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Everything posted by Gwen

  1. Yes Dee... Roscoe is really in for the long haul!!! A couple of nights I actually had to end our session because I was falling to sleep. Charlie went to bed ahead of me & Roscoe was in his glory to have me to himself.. Like I said, he doesn't bow all the time. When I'm on the floor w/ him he's like velcro to my body. When I roll away, he puts his head down like a snowplow & runs to stay up next to me... He then nuzzles his face into me & if I don't start to pet, massage or scritch... he will grab my clothes & try to "pinch" a little skin w/ it to get my attention. He really soaks up the contact. Anyway, I stood up & reached down in front of him saying, Time to go to bed, Step up.... The first few times he complied & went to bed... The last two nights when I get up & say it's time, he turns around & walks away ... I couldn't resist.. my baby wasn't ready so I laid back down for a few more minutes. He gets so relaxed that his sleep lids cover his eyes & once in a while he opens them up to peek at me & then right back to sleep. I, again got up--I literally have to scoop my hand toward him to step up. I really think he would stay on the floor cuddling all night !! Back to Gilbert... he has far exceeded Roscoe in his own ways !! I would give anything if I could take my bird in the car with me --- let alone have interaction with anyone besides me.... With company over he won't even talk until we leave the room. Your Gil is very well socialized and traveled !!!
  2. Yes, Thanks Ray. The roll gives the bird time to adjust his balance (done slowly) and basically redirects his attention from trying to bite to think about his footing. The earthquake is intense, aggressive & to shock. It's almost like shaken-baby syndrome. I always think about The Golden Rule. "Do unto others......"
  3. How absolutely sweet that he is tucking his head down for scritches !!!! It's the best feeling in the world when they finally start to ask to be touched... As you know, I'm just a few wks. into this also & I still savor each moment that Roscoe allows me to touch him. It's been close to two years coming and he still freaks & does that lightning fast lunge to bite like Gilbert does. It's so difficult for both our boys to relax 100% but it is getting better. Our 15 min. sessions in the late evening have expanded to 60-90 minutes !!! He can't get enough... Like Karen said, Gilbert is a "wee button of a bird" but so incredibly cute !!! That instant in your vid where he looks up at you w/ his head slightly turned is totally the cutest little face ever !!! I love the little clucks and "Hey" to ask you for interaction... Roscoe reminds me of a big, pigeon-toed crow as he struts across the floor to me LOL.. He turns into such a cuddlebug when he wants scritches... Instead of bowing, he stretches his neck out on the top of my pillow, holds the pillowcase in the tip of his beak and closes his eyes. He also will nuzzle into my shirt. He doesn't cluck or talk, just beaks my finger in between a minute or two of petting. He also does that lightning fast bite like Gilbert once in a while during it. Again, they are just beginning to relax. "Trust" is such a big big word... Mixed in w/ the panic moments, I'll take whatever he dishes out for all the those sweet seconds of lovin' !!!
  4. Just looking at the forum & saw this... HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY !!! Hope you had a good day & sending wishes for a happy & healthy year to come !!
  5. Gwen

    Shadow's Gift

    Yes, Yes, Yes !!! It's absolutely the best feeling in the world !!!! Until a few wks. ago, a bowed head meant a possible sucker bite also... Then to my surprise, he let me pet the top of his head... Now, nightly for at least an hour, beak rubbing, nudging, scritches, Roscoe & I enjoy each other too!!! Shadow will be back for more !! It's cute how they beak your finger, get in a little petting, beak your finger, more lovin'...I'm not quite sure what they're doing but seems to be a grey-thing. Occasionally, he starts to bite down instead of holding my finger.... Another member really helped me out by suggesting while I was petting to say, "Gentle...". Now, when he starts getting rough, I say Gentle & he will stop, rub my finger w/ his beak & close his eyes w/ his head turned for more !!!
  6. Yes, we all agree !!! Thank you, Ray, for bring up the differnce and the most important thing..... The roll is standard and the earthquake would ALWAYS be a last resort !! The vet that I worked with used earthquake on her Amazon that had extreme behavioral problems..
  7. Karen... Interesting !!! Yes, I definately like the idea of long sleeves AND not using the lotion. What about a "keep cold" sleeve for your Perrier ??? It would hide the color & the bottle... Experimenting, trial & error, changing behavior.......... Keep brainstorming, you'll figure it out
  8. I also, like "luvparrots", do clip my bird's nails. Part of my duties as a vet tech for 30 yrs. was nails & teeth. I feel comfortable clipping and am aware on long talons that the quick is close, so the first time w/ my grey was "testing" his reaction & being conservative. Amazingly, being a rehome, I thought he would freak !!! I always play with his toes when he is climbing around. He doesn't even know or care I'm clipping !! Also, the one cement perch he naps on has seemed to keep them groomed, so for the last 6 mo. I haven't had to clip ---
  9. WOW Karen... I read your post & my heart sank !!! This is definately behavior that needs to be changed. There are some excellent suggestions here. Wear long sleeves... Also when I'm carrying Roscoe back to his cage, I can tell If he's going to bite me 'cause he bends down instead of reaching for the top of his door. I agree w/ Ray, regarding "earthquake" -- that is, rolling or shaking your arm. It should work with the cup or biting. Please keep us posted on your situation !!
  10. Yes Ray !!! "rehoming and resocializating" is a big big job.... I love that we all can help each other
  11. At this point we just take the bad with the good. I'm thankful you rescued Barnaby & he's now w/ someone who will take good care of him.... The poor guy was just tolerating life and now he will get a chance to enjoy it. I hope he feels better very soon
  12. Thanks for your update, Karen My re-homed CAG has been with me for almost 2 yrs. now. I've realized he does like consistency because it makes him feel more secure. Carefully and being very brave, he will walk abt. 6ft. from his cage, across the floor to cuddle with me now. I use the same hoodie I used the first day I got him & we play tent game. If I try to switch to a different fleece-- he walks away. The other night he walked over to play. When he's under his "Tent" -- he likes to unknot my drawstring on my jammies & the string was black -- not white -- he freaked!! A while back I bought a cement perch he likes to nap on during the day. Thinking that it would be cold during the winter, I purchased a manzanite branch about the same diameter & length. While he was down playing, I placed it in his cage. That night he was going to bed, climbed in, but clung to the front of the cage.... It took a minute for me to think about it... It was the NEW perch !! Our journey is trial & error as is yours. Hang in there -- like the others said; patience and lots of love !!!!
  13. Louie looks like he's playing -- King of the Mountain !!! Is that Ana Grey he's fending off?
  14. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! This new room is a little piece of heaven to all of us. Penny, your the best.....
  15. I enjoyed this immensely and it brought a smile to my face!!! Thank you so much for editing and making the poem personal..... Happy Holidays and a healthy New Year to you & your fids !!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo From: Gwen, Roscoe & Gabby
  16. Thanks, Karen !!!! I absolutely love your videos...
  17. Gwen


    He is so beautiful !!! More pics & info, PLEASE !!!
  18. Gwen


    I bought leather strips at the last bird fair. It was one of my best purchases since Roscoe LOVES to spend hours untying the knots... I also hang toys on them and whenever he unknots them and they fall -- he loves to look down and say, "Oh, Oh!!"
  19. That was so sweet of you to share !!!! Thanks.. And, yes, Marcus was so well behaved !!
  20. Hmmmmm... You just gave me another idea !!! Blow on them when they bite & won't let go ??? Sorry, it's the wrong room and off subject, I just had to ask.. OK, on with hissing Zons...
  21. Gwen

    Ring on leg

    My first cockatiel came to me in a fish aquarium w/ his leg in a cast from an accident involved from his leg band. My 12 y.o. Grey has his but it doesn't seem to interfere with anything. Believe me, I'm always on the lookout for a situation that would present an opportunity to remove it !! It will be gone in a heartbeat... Your decision is entirely your own
  22. Nom, Nom, Nom !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet potatoes are Roscoe's favorite too...
  23. Yes, I agree that Gilbert is showing you he's ready. Dee, you have been such a good friend to "help" guide me with Roscoe. As I said before, I'm not quite ready cuddle up close yet, but Roscoe is stretching his neck up onto my pillow to let me know he wants closer. We haven't tried the back of the couch yet, but possibly some evening when I'm alone with him I'll try it.... With all of us w/ re-homes it's a very difficult balancing act because we seem to take 1 step forward, 3 steps back. Our poor babies are so leary and jumpy, sometimes I think they don't even know how they're going to react. Wishing you continued success & yes, I'm right behind you all the way....
  24. Poor Karen !!! Another battle scar.. I got nailed last night when hubby yelled something from the kitchen while I was petting Roscoe in the living room. It wasn't just a quick bite, He held on, wings flapping, and I lifted him hanging -- up onto the pillow from the floor. Roscoe let out some 4-letter words, and then let go, looked down as if to say, "How did I get up here?? OHH, this is not a stable surface !!". Then, as usual, the cute little kissy noises to say - I'm sorry, Mommy. I offered "step up" & he carefully obliged. I put him down on the carpet and he continued on like nothing had happened. I've got 2 good puncture marks that bled, but that's ok. As to your dilema regarding the saliva & contamination - it was contact with your mucous membrane that makes a difference for both of you for bacteria. Maybe someone will enlighten us ....
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