experiensed freeing our birds from many things, even with the best, and safest cage. Nancy
  8. Regarding " sophie"... child or parrot... whats the difference? She thinks I'm her " ROM", she can't say mom. She thinks she is my child, so I guess she is! LOL! So happy many understand soap and water, is very important. It is the first defense to illness. Nancy
  9. There is no " right" word. Sophie liked me saying " lets go". I don't say anything anymore.I made sure once she stepped up, I made her experience amaing.When she was starting to stepup, I took her on a tour of the house, introduced her to all our rooms, pictures of everyone and their history. LOTS of conversation, and certainly, returned her to her cage when uncomfortable.We did this over and over. If she was uncomfortable, back to her cage, quick kiss on her beak, thanked her for her time. Nancy
  10. I too am humbled. Head and neck scratches... constant foot up to go ....I get this too.If I take a nap, rarely, I will find Sophie napping with me. JeffNOK... she still is a baby. When she is 30 months, you will see a difference. You are doing just fine. Nancy
  11. When kids were little, ( they both have asthma), but wouldn't tell me they were wheeing, Sophie would be coughing... my first clue. I would ask them, who is sick? She was my first defense. Nancy
  12. Wow! I work too much! Sometimes I don't get home until 7pm. Up at 5am, out by 6:15. Sophie will get up early to hang with me for 15 minutes. I'm always off on Wednesday. I refuse to go anywhere. Bonding day.I'm off on weekends. Sophie is good that I have to run errands, but we spend time together thruout the day. Sundays is a different story. It is HER day with me. Even though I work alot, she is with me the moment I walk in the door.She also has the company of the other birds, and dogs, when I open the birdroom. Sophie also talks to both the kids on the phone at least twice a week, while they are at college. They are coming home next week. A surprise for Sophie.I haven;t told her. She is going to truly FLIP out with happiness! I will get a quick kiss from Ryan... he will run into birdroom to see Sunny and Sophie. Sean will also give me a quick kiss, run in to see Kiki. It makes me happy, that both of my boys, continue to love our birds, Nancy
  13. I would hold off on spraying or shower for now. Work on the trust and relationship. A little dander can wait. I'm glad you tried the open door. I wouldn't worry too much about going back in... they will ask to go back in usually pretty quickly! FANTASTIC progress in such little time.Your new baby sounds wonderful! Not timid. Sounds curious about you and brave enough to check you out! Excellent!I suspect your new friend has a wonderful future with you. Nancy P.S. we will help you every step of the way. Many of us have been there, didn't know a thing. Boy. Sophie taught me quickly! Nancy
  14. oh why can't they learn the things we teach them all the time that we want to hear? Oh no.... I get farting, burping, coughing and sneeing.( still haven't found my letter sophie stole.) Nancy
  15. Sophie trusts many! When I hired someone new to take care of her while I was away for vacation,( someone she liked from the start). He spent two weeks hanging with her. She had one foot on him, one foot on me!LOL She knew I was leaving. ( I know my girl!) I told her, she needed to put two feet on him. She understood, but took her time putting two feet on her babysitter. I know she was trying to change things. Once she understood, I was still going to go away, she was all over the new babysitter. Stepup, stepdown. A true angel. Nancy
  16. Sorry, my audio is not working. Kids promise to fix it, when home from college.It is obvious, you have a baby. If baby is full, not seeking food but comfort, give it to him/her! Many times in the middle of the night, I got up for my birds crying, came down, snuggled and reassured them, they were okay.When they were babies, I treated them as babies. I always reassured them they were safe and I was always there for them. They learned to trust me. Always listen to your bird, respond to there needs. Nancy
  17. Beautiful pictures of Felix. Observe the eyes. Pupils dialated, (no threat), he is trusting already. Nancy
  18. You guys are doing great! Sophie my grey, is not really good with toys. She is twelve now. Her favorite toy, my 21 year old, is coming home next week. She talks to him on the phone twice a week and is thrilled.I haven't told her he is coming home( not sure she would understand). He is her Christmas present!I'm going to try and record it. Nancy
  19. Absolutely! Hand sanitiers are for emergency use only, sorry for the mispelling. still trying to find the letter that sophie stole and hid. Soap and water. Always! Nancy
  20. I want to go to lisachristine's house for breakfast!Sounds yummie! Nancy
  21. What an adorable picture of Felix. Sophie too will sit forever for head scratches. When I go to bed, my pup sleeps in my arms and wants tummy scratches until she falls asleep.I have piano fingers by now.If I fall asleep before my pup is done with her tummy rub, she jumps up and smacks me in the face!Whoa! Sorry!I am truly enslaved by my animals. Nancy
  22. I also love you saying " where's the foot?" I agree with danmcq. I also would try on a weekend to leave cage door open, hang out with family in front of cage,let her think about stepping up on the door on her own. We did this with Sophie, as she was rehomed at age two.None of us tried to get her stepup. We played games in front of her cage, she walked down, climbed up on me, said " Hi!" I said hi back, everyone was freaking out, I told kids to stop, ignore her and lets play. We did. We passed her around to whomevers turn it was. It was amaing. More than a decade later, we no longer have to say " stepup, or stepdown". Her foot is always up the moment she see's any of us. Ready to go at all times. When we did say " stepup", it was two finger approach. Nancy
  23. Clarice is beautiful. Couldn't have found a better home! Nancy
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