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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Yeah, pictures man! ;-D Kidding...well, not about us wanting pictures..;-) Can't wait you bring her home and we finally get some gory details:-D You'll do great. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride;-) I have things, many things I would do different if I were to start all over again (and which I missed this time) but you already are doing them so there is no point in repeating one selves;-)
  2. Oh, now it is more clear! :-) I understand now perfectly. Thank you:-)
  3. I'd like to have one of those water bottles!:-)
  4. You got me a bit confused here.. You said Sully is a ornery bird and after that you say he is a jewel. I feel like I missed a part of the storry. And this sentence I quoted is puzzeling me all together. Why wouldn't you be able to handle him if he likes you? Today is the first time I came upon this thread and it is just great!:-) I'm so thrilled Sully is happy and just can't wait new updates!! You are a great person for enabling Sully his happiness :-) Tnx for having such a big heart:-)
  5. Good thing tomorrow is a holiday in our country, so we'll have a long weekend:-)
  6. So cute baby!! :-)Tnx for the update and pictures :-)
  7. Nothing from our sunbathing yesterday, and as for today, rain is here again!! So, we had two sunny days in a months time..:-S
  8. Well, why leaving water all day? I change it several times a day, especially if Zak soaks his veggies or fruit in it. IMO it has to be changed. We don't go to sleep at the same time every day, nor do I think it would change anything because Zak wants to mingle till the very end. Sometimes I pick a moment when he comes in the cage to eat, I close it and praise him for being a good bird and then I anounce it is bed time and that that is why I closed him. Other times I put him in the cage from wherever he is and say we need to go to bed. The only thing that is routine in our "house" is when I gradually start diming the ligts, I'll say "Good night beautiful birdie", sometimes "sleep tight" before I cover his cage. In the morning when we are up, I uncover him and say "good morning pretty birdie". He always says "Good night" when we are off to bed, but in the mornings he may yust ask "Who is a preety bird?" I respond "Zak is a preety bird" and then he does the wolf wistle..hihi He knows I'm off to work so he can't get out before I come back so when I'm in other room he calls "Morana, come here" and most of the time I pop by to say "I'll be there in a second" or "comming". I come to him to eat and mingle and off to work I go...
  9. Hahahahaha!!:-))))))))))) This is hilarious!! You have such a smart, smart boy! I'm in awe! :-D Love reading your stories:-D Thank you for sharing:-)
  10. People, which pine nuts do you order for your fids because at this page there are 5 items!?!
  11. See thread Tinkerbell mash for more info. I will just quote Shanlung: " Lima beans contained linamarin, which releases a cyanide compound unless cooked thoroughly. The soaking/germinating process that I do reduces the linamarin. The liquidizing of the all the beans ensured the beans are broken into small bits so that cooking is thorough to render harmless all poison from lima and other beans" Hope it helps.
  12. Oh I wouldn't leave him alone Judy. We already had a few test rounds-watching the balcony from the door/window and perching right next to it while the doors were open. He'll be a bit scared but I'll be there so he'll hopefully settle down quick. We'll see..
  13. Kinda hoping I wont get stuck with some horrible letter;-) Kinda hoping Zak will have a shower later today with me..:-)
  14. I didn't say I don't love a Grey! I am owned by a sweet Grey and I must say, I adore my Grey;-)
  15. Wow, what a great, great idea!! We've done those baloons in elementary school but I forgot all abot it! I'll be using this soon!:-)
  16. Good afternoon to you all and, of course, to your fids too!:-)
  17. Can you please explain what this means? What sheets? I suppose not the ones for making bed?;-)
  18. I must say I spent a long time fixing my balcony so I could bring Zak outside. I really worked like a horse just to finish everything and then the weather worsened:-( Today is the first sunny day so I guess Zak is going outside:-) I imagine he'll be a bit scared because it is his first time... Tnx for the picture:-)
  19. I just wanna mention something that wasn't said... I'm not saying it is, but it could be a medical issue. When is the last time Charlie went to avian vet for a full checkup? I really hope that I'm completely wrong but maybe it would be a good idea just to check it out and rule out this reason. Good luck and keep us posted:-)
  20. My Zak also has a small cage and I'm also saving for a bigger one but it doesn't stop me from putting 2-3 toys in it. It can get a bit crowded but he has to have something to do while he is alone. He really, really does! :-) Do your own toys from paper, straws, ..nothing big.. I often buy paper bagels from e-bay and make something out of them. He loves to shred those. I put one big paper bagel on the top of his cage or on the side, put few smaller and small ones on the sisal string inside and he enjoys making a mess;-) PS: The cages we have in our country that are called big are pathetic and expensive in compare the ones I have seen in UK or US. I don't want to buy such a cage. I'll find someone to make it or even raise much money to get a big cage shipped from somewhere..
  21. Dayo is really beautiful!:-) I'd like to give my two cents as well.. If you are afraid that your bird will fly away than take better care of him so he wouldn't fly away. That might just sound stupid and mean, and I'm sure you take care of your bird very well, but it is a BIRD! He is supposed to have wings and use them. I can tell you. I had few surgeries on my knees and I couldn't walk properly for a long, long time. Of course it is different with birds and wings but I can tell you, I didn't appreciate restrictions I had at all. I guess that is similar how a clipped bird might feel. The even biggest issue is to clip you bird too early in their development. This has nothing to do with preferring clipping or not, it is a fact, a very important one at that. If you are afraid than that is your problem. Don't make it a birds problem too and clipped wings might be just that. Be super careful, do your best and he'll be fine:-) You can train him to fly to you, or if he gets lost to answer some kind of whistle; learn him how to descend to you.. Maybe that could be preventive measures that should be utilized first. Why am I making such a big deal out of this? Because if you would ignore all my reasons I brought up so far, you should never ever ignore the fact that clipped bird could fly anyway and could easily become an easy pray. I won't get into psychological benefits of full flighted birds at all... I'm really paranoid about my Zak flying away so I put secure measures on every window. If the window is open, it is open just enough so Zak can't even think to fly outside. Windows are fully open only when Zak is in the cage and his doors closed with a lock that he can't open. If someone comes to babysit him, I warn the people not to open windows at all. Also, doors of his room has to be closed all the time while someone else is taking care of him. I have the advantage that behind those doors (two of them) there are a small halls where he could fly if he decides he'll make a run for it. So I know he can't get far. It is also human to let it slip sometimes but if you have done everything I suggested here,a chance of Dayo being lost forever is really very small:-) I know you just want the best for your birdie so don't take this the wrong way. I, myself also very often use the better safe than sorry route, but please just think a bit more about this:-) Keep us posted:-)
  22. Links are not working. Any update on the baby? Pictures please:-)
  23. You are his companion so he misses you a lot but for now he doesn't have a choice cause he doesn't know how to come back to you so it is, once again, up to you to take matter into your hands and find him. I read a storry, long time ago, in some newspaper how a priest was accused to whistle while ladies walked near the church. It was very funny to discover that a Grey was whistling at women while passing by. The Grey lived in the tower of the church with a bunch of pigeons. So my point is, if he doesn't come home soon, you need to think that he'll be ok, and eventually happy. But we all know he is coming back so there is no need to be thinking abot those kind of things!;-) I know that there is nothing effective I can tell you that would ease your troubeling mind but if the waiting is killing you, go even further and put some posters up,...basicly, do what you did but further away. You can't give up just yet because Murphy needs you. I know it is hard, but you need to keep it together. I don't think you could live with yourself if you would give up just yet because you know there is still a very good chance he is fighting for his life and his comming back home to you. Talk to us, keep yourself buissy, he will come back Paul! :-)
  24. Oh god Paul, I'm so sorry you haven't found him yet:-(((( When I saw your new post, I was hoping today we would get some good news so it brakes my heart that the waiting continues:-( Maybe he is scared of things and takes off but if he stayed in the area this long there is a strong chance that he is still out there but smart about who does he show himself to-maybe he is watchout of the predators.. I'm sure he learned a great deal about caring about himself so far. He had to, so there is a good chance he'll be just fine till you find him:-) Hang in there Paul!:-) and keep us posted
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